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Thread: 3 weeks into cycle libido dropped overnight

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    3 weeks into cycle libido dropped overnight

    I've been running

    500mg test e and 400mg tren every week

    I started taking Aromasin at 12.5 mg EOD starting of week 2nd, havnt skipped a day. My libido was the highest it ever been, I can defiantly notice the test starting week2nd. But last night after training legs when I woke up this morning I can tell I don't have the same libido anymore.

    Like it got turned off overnight. What could cause it ?

    I just took .25mg of prami thinking maybe it's high prolactin cause my mouth gets dry a lot.

    What you think, too much Aromasin? My estrogen levels are crushed? Or too little/fake Aromasin?

    Please let me know thanks!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I don't think you can know if estrogen is too high or too low without blood work. If you get blood work when your feeling great, then again when your feeling bad, you'll be able to compare.

  3. #3
    ok so you said you started taking aromasin week 2 right? Now its week 3 and your libido is gone. Sounds like the dose is a little high compared to what you need and your slowly lowering you e. Any other signs of low E? lethargy, achy joints, can't keep a boner? Try 8-10 mgs EOD. Doesnt sound like its anything too out of hand since you havent complained about gyno sypmtoms or limp dick or painful joints.

  4. #4
    or your just not as horny today. Maybe when you wake up tm you'll be fine. If thats your only symptom so far and its only been a day its pretty hard to help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by davesah1 View Post
    or your just not as horny today. Maybe when you wake up tm you'll be fine. If thats your only symptom so far and its only been a day its pretty hard to help.
    THanks bro, yes I can still get a boner but it's like day and night difference. I can't feel anything. I didn't have any achy joints.

    One thing I've noticed my mouth is always dry. Especially when I get up on the morning.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Is it tren a or e?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by VegasBody View Post
    Is it tren a or e?
    Tren e

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridel View Post
    THanks bro, yes I can still get a boner but it's like day and night difference. I can't feel anything. I didn't have any achy joints.

    One thing I've noticed my mouth is always dry. Especially when I get up on the morning.
    That could also be from lowered E, since the body stores less water you'll get a bit more dehydrated throughout the night. Start paying attention to how much your drinking vs how much you piss.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    Libido varies man. Sometimes high and sometimes low. Make sure you are getting your rest and not over training.

  10. #10
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by davesah1 View Post
    That could also be from lowered E, since the body stores less water you'll get a bit more dehydrated throughout the night. Start paying attention to how much your drinking vs how much you piss.
    So if I stop it, how long will it take to come back in the normal range.any idea?

  11. #11
    Don't stop. Lower the dose, I advised someone to stop just yesterday and was called out by several reputable members. Try 10 or 8mgs EOD and see if that works best. Again, see how you feel tomorrow bud and then evaluate what you want to do. Aromasin is my favorite AI btw because its very flexible in its dose, f*ck letro.

  12. #12
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    Feb 2014
    Thats about the time tren e will kick in
    So maybe just up your test and see if libido comes back

  13. #13
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    To be certain, blood work would be a necessity. Crushing estrogen is not the ticket, balancing it is. Tren e is tough because of the long ester it moves more slowly in kicking in, and (guess what) staying on. So, if you're having an adverse reaction to the tren e, it won't be an overnight fix. I would follow suggestions above and lower the aromisin. I would not both lower the aromisin and up the test at the same time because you will be moving two variables at once. But, if lowered aromisin doesn't work, then proceed. Best of luck and keep us posted!

  14. #14
    Op everyone reacts differently. I myself when i take an ai my libido drops. Even when my e2 are well within normal range. For some reason i just have alittle higher sex drive when not on an ai. So on cycle i just deal with it. On my trt dose ive managed to not have to take an ai(most the time) i always try to go by bloodwork!

  15. #15
    well, has OP ever used tren ace or enth before? Then he would know how he responds to tren.

