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Thread: Liquid glucose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Liquid glucose

    was reading up on insulin and all that fun stuff and was wondering if anyone takes liquid glucose with their protein shakes. Apparently doing that allows like 50-67% more protein synthesis to occur after your workout. Kind of interesting.

  2. #2
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    I tried it. didn't see any significant improvements, so I stopped

    if you decide to try it for yourself, suggest factoring in the added calories into your macros

  3. #3
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    I tried it. didn't see any significant improvements, so I stopped if you decide to try it for yourself, suggest factoring in the added calories into your macros
    i haven't even gotten to the point of whether I should try it or not, there's not much info on liquid glucose compared to injecting insulin. And injecting insulin isn't a road I'm ready to go down

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by booSTIn View Post
    i haven't even gotten to the point of whether I should try it or not, there's not much info on liquid glucose compared to injecting insulin. And injecting insulin isn't a road I'm ready to go down
    liquid glucose? why wouldn't you be able to make your own? it runs about $5/lb

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I have been taking Optimum Nutrition preload creatine complex during my works, for the last two years. It has 35g of dextrose/glucose per serving. personally glucose gives me a more intense and longer lasting 'pump'.

    I have also noticed that the 'pump' I get from working out is directly related to the amount of carbs(simple or complex) that I've ingested since my last workout.

  6. #6
    In my opinion it isnt going to make a difference in the building of muscle and taking in the much pure sugar is not a good idea for any reason.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevelifts
    In my opinion it isnt going to make a difference in the building of muscle and taking in the much pure sugar is not a good idea for any reason.
    yea that's what has me weary about it all, the sugar. My diet has like no sugar other than whatever natural sugar is in my food.

  8. #8
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    While the subject of "pumps" is up, have you guys tried both cyp and sus250? I used to run sus250 for previous cycles but decided to get with the times and switch to cyp. Pumps don't seem nearly what they were on sus. I mean I'm only in week 4 of cycle so that might have something to do with it but I was expecting a little more. I'm at 400mg/week should I maybe up the dose or just wait it out for a little

  9. #9
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    My workout strength seems to depend on carbs. My workout pump seems to depend on testosterine level. Once I made my 5th injection of test prop 25mg ED for TrT my pumps have been incredible. My post workout pump is 100% impacted by protein. Eating my proteins about 1-2 hours after workout = pump that will not quit.
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I have been taking Optimum Nutrition preload creatine complex during my works, for the last two years. It has 35g of dextrose/glucose per serving. personally glucose gives me a more intense and longer lasting 'pump'.

    I have also noticed that the 'pump' I get from working out is directly related to the amount of carbs(simple or complex) that I've ingested since my last workout.

  10. #10
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    But back on liquid glucose///

    Why would you eat empty calories? I still do not get the shake and things like power gel packs and such. To me that is like taking sugar (It is exactly like taking sugar) and adding to water and drinking it. Why not eat a fruit and get the vitamins too?

    I am diabetic so hearing "drinking liquid glucose" makes me cringe lol

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    If that increase protein synthesis translated to increased muscle mass it might be worth it but apparently it doesn't. Look at all the new (or old) data that shows nutrient timing is essentially useless. Plus as has been mentioned by a few, its pure sugar. I would not do it. Hell years ago I did it and all it did is give me the shits and have me running to the toilet. It certainly didnt help me to build more muscle. Thats my take on it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup
    If that increase protein synthesis translated to increased muscle mass it might be worth it but apparently it doesn't. Look at all the new (or old) data that shows nutrient timing is essentially useless. Plus as has been mentioned by a few, its pure sugar. I would not do it. Hell years ago I did it and all it did is give me the shits and have me running to the toilet. It certainly didnt help me to build more muscle. Thats my take on it.
    they claim it helps with mass but I didn't read recently on muscle&fitness that timing is useless it's a myth or whatever you wanna call it

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