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Thread: Repeat of Same Cycle, insanity? Test C,EQ, Var

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Repeat of Same Cycle, insanity? Test C,EQ, Var

    Hey gentleman, first time posting hope I'm in the right place etc.

    The general question here is:
    Can you expect consistent results from running the same exact cycle yearly?

    Planned cycle (same as last year)

    -1-16 Test Cyp 750 (possibly front loading at 1200 for first 2 weeks)
    -1-15 EQ 600
    -1-5 Var 80 E.D.
    -Hcg 250 every 3 days
    -Adex 0.5 E.D
    -Dutasteride 0.5 E.D
    -Pct: clomid

    I ran the above Two years ago at lower doses (500 test, 600 eq (had no libido issues), 50 var, Dutas same ai & pct. and had Awesome results! I was 195 solid, crazy vascular, ripped stomach and my lettuce looked better than off cycle lol. It was "BD" (from the same source) but different labels and bottles.

    Problem was last years results, (same as "planned cycle") I expected to blow the doors off by raising the dosages but was disappointed with my gains (it was good but not "great", not even as good as the previous). The gear was real but I feel possibly underdosed. (Chinese "BD"). I even ran Fina instead of Duta hoping to get more of a kick with less dht suppression. I put my roommate on his first cycle of 500 test only as well (with ai & pct) he's already built like a Mack truck & got only ok results it worked but just wasn't the crazy Frankenstein experiment I thought it would be for him :-\ hence the underdosed gear theory.

    I have all Balkan & sciroxx gear this time including boldoxyl 300

    My standard (continuing) goals are:
    -Increase lean muscle
    -decrease body fat
    -Avoid sides like shedding & acne
    -Look awesome
    -improve myself/ keep gains
    -rock a Godzilla cock for 4 months. (*Bonus)

    Compound history:
    Deca, primo, var, tbol, winny (made me shed), Test E & C of course
    I've only done 3 legit "cycles" with test base, hcg, ai & pct protocols the other times were "dabbling" in compounds.. As for "dabbling" Don't do that it's a waste of time, duh.

    I'm 35
    188 lb
    I work hard in the gym and run a clean diet
    About 12% bf as it stands now

    Should I run this as/is or up the dosages even more?

    I don't want to sell myself short but I've also never run Balkan or scrioxx before. I've heard good things
    Anyone have lackluster results with the newer Chinese "BD" (I know it's not really "BD")

    Am I plateauing with these compounds cause my body is getting too used to them? I was hoping to just stick with "what works" for me Tren & harder-core compounds scare me lol

    I loved how I felt & looked with this mix I just looked healthy as hell, clear skin to boot and again my hair is thicker on cycle with the Dutas than off it. *Bonus.

    Any advice would be much appreciated. Including the best dose to front load with and if that's a good idea for me. I also have some andropen 275 laying around if that would be better to front load with.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    How tall are u bro?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I'm 6'

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	333 
Size:	113.0 KB 
ID:	150542

    Only pic of last year I could dig up.. Not bad I guess, but nothing special

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    if you only run one cycle a year then your receptors will be pretty refreshed to give good results using the same compounds

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    IMO you've done 3 Cycles and ur only 6ft 188lbs @ 12%bf its seems to me u need to get ur diet on point... The compounds are only going to do so much until ur diet gets fixed..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    How many calories do u eat everyday?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Ya I know I hear u. Idk about 3k calories when training hard. Trying to find a balance between size & keeping down bf.. That 12% bf % is a guess btw I'm not 100% sure. I'd hoped to look more like you by now lol.

  9. #9
    . You need to do more research on your diet. Get it dialed in perfect. You should be heavier then 188lbs at 6 foot. Especially after 3 cycles. Now im not saying you dont have a good build. Im just saying you need to learn how to eat more and of the right stuff to maintain a higher weight. A good starting point would be to get to 200lbs at 6" then hit your next cycle. You got a good base. Just fill it out alittle more and learn to eat to grow!

  10. #10
    Dang i type slow. By the time i typed my post you already got 4 post. I agree with tice1212

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by michael30 View Post
    . You need to do more research on your diet. Get it dialed in perfect. You should be heavier then 188lbs at 6 foot. Especially after 3 cycles. Now im not saying you dont have a good build. Im just saying you need to learn how to eat more and of the right stuff to maintain a higher weight. A good starting point would be to get to 200lbs at 6" then hit your next cycle. You got a good base. Just fill it out alittle more and learn to eat to grow!
    I agree 100% with this^^^.. I believe u can get to 200lbs natural... Then when u do that, set urself a goal when ur on gear...(215-220lbs)... I would say do a lean bulk... With test and deca.. Don't worry about the little bit of fat ur going to gain...
    The best way to reach 200lbs for u would be to find ur TDEE and add 500 calories to that... Every two months re-do ur TDEE and adjust the calories as necessary... That's going to be the best way to put on a good amount of solid weight...
    Last edited by tice1212; 05-17-2014 at 10:39 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    If that pic is after 2 cycles then you need way more gym time and get your diet right. Not slamming on you or anything but just a TrT dose and heavy gym time over your two cycle time will give about that results. How much did you weigh starting out? 160?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Thanks guys, you're absolutely right about the diet & weight. I haven't been strict enough, guess I needed to hear that. Summers here though & gear is in hand.. Zee cycle she is going down with the aforementioned compounds.. but I'm gunna up the Cals & intensity no doubt.

    Front load?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Weighed about 175, I started out heavier (on the fatter side) and worked my A off to slim down naturally before doing my first cycle. Just don't feel comfortable in my own skin when I get bloated lol. Although I know the adex dutasteride combo cuts down on gains.. Worth it though IMO

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.

    Hate the bloat. My trt was Undecanate and it made me bloat and sucked. Moment I started pinning test prop it went away. Do not know how anyone can use a long ester for cycle unless they got all the weight off.

  16. #16
    Ok well if your going to go ahead with your cycle you will have the exact same results as before unless you do research and fix the problem. I hope you do good luck!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Not exactly the type of answers i'd originally expected.. Long time lurker/researcher/ never posted before. but I'm taking this feedback as a sign (& as a Challenge). A small jury of my piers has instead concluded (as politely & professional as possible/ respect) that basically my work ethic is undisciplined and lazy & my diet insufficient & sloppy. Guess I needed to hear it. Just got out of a 2 hour session. Day 1 of my new diet (researched all last night).
    I'll either be back on here in a few months to post some results worthy of this forum or I'll be hanging my head, wallowing in the lackluster shame of mediocrity. Again.

    It's all on me.

    Cheers gentleman

    P.s. I will be back

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    If you must cycle stick with a test only at 500mg per week. Couple that with a great diet and you will get results. No amount of mg's or number of compounds will make up for a substandard diet.

    Good luck.

  19. #19
    Edog i think you took the advice the wrong way. When we were advising you to work on your diet. We didnt necessarily mean your eating junk. We meant to focus on eating more of the right foods to help maintain a higher body weight. 6" at 188lbs is alittle light. So we can gather that your not eating enough to maintain a higher weight. Hope that helps

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