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Thread: Am I too fat to cycle!! (pics)

  1. #1
    PRODIJ is offline Junior Member
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    Am I too fat to cycle!! (pics)

    should I cut before?

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  2. #2
    Audiofreak37's Avatar
    Audiofreak37 is offline Junior Member
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    You're definitely not fat, but I'd say it definitely wouldn't hurt. 6-8 weeks of diligent cutting with a focus on maintaining the most muscle mass and you'll be down to 10% or so.

  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Audiofreak37 View Post
    You're definitely not fat, but I'd say it definitely wouldn't hurt. 6-8 weeks of diligent cutting with a focus on maintaining the most muscle mass and you'll be down to 10% or so.
    Really? What do you think his bodyfat is that he can get down to 10% in less than 2 months?

  4. #4
    Jamie2012 is offline New Member
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    Bro you need to get your training and diet in shape before you use steroids , can I ask how long you been training for?

  5. #5
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie2012 View Post
    Bro you need to get your training and diet in shape before you use steroids, can I ask how long you been training for?
    this was good advise. We can kinda assume he has not been training and eating well for very long due to his physique. No offense op, we all start somewhere.
    To answer your question you do not have a solid base of muscle to even build on and when guys decide to cycle before they have a base or even close to genetic potential they often lose ALL their gains. So basically its a waste of money.
    You may be one of those that thinks with aas that you will look like a gym god in 12 weeks which is not the case. I WISH..haha even with aas it takes years of training and dieting to achieve good results.

    I would get into the gym and start lifting comsistantly and get on a good diet program where your eating the usual chicken, fish, sweet potato, brown rice.

    best of luck
    Audiofreak37 likes this.

  6. #6
    Audiofreak37's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Really? What do you think his bodyfat is that he can get down to 10% in less than 2 months?
    He looks high teens, 20%~ maybe. I agree, 10% may be a little out of reach now I think about it. The last picture looks bloated rather than real fat.

    As far as a base of muscle, yeah I agree with above. Gotta build a foundation first.
    Last edited by Audiofreak37; 05-18-2014 at 03:22 PM.

  7. #7
    PRODIJ is offline Junior Member
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    Mmm I have been trainning long. About 3 years. Macros known. Good training. Just let myself dream bulk to see if i could gain some muscle. But not so much.

    405 lbs deadlift for 1
    225 chest press for 1
    270 squat for 3

    Going to cut up to 14% and see. But i know i will loes a shit ton of muscle. I am bloated as fuark in this pictures. Was taking dymatize 2000 calories
    Last edited by PRODIJ; 05-18-2014 at 03:42 PM.

  8. #8
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Three years training? Something's not working here.
    You need a diet and workout overhaul.
    lovbyts and Jamie2012 like this.

  9. #9
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Three years training? Something's not working here.
    You need a diet and workout overhaul.
    Truer words were never spoken^. Did I spell truer right? Is that a thing?

  10. #10
    Mr. Small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRODIJ View Post
    Was taking dymatize 2000 calories
    What is this?

    Post a sample day of diet up here for a look please with macros.

  11. #11
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    You are 22 and I think you should hold off on cycling. Your numbers arent bad in terms of what you put up for your age if in fact your form in spot on but I think you could do more with your base naturally. If you tightened up your diet and improved your base then that would get you in a better place to cycle and get more out of it.

  12. #12
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
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    Look at the bright side you got great tan lines
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  13. #13
    Fllifter's Avatar
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    Go read Marcus diary and get a good training program.

  14. #14
    Getlean007's Avatar
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    Take all the information above into account, as it's very reliable. I agree with them, as you don't have a solid muscle base. I'm currently cutting before my first cycle since I'm kind of at a higher bf percentage too. I think you'd be better off dropping about 10 pounds with straight cardio; you'll be a little more defined. Then pursues a cycle

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRODIJ View Post
    Mmm I have been trainning long. About 3 years. Macros known. Good training. Just let myself dream bulk to see if i could gain some muscle. But not so much.

    405 lbs deadlift for 1
    225 chest press for 1
    270 squat for 3

    Going to cut up to 14% and see. But i know i will loes a shit ton of muscle. I am bloated as fuark in this pictures. Was taking dymatize 2000 calories
    dude, really? lifting for 3 years, what 1x a week? Sorry and I'm not trying to be rude but 1st thing I though when I saw your picture is, Do you even lift?

    You have no definition, your body fat is near 20%. You diet is WAY off and training sucks if you have been lifting all that time.

