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  1. #1
    woodiechopper is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2003

    Continuing Cycle - Beginner

    I'm over 45 and wanted to try a cycle after reading the posts in the over 35 forum about more vigor, strength, etc.. I figured I would just dip my toe in the water with Anabol but expanded the cycle mid-way based on advice from my anti-ageing doctor and reading the board. Here's what I've done so far:

    Weeks 1-4 25 mg Anabol per day
    Weeks 5-6 35 mg Anabol per day
    Week 7 Anabol tapering down, 200mg Deca -Dur/week
    Week 8 200mg Deca-Dur
    Week 9 200mg Deca-Dura, 3x 200mg Acq test, 3x 50mg Winstrol inj
    Week 10 200mg Deca-Test, 200mg Deca-Dur, 5x 200mg Acq test, 5x50mg Winstrol inj
    Week 11 200mg Deca-Test, Clomid, Teslac
    Week 12-13 Clomid, Teslac, Clenbuterol (building to 120mcg)

    Also, 0.6mg HgH 5 days per week during the entire cycle.

    I'mat week 12 now. So far the results have been fine. I went from 192 lbs, 9% BF, to 215lbs, 9% BF, and the strength has increased a lot in the gym. My doctor monitors the blood tests and there is some minor liver (AST, I think it's called) symptoms but he doesn't see a problem. Only side effects were increased sex drive on Anabol (tough when your wife doesn't want to play!) and shrunken testicles on deca. The Clen is also like taking 20 No-doze but they say it goes away.

    Two questions:

    1) should I finish off the cycle with the rest of the Deca-Test and Winny that I have (about 3-4 weeks more)? The cycles on Anabolic Review suggest that a 2 week break is good which weeks 12-13 would be.

    2) when can I do another cycle and how strong should it be? Frankly, I've loved the strength and size gain and want to continue. The board suggests a minimum 4 week downtime but conventional wisdom is as much time off as time on so that would be 12-14 weeks of downtime.

    I know this wasn't a conventional cycle and some of you may be critical, but I wanted to try the Anabol and when it worked out, I figured I'd adapt based on the various cycles on this board.

  2. #2
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    only 200 mgs of deca and 200 mgs of test is very very low. i would do post cycle recovery normally and take as much time off as you were on. then try running higher dosages of test as well as whatever you decide to stack with it. im suprised you got such good results from such low dosages.

  3. #3
    woodiechopper is offline Associate Member
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    I think increasing my workouts from 1-2 per week to 4-5 per week helped a lot in gaining muscle.

    So basically I have to wait 12 weeks to be safe even though it was a light cycle?

  4. #4
    Lift Chief's Avatar
    Lift Chief is offline Member
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    Where do people come up with this stuff- jesus.

    Deca needs to be run 8-10 weeks...
    What is decatest?
    Clomid starts 3 weeks after deca is done.

    You managed to get good results though- i'm sure from the 7 weeks of dbol .

    I would make sure to run clomid to 6 weeks past deca. Either stop it now and start it 3 weeks after you last shot of deca or just run it for 6 weeks.
    Last edited by Lift Chief; 06-09-2003 at 12:50 PM.

  5. #5
    woodiechopper is offline Associate Member
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    Deca -test is a blend of Deca and test depot.

    On running Deca for 10 weeks, if you look at some of the sample cycles on the home page for AR, they have Deca in for shorter times, in one case 3 weeks. Who's right?

  6. #6
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    only a mild anabolic effect is felt when deca ` is run around 200 mg, u need to really run it at 2mg /lb of bodyweight, or for starters, just 400mg/ew is enuff imho !

  7. #7
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    only a mild anabolic effect is felt when deca ` is run around 200 mg, u need to really run it at 2mg /lb of bodyweight, or for starters, just 400mg/ew is enuff imho ! and that was a long time to run anabol, 6 weeks, wow thats where most of ur results must have come from. this is a very big cycle. im amazed....literally !

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