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Thread: starting my 1st cycle, need advice

  1. #1

    starting my 1st cycle, need advice

    hey guys, i planning to start a test cyp, winny cycle, this gotta be my 1st cycl

    week 1-2 test cyp 250mg
    week 2-8 test cyp 500mg
    week 6-9 winstrol oral 50mg

    adex on hand, will strt frm 3rd week if required

    Liv 52ds and finpecia(for hair) from strtng of cycl till the end of pct

    Pct- novldx n clomid aftr 2 weeks of last test shot,

    Stats- 24, 5'8, 65kgs( hope nrml fr an asian), working out for 4yrs, training includes weight training and casthelics combined

    Feel free to advice abt any changes in the cycle, or if u would want me to wait a lil longr to strt the cycle
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    I would say at 24 you are right on the line as far as age goes but if I saw a 24 year old starting their first cycle I probably wouldn't harp on them. What is your reason for running a short cycle with a slower acting ester? And why start with a low dose? I will say you should start the Adex from the beginning, not as needed because it will be needed once you start injecting test.

    I cannot really judge what a good base body weight would be for someone of your height as I am much taller than you. I will say that your weight does seem kind of low. As a geneticist and part Korean I understand the differences in the genes of Asians and how hard it can be to gain weight but it still seems like you should be, at the very least, between 70-75kg starting off. I would even say more than that but I know most people will not wait that long.

    I cannot comment on the hair loss stuff, never taken it. I can say that Abercrombie and Fitch is so 2000 and late.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I say use the test c for 10 weeks same dosage every week. Don't use the winny, save it for next cycle. Add HCG from week 1-10 and use adex week 1-10. PCT is good

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I say you wait on this cycle.
    First, only run the test for your first cycle,

    Looking at your picture I really feel you should work on adjusting your training and diet for some time, you have plenty of room to grow natural.
    Do not rush into a cycle, you want to keep what you build.
    Please wait

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Lift, eat and sleep untill u gain more muscles!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    The only cycle you need is FOODSTERONE...
    Eat bro.. you are 5'8''and just 65..?? you need to concentrate on your diet bro.. how long you have been training..??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I agree with all that was said above. however and remembering myself at 24, chances are you are going to go with it regardless. so my 2 c:

    1- stick to test alone for first cycle.
    2- up the dose to 500mg per week. although at your age 250 might do some good but best to get blood tested first to see your levels.
    3- bump the duration of the cycle to 12 weeks as this is a long esther.
    4- dial in your diet and workout to get results.

    PCT 2 weeks after. adex on cycle from week 1. Also HCG should also be included. check Austinite's post on this. while you are at it, check his other post about 1st cycles. TONs of info to be used.

    cycles only HELP grow. without proper diet and workout, its wasted money.

  8. #8
    well i hav been trainin for solid 4 yrs...

  9. #9
    and how much of HCG would you recomnd if i strt d cycle, 500iu or 1000

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Southeast USA
    I think you've made a good effort at assembling a first cycle. However, as stated above, if you cycle, you should stick to a test only cycle. If you do that the Liv52 will not be necessary, as test is not an issue for the liver. I also agree that you should add hCG; my recommendation for that would be 250 twice a week. I would follow Othello's advice ^^^. Best of luck!

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