    PLEASE spend some time in the nutrition section and training section because what you are doing is wrong.

    Again, I'm not trying to be rude, just honest. No I'm not Mr. perfection but that does not mean Im wrong in my judgment and yes I'm just as critical and honest about myself.
    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Three years training? Something's not working here.
    You need a diet and workout overhaul.
    ^^^ Agree 100%

    Quote Originally Posted by Derekjpapa View Post
    Look at the bright side you got great tan lines
    See, you always got to look for the positive.

  16. #16
    austinite's Avatar
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    Prod, there's no muscle development there. Focus on your diet and keep training, but lift heavier.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  17. #17
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRODIJ View Post
    Mmm I have been trainning long. About 3 years. Macros known. Good training. Just let myself dream bulk to see if i could gain some muscle. But not so much.

    405 lbs deadlift for 1
    225 chest press for 1
    270 squat for 3

    Going to cut up to 14% and see. But i know i will loes a shit ton of muscle. I am bloated as fuark in this pictures. Was taking dymatize 2000 calories
    You're not going to lose much if any muscle mass. Take advantage of being young, you don't need steroids .

    Decent enough lifts for now. I would shoot for a bit lower in body fat than even 14%, so you have some room to build muscle without getting too fat too soon. Might need to add in a bit more hypertrophy and volume work if you aren't already. Lots of different approaches to make this work. But any strength and muscle loss will usually be because of water weight, and if you lost some you will be able to get it back. Better off getting lean now than endless bulking to the point it takes you years to get it off.

  18. #18
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRODIJ View Post
    should I cut before?

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    the higher your body fat %, the higher the risk of sides (like gyno!)

  19. #19
    Begenius is offline New Member
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    So why couldnt he just use non aromatizing gear if gyno is a issue. Are you telling me no in the world has ever been successful with gear at a higher bf%?

  20. #20
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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  21. #21
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Begenius View Post
    So why couldnt he just use non aromatizing gear if gyno is a issue. Are you telling me no in the world has ever been successful with gear at a higher bf%?
    I just answered your other question, "is test really necessary?"

    now you are asking if it is OK to be Fat and use gear?

    you advocate both? being fat and cycle without test?

    So, Begenius, what do you think the answer SHOULD be?

  22. #22
    Jamie2012 is offline New Member
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    I don't mean to be rude mate but you say you have been training 3 years and seriously judging by your pictures it doesn't even look like you've lifted a weight, your doing something wrong, how often do you train per week? can you post up your weekly routine?

    I've been training since the beginning of 2011 and that was on and off only in like the last year I've been training hard! and believe it or not I've gained like 3stone in weight that's down to just eating and training I look like I lift been accused quite a few times of being on the juice and I've never cycled but I am planning to do my 1st course sometime soon lmao!

  23. #23
    VegasBody's Avatar
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    All of us are different I know guys that work out for 3 years and looks immaculate and guys who been working out 5-6 and they don't look half of the other
    Lots of variables
    Training habit, seriousness of work out,food, mind set,age and of course genetics

  24. #24
    Jamie2012 is offline New Member
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    But if someone has trained for 3years they'll have at least some muscle there to show he just looks like your average guy who doesn't lift again I don't mean to be rude just being honest and converting his lifts into kg he's saying he deadlifts 180kg 1rep, benches 100kg 1rep and squats 120kg for 3reps which i don't believe sorry

  25. #25
    PRODIJ is offline Junior Member
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    Lol I know I dont look like I lift. But I do pull those lifts..

    I am taking all advice into account. Reavaluating trainning and macros. Reporting back in 3 months to see where I am at. Also pictures dont do much justice I look absoulte crap in those also I was bloated as fuark. As I said thanks for the advice and taken into account.

  26. #26
    PRODIJ is offline Junior Member
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    double post.

  27. #27
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRODIJ View Post
    Lol I know I dont look like I lift. But I do pull those lifts..

    I am taking all advice into account. Reavaluating trainning and macros. Reporting back in 3 months to see where I am at. Also pictures dont do much justice I look absoulte crap in those also I was bloated as fuark. As I said thanks for the advice and taken into account.
    You got good advice, but evaluating and checking back in for more advice is good, and in three months you should be able to pick a route and make progress towards it in that time. As far as taking steroids though I would give yourself several more years to be honest. Build a lot more muscle mass, and not only that come into your first cycle extremely lean, there's just too many benefits do doing this to list.

    But honestly at your age you should exhaust your potential, and you will be better off learning and better understanding your body.

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