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Alright man, i dont want to get into a useless argument. It just rubbed me the wrong way when I'm asked to educate myself and I have been reading forums, scouring the net, reading about the science of it. Its a big job seperating bro science, from science, from general consensus to lesser known protocols. Theirs Michael Scally, then theirs bill roberts, theres this forum stickys then there is like 3 other gear forum all with their own stickies. I'd appreciate it if less people just jumped to conclusions with regards to how much knowledge newbies have. I obviously put a lot of thought into it given my lengthy posts. I'm not some moron who jumped in, i understand there must be a ton given the general reaction to beginners who ask questions that seem to be "stupid". Its not about reading sometimes, its about reading too much. Its hard to filter.
I can always add to that education of course which is what i'm trying to do now. Now you say that HCG is a must. I'll add it. You said add clomid, ok I'll do that. I didnt add HCG because i have read from the forums that a lot of people do not use it and they were fine. The general idea I have been getting is that it is recommended but not a must. I didnt know it was such a crime not to take it, but now i know, so i'll take it. Clomid and Nolva, I have read countless places that have said Nolva alone, or Clomid alone, and also sources that have said use both. I think the science makes sense from what i've read with my layman understanding of it, and due to your pushing me in this direction, it has tipped me over the edge to add it. But really, if you search clomid and nolva there are tons and tons of different views. I think its understandable that I chose one over using both, but still kept the other on hand in case i changed my mind.
I agree i am on the light side. I started at 50kg though so i have put on a fair bit of muscle at 10% bf or slightly under. I just came out from a cut so i'm really lean with a decent amount of muscle mass. 5'7 is pushing it w height. Maybe a bit less, will have to measure but its close. Put on about 10kg in the first year of training and then diminishing returns after. Been bulking and cutting all through to keep me from straying too far from low-bodyfat. I just like it like that, slow gains but lean gains, dont have to diet hard after a bulk.
So now that everything is in order. What can I do from here. I will take clomid post, i will add HCG to my cycle. I have read everything you sent me. What can i do about the prop from here on out. I've got enough prop for 2 for the entire cycle. One is already open. I just need some guidance with regards to using prop. First pin on the left is still red and hurting. Swelling has gone down, and pain has gone down. It is day 4. Right delt has similar pain but much less than experienced with the first pin, no reddness yet, and just seems better overall then the experience w the left. I think maybe the 100mg dose, together w heating the vile and injecting slowly has helped. Should i be worried that the left side is red. I've been scouring the net and test prop seems to cause so many people to have reddness, and swelling and immense pain etc ... Some end up w infection, some says it goes away, seems that a lot of people just complain about it through the cycle. I mean, its just hard to filter out good from bad info. Which is why i'm posting. For help.
Appreciate it.