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Mods please delete I have made a new thread
Last edited by si trav; 05-24-2014 at 07:46 AM.
Hey Matt i tried to post it but they wouldent let me because I had a banned word in it but I couldent find itOriginally Posted by Matt
Try again
Try to abbreviate.
Alright boys I will try when I get to the comp using the app right now thank you all
Probably the "at" symbol
Wasted some time on that one myself...
Hello all. My cycle is going well but not exactly as planned. I was hoping I can get some good advice from people that may have run into the same situation that I am currently in.
Original Cycle plan-
Test E 250 1cc split Mon/Thurs Weeks 1-12
Sust 350 1cc split Mon/Thurs Weeks 1-12
PCT on hand- Letro Nolva Arimidex and Clomid. I have plenty of each, but I have not chosen an exact plan/dose yet.
I also have been taking 1mg of arimidex on Tues and Friday for safe measure for the last 5 weeks.
Reason for using both- several friends suggested using Sust because it isn't as harsh on joints, i was told it would "lubricate my joints", and water retention is less.
Diet- Im not a calorie counter but I have been eating less junk food and greasy food. Every day I have chicken steak or turkey, broccoli sweet potatoes a 1000 calorie protein shake post work out. Breakfast consists of usually oatmeal and a banana. Its hard to eat healthy when you work 7pm-7am but I have been doing much better. I cut out soda drink only water keeping an eye out for salty food and have been drinking less coffee and using less sugar.
Supplements and vitamins- high calorie high carb protein shake post work out. whey protein shakes 1x a day on non work out days. Vitamin's B7 C and E glutamine clucosamine fish oil.
In a nutshell, I am currently on my 9th week of this cycle. I am 6'2 and always weigh around 185-190. I have an amazing metabolism and I am 26 years of age. I have pharm grade material, I am not certain if I am allowed to list the pharm name so I won't for now. I got my strength increase around week 5. The last 2 weeks I have been certainly performing better in the gym as far as more reps and more weight. And just recently close friends have just started to see the difference. I was thinking of extending my cycle a bit longer due to the fact that it took a while to get going. I should have used Prop at the beginning of the cycle but I didn't think I would have needed it. My last 2 cycles were test C only and sust 250 only and they certainly kicked in much faster than this Test E i have.
I was thinking of cutting out the Sust after week 12 and extending the Test E for maybe 4 more weeks. I also have acquired some Prop which my buddy who is a body builder suggested I tail off my cycle with for 3 or 4 weeks at 100-150mg Mon Wed Fri. If you men suggest taking the Test E 16 weeks, should I shoot 500mg or bump it up to 750mg.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much in advance.
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