hey guys, i planning to start a test cyp, winny cycle, this gotta be my 1st cycl
week 1-2 test cyp 250mg
week 2-8 test cyp 500mg
week 6-9 winstrol oral 50mg
adex on hand, will strt frm 3rd week if required
Liv 52ds and finpecia(for hair) from strtng of cycl till the end of pct
Pct- novldx n clomid aftr 2 weeks of last test shot,
Stats- 24, 5'8, 65kgs( hope nrml fr an asian), working out for 4yrs, training includes weight training and casthelics combined
Feel free to advice abt any changes in the cycle, or if u would want me to wait a lil longr to strt the cycle