If I have my leg workout is it safe to inject my quads afterward or will that interfere with them repairing themselves and slow down the muscle building process? Same with training my shoulders and injecting my delts afterward. Just curious.
If I have my leg workout is it safe to inject my quads afterward or will that interfere with them repairing themselves and slow down the muscle building process? Same with training my shoulders and injecting my delts afterward. Just curious.
I would do it before the workout so your muscles are relaxed and they pin easier.
After a workout IMO would be bad because of the fact the muscle would be sore and tense.
Not sure about slowing gains or healing maybe would slow healing from essentially you are stabbing your muscle with a sharp cutting object lol
if this is a concern, then practice site rotation. post workout, for many, sore muscles is the norm. why make it worse by risking PIP in that particular muscle group?
I would inject prior to workout not after. You just tore up your muscle fibers then you stick a needle in it. I wouldn't. Why can't you pin lets say your delts and work out legs? Or pin quads and work upper body. No un needed trauma.
I suffer PIP so before wouldn't work. Last time I injected my quads I couldn't walk for 2 days, pain was too much.
Quads glutes delts lats pecs bi tri. Pick a different one each time.
I would def pin prior to workout without blood pumping through a muscle that you just beat up from a workout.
If you get pip then I would stay away from quads just so you don't have to deal with the painful walking aspect of it.
the last and only time I injected into my quad after a workout, I held the needle in for about 45 sec after injecting and once I pulled it out, my blood squirted out like 7 inches... so I inject before going to the gym...
If your having issues with pip try taking a long hot shower then warm the vial under warm water for a few minutes. The shower helps me relax the muscles. I've noticed night and day difference. Also, a big factor is how much you move the needle around once inside the muscle. Keep that shit steady as possible. That's why I prefer 23g instead of 25g. 25g is too hard to push the oil through resulting in more movement, and more pip. 23g may sting a bit more going in but better for pip because the oil pushes through with ease resulting in less movement.
I did a leg work out then next day did my quad...OMG no pain at first but the next day it felt like chuck norris gave me the worse dead leg of my life... not sure if it was from doing legs or what but I'm never pining in the quad again
Quads tend to be sore no matter in my case. I like my glutes and delts. I put 2 cc in each of my delts and have no problem.
Just organize your workout schedule with your injection schedule. I personnaly never inject a bodypart that I will train the same or next day. Just do a rotation glutes, quads, shoulders etc
I hit my glutes the day before leg day every week for like four years and I never have had a problem. I like it makes me think I'm push the juice thru my muscles haha part of my visualization technique.
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