Hey gentleman, first time posting hope I'm in the right place etc.
The general question here is:
Can you expect consistent results from running the same exact cycle yearly?
Planned cycle (same as last year)
-1-16 Test Cyp 750 (possibly front loading at 1200 for first 2 weeks)
-1-15 EQ 600
-1-5 Var 80 E.D.
-Hcg 250 every 3 days
-Adex 0.5 E.D
-Dutasteride 0.5 E.D
-Pct: clomid
I ran the above Two years ago at lower doses (500 test, 600 eq (had no libido issues), 50 var, Dutas same ai & pct. and had Awesome results! I was 195 solid, crazy vascular, ripped stomach and my lettuce looked better than off cycle lol. It was "BD" (from the same source) but different labels and bottles.
Problem was last years results, (same as "planned cycle") I expected to blow the doors off by raising the dosages but was disappointed with my gains (it was good but not "great", not even as good as the previous). The gear was real but I feel possibly underdosed. (Chinese "BD"). I even ran Fina instead of Duta hoping to get more of a kick with less dht suppression. I put my roommate on his first cycle of 500 test only as well (with ai & pct) he's already built like a Mack truck & got only ok results it worked but just wasn't the crazy Frankenstein experiment I thought it would be for him :-\ hence the underdosed gear theory.
I have all Balkan & sciroxx gear this time including boldoxyl 300
My standard (continuing) goals are:
-Increase lean muscle
-decrease body fat
-Avoid sides like shedding & acne
-Look awesome
-improve myself/ keep gains
-rock a Godzilla cock for 4 months. (*Bonus)
Compound history:
Deca, primo, var, tbol, winny (made me shed), Test E & C of course
I've only done 3 legit "cycles" with test base, hcg, ai & pct protocols the other times were "dabbling" in compounds.. As for "dabbling" Don't do that it's a waste of time, duh.
I'm 35
188 lb
I work hard in the gym and run a clean diet
About 12% bf as it stands now
Should I run this as/is or up the dosages even more?
I don't want to sell myself short but I've also never run Balkan or scrioxx before. I've heard good things
Anyone have lackluster results with the newer Chinese "BD" (I know it's not really "BD")
Am I plateauing with these compounds cause my body is getting too used to them? I was hoping to just stick with "what works" for me Tren & harder-core compounds scare me lol
I loved how I felt & looked with this mix I just looked healthy as hell, clear skin to boot and again my hair is thicker on cycle with the Dutas than off it. *Bonus.
Any advice would be much appreciated. Including the best dose to front load with and if that's a good idea for me. I also have some andropen 275 laying around if that would be better to front load with.
Thanks guys.