Ive been on trt for a while so im doing a blast. For a normal cycle 2 weeks would definitely be too soon considering the body has to adjust for exogenous hormones. But what about a blast?
I would really like to get my e2 honed in as as possible. It seems like this AR-r liquidex is doing a great job as I havnt experienced any bloating or nipple discomfort whatsoever from 250mg test cyp x2 dosing. However my wood has been a take softer than before and not as frequent randomly throughout the day. Also, I seem to get wood in the middle of the night but im not waking up with morning wood. Which leads mw to believe that perhaps my e2 is actually a little low? Ill add that last night I got a tad extra angry at something dumb.
Ive been taking .25 eod btw. Judging by my previous trt bloodworks im inclined to believe my e2 levels would be around 12-18 right now. If my bloodwork does indeed come back with those numbers what should I do to get my e2 to around 22-25? Would adex at .20mgs instead if .25 do the trick?