  16. #16
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    Feb 2014
    The aromasin dose is far too low at 12.5mg eod. I should be taken twice a day at 12.5mgs, 25mgs a day total. Its only active for 8 hours at a time. Take a look at this article about aromasin dosing, it could help you out a lot

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by dk94 View Post
    The aromasin dose is far too low at 12.5mg eod. I should be taken twice a day at 12.5mgs, 25mgs a day total. Its only active for 8 hours at a time. Take a look at this article about aromasin dosing, it could help you out a lot
    Ummm, your saying he probably has high E after reading his post with the OP saying he started taking the AI and experienced a loss of libido? I'm out. AI's are not my thing. I can run a cycle without them and have no gyno if I wanted too, goood luck guys

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Another e2 thread with no bloodwork?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by davesah1 View Post
    Ummm, your saying he probably has high E after reading his post with the OP saying he started taking the AI and experienced a loss of libido? I'm out. AI's are not my thing. I can run a cycle without them and have no gyno if I wanted too, goood luck guys
    Kinda hard to believe E2 was crushed with 12.5 EOD after only a week. I usually run 12.5 every day from day one and I'm not even sure that's enough.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Rv8G30 View Post
    Kinda hard to believe E2 was crushed with 12.5 EOD after only a week. I usually run 12.5 every day from day one and I'm not even sure that's enough.
    Doesn't sound crushed at all, but loss of libido could very well be an indicator he is taking more than he needs and could cause OP to eventually have the more annoying and serious sides of low E. Once again tho, low libido is a sign of high and low E. So from a logical stand point, he began to notice it after he took the AI several times so I would associate it with dipping E and not rising.

  21. #21
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by davesah1 View Post
    Doesn't sound crushed at all, but loss of libido could very well be an indicator he is taking more than he needs and could cause OP to eventually have the more annoying and serious sides of low E. Once again tho, low libido is a sign of high and low E. So from a logical stand point, he began to notice it after he took the AI several times so I would associate it with dipping E and not rising.
    Without BW everything is purely anecdotal. 12.5mgs of aromasin eod will not crush E. 12.5 EOD is very underdosed, read the article. It could be a coincidence that his E spiked at the same time as he started taking the AI. Most of the negative sides of estrogen are internal, like high blood pressure, once you notice the external sides of estrogen your internal damage has been done. Advocating not running a properly does AI on cycle is irresponsible and dangerous.

  22. #22
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    Asia but not Asian.
    You would take an AI without signs of gyno? Tren has ~0 aromatization due to the double bond on the 19th carbon (Androgenic substance). SO a test dose of 500 giving gyno? At the normal 3% rate and 69% test by weight (ester) you are looking at a whole whopping 10 mg of estrogen from conversion a week? Was the OP high estrogen naturally and gyno prone? If not he just put a bigfoot footprint on his E2 taking an AI when he did not need one.

    Just my opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by dk94 View Post
    The aromasin dose is far too low at 12.5mg eod. I should be taken twice a day at 12.5mgs, 25mgs a day total. Its only active for 8 hours at a time. Take a look at this article about aromasin dosing, it could help you out a lot
    Last edited by Chicagotarsier; 05-22-2014 at 08:46 PM.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    You would take an AI without signs of gyno? Tren has ~0 aromatization due to the double bond on the 19th carbon (Androgenic substance). SO a test dose of 500 giving gyno? At the normal 3% rate and 69% test by weight (ester) you are looking at a whole whopping 10 mg of estrogen from conversion a week? Was the OP high estrogen naturally and gyno prone? If not he just put a bigfoot footprint on his E2 taking an AI when he did not need one.

    Just my opinion.
    Quote Originally Posted by dk94 View Post
    Without BW everything is purely anecdotal. 12.5mgs of aromasin eod will not crush E. 12.5 EOD is very underdosed, read the article. It could be a coincidence that his E spiked at the same time as he started taking the AI. Most of the negative sides of estrogen are internal, like high blood pressure, once you notice the external sides of estrogen your internal damage has been done. Advocating not running a properly does AI on cycle is irresponsible and dangerous.
    The "advised" dose of .25mgs EOD letro minimum gave me every sign of low E there is. You can't advise genetics.

  24. #24
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    Feb 2014
    I take an AI while running a cycle to avoid internal signs of high estrogen, Just a safe route and i dont mind spending the money to be safe. letro and aromasin are to different compounds. But every one is different, without BW your playing trial and error. You know your body better than any one else.

  25. #25
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    Detroit Suburbs
    12.5 mg of aromasin eod could absolutely crush his Estrogen. The test and tren aren't even really working fully at two weeks but the aromasin sure as heck is. Some are very sensitive to AI's. I know from previous experience and bloodwork when my estrogen is going too low. I could never take 25mg of aromasin everyday without serious problems. My estrogen starts to tank even at 12.5 mg every third or fourth day on a moderately high test cycle.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    You would take an AI without signs of gyno? Tren has ~0 aromatization due to the double bond on the 19th carbon (Androgenic substance). SO a test dose of 500 giving gyno? At the normal 3% rate and 69% test by weight (