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  1. #1
    Reefsmoka is offline New Member
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    Would a 12 week cycle of test-e affect my hair a lot? (I'm already balding)

    Hey guys,

    I wanna do a cycle but I'm afraid that my hair is gonna get so much worse if I start one. I'm already a NW2 with thinning hair and I want to keep it from getting bad but I'm considering doing a cycle of steroids . Would a 12 week cycle of test-e 500 mg have a big effect on my hair?

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If your already balding then shave it and be done with it? If you arent that bad then it's time to start some regular maintenance anyways like Rogain & Nizoral shampoo.

    The young and Steroids

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reefsmoka View Post
    Hey guys,

    I wanna do a cycle but I'm afraid that my hair is gonna get so much worse if I start one. I'm already a NW2 with thinning hair and I want to keep it from getting bad but I'm considering doing a cycle of steroids. Would a 12 week cycle of test-e 500 mg have a big effect on my hair?
    Keep in mind that maintaining estrogen levels can also affect hair follicle density. Testosterone and DHT are not the only determinants.

  4. #4
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    If you're prone to hair loss the chances of losing more hair is high. You have to determine if hair loss is worth the muscles.

  5. #5
    Jay-d34 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Keep in mind that maintaining estrogen levels can also affect hair follicle density. Testosterone and DHT are not the only determinants.
    How long after a 10 week cycle of test E-250 with no PCT would your estrogen levels be elevated?

  6. #6
    Lunacy's Avatar
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    If you juice you have to live with the possibility of losing some hair.

  7. #7
    bonez2bulk is offline New Member
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    It will affect it big time! I am not very prone to hair loss im almost 30 and barley have a receding hairline and thick hair at tempels and I lost a crap load on 500mg week test e. It took almost 2 years for it all to come back with rogaine and many other supps. The ONLY steroid that is not androgenic which affects hair and is anabolic but does not convert to dht would be anavar . I am on anavar only cycle at 50mg ed with no test because test causes hairloss and will shut you down very hard which will affect gains in the long run. Do not listen to all these shinny bawld trt fools who say test with every cycle test is best they have no hair and are on trt. Go for anavar only man im telling you research it you will see people with great results and remember to pct with it. You can also run hcg with it so you have test while on and also you wont loose you balls as well.
    Last edited by bonez2bulk; 08-23-2014 at 10:03 PM.

  8. #8
    jesse4466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonez2bulk
    It will affect it big time! I am not very prone to hair loss im almost 30 and barley have a receding hairline and thick hair at tempels and I lost a crap load on 500mg week test e. It took almost 2 years for it all to come back with rogaine and many other supps. The ONLY steroid that is not androgenic which affects hair and is anabolic but does not convert to dht would be anavar. I am on anavar only cycle at 50mg ed with no test because test causes hairloss and will shut you down very hard which will affect gains in the long run. Do not listen to all these shinny bawld trt fools who say test with every cycle test is best they have no hair and are on trt. Go for anavar only man im telling you research it you will see people with great results.

    You have 3 posts. This is the advice you give?

  9. #9
    bonez2bulk is offline New Member
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    I didnt just get on aas yesterday man I have been researching for years. I am also a Exercise Science Major at UCF I have taken classes at college level on this. All these kids get their info from whatever fad/myth is around at the time. I can also speak from experience.

  10. #10
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonez2bulk View Post
    I didnt just get on aas yesterday man I have been researching for years. I am also a Exercise Science Major at UCF I have taken classes at college level on this. All these kids get their info from whatever fad/myth is around at the time. I can also speak from experience.
    It doesn't matter what classes you've taken, the advise you gave above is horrible. OP please don't do a var only cycle.

  11. #11
    bonez2bulk is offline New Member
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    What do you suggest then? It all depends how worried you are about hair loss yes you could thrown some niz/midox in with the test cycle but that will not help the estrogen which will need and ai which will cause hair loss in it self. This is just my advice 50-80 ed hcg 250iu 2x week you can get great gains its just my advice you do not have to take it im not saying its the 100% answer just my advice for the safest route on not loosing hair.
    Last edited by bonez2bulk; 08-24-2014 at 08:10 AM.

  12. #12
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Var only cycle is far from the most efficient cycle.
    But can it yield some gains? YES

    Is it the healthiest way to do it?? No.
    But if the OP judge the few risk he is putting himself to worth it to keep his hair then so be it.

    If that whats you want go for it and do a var only.

    On my part I would say **** your hair just shave everything and get used to it.
    Steroids comes with risk and balding is one of them. If you cant handle the side then dont do steroids.
    But the truth is you dont care and will use gear anyway.

    So do as you wish.

