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  1. #1
    mmazz is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Calf pumps or is my leg falling off?

    So I'm a week off of my 10wk 500mg/wk cycle of just test e. First cycle so excuse all my questions, I'm off everything including my ai as I'm waiting the recommended 14 days before starting my pct. I just introduced HIIT into my training and goddamn idk if it's this or what but my right calf feels so pumped that it's actually numb.. I don't know if that's normal or what, started yesterday after an intense HIIT session and since then I've taken 6g of taurine, some magnesium and I drink a gallon of water a day. Also took a baby asparin in case it was swelling. Well long story short nothing is helping. Any other suggestions? My leg feels like a balloon about to pop. Also nobody told me you feel like garbage after coming off test, I don't even have motivation to move lol. Would going back on aromasin help the calf or?

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    try icing it down and see if that helps

  3. #3
    mmazz is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2014
    Went to my primary and he did a bunch of nerve tests and finally said it was starting to sound like compartment syndrome.. Told me to take 2 Advil twice a day for the next week and if that didn't help he was gonna refer me to a sports medicine doc. If u don't know compartment syndrome supposedly can occur from AAS use. Came home took 2 Advil put some arnica gel on to try and reduce the swelling and now gonna hit the gym and do some back. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse

  4. #4
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Ice ice ice

  5. #5
    Deal Me In's Avatar
    Deal Me In is offline Member
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    When I read this I thought it was strange. In my experience I've never gotten pumps in only one extremity. Keep on eye on it, it doesn't sound good.

  6. #6
    mmazz is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2014
    Yea as he explained to me compartment syndrome is basically when the muscle tissue under the fascia grows too fast for the fascia to stretch and it presses against the fascia increasing pressure and possibly squeezing nerves and blood vessels reducing blood flow to the area. If caught early they said pt and deep tissue massages to stretch the fascia, but if that doesn't work they usually do surgery to cut the fascia and allow the muscle to expand. I actually read on one of these forums a member that had it done and gained two inches on his calves after the muscle was able to expand. I wouldn't trade surgery for two inches anywhere though lol

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