  13. #13
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonez2bulk View Post
    What do you suggest then? Are you gonna suggest he do 500mg test ew so he looses his natty test and gets big and after pct crashes hard and looses his gains unless he hops rite back on again 8-12 weeks after?
    First, the OP is only 23 so I'm not going to suggest any cycling at that age. OP should lift natty for a few more years and learn how to diet. Whether one takes 50mg of pharm grade var or 500mg of test natty test production is going to be shutdown. Anavar suppresses natural test production so the point you are trying to make is insensible. If you're loosing all your gains after PCT then you are doing something incorrectly. If one eats over their TDEE and doesn't overtrain then on cycle gains can be maintained post PCT.

  14. #14
    bonez2bulk is offline New Member
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    HE is talking about hair loss man. If you are on test you will loose hair form the test and or the ai as well as the agressive PCT which is the point im getting across. Anavar will most def shut you down im on it now what im saying is with anavar you will not need any ai nor as an aggressive pct as you would need with test or the duration of your pct you would need with your test pct. Lets break it down..

    Test - what will cause hair loss with it?
    1. Androgenic
    2. DHT conversion
    3. Increase in Estrogen
    4. Much needed AI
    5. Mandatory Aggressive PCT

    1. Hardly androgenic
    2. No estrogen conversion
    3. No AI needed
    4. No DHT conversion
    5. PCT needed but less Duration
    Last edited by bonez2bulk; 08-25-2014 at 11:12 AM.

  15. #15
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonez2bulk View Post
    HE is talking about hair loss man. If you are on test you will loose hair form the test and or the ai as well as the agressive PCT which is the point im getting across. Anavar will most def shut you down im on it now what im saying is with anavar you will not need any ai nor as an aggressive pct as you would need with test or the duration of your pct you would need with your test pct. Lets break it down..

    Test - what will cause hair loss with it?
    1. Androgenic
    2. DHT conversion
    3. Increase in Estrogen
    4. Much needed AI
    5. Mandatory Aggressive PCT

    1. Hardly androgenic
    2. No estrogen conversion
    3. No AI needed
    4. No DHT conversion
    5. PCT needed but less Duration
    I’m well aware of what OP is referring to with this thread. I interjected myself into this conversation not to debate anavar’s affect on hair loss in comparison to test, rather I wished to point out that an anavar only cycle is horrible advice.

    Not everyone will suffer from hair loss when using test. However, hair loss is a common side effect that one should be prepared. Unless you’re willing to lose your hair then don’t cycle. The best way to prevent hairless is to not cycle. If you do cycle then using a topical product would be a good idea. Running an anavar only cycle is not a suitable alternative.

    When we say that anavar is a mild AAS this refers to hepatoxsisity, not it’s suppressive nature. If you do an anavar only cycle you will still need to do a PCT of nolva and clomid. It makes no sense to shut down your HTPA for what you will accomplish with anavar. How much do you expect to gain from an anavar only cycle?

    Anavar only cycles will shutdown natural test production making you feel weak and lethargic. Likely you will also lose your libido. This means ED until you do a proper PCT and natural test production is restored.

    Will using only anavar cause you to lose less hair than test? Yes, this is because it has a lower androgenic number. However, it will still shut you down requiring PCT, make you feel lousy, cause ED, and it’s really only suitable for cutting cycles and increasing workout intensity.

  16. #16
    bonez2bulk is offline New Member
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    You are correct I do agree.

  17. #17
    kvnd is offline New Member
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    if you start finasteride it will negate the hair loss effects of any testosterone based steroid . If you inject DHT though there is nothing that can help you and you will certainly lose any hair that is prone to androgen based miniaturization. I would actually consider dutasteride over finasteride for a steroid user

  18. #18
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Didnt lose any hair while on 500mgs test and 0.5 arimidex .

    Not completely bald also (lol)

    But im not your age, any steroid will speed up going bald at 23.

  19. #19
    jesse4466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reefsmoka
    Hey guys, I wanna do a cycle but I'm afraid that my hair is gonna get so much worse if I start one. I'm already a NW2 with thinning hair and I want to keep it from getting bad but I'm considering doing a cycle of steroids. Would a 12 week cycle of test-e 500 mg have a big effect on my hair?
    It hasn't effected mine and I'm prone to MPB. I took propecia twice a day on test e 500mg cycle, one in am one in pm. Also AI .5 EOD.

  20. #20
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jesse4466 View Post

    It hasn't effected mine and I'm prone to MPB. I took propecia twice a day on test e 500mg cycle, one in am one in pm. Also AI .5 EOD.
    Be aware however, that a possible withdrawal effect of Propecia or other alpha 5 - alpha - reductase inhibitors is that hair loss may accelerate for a brief period when/if propecia is discontinued.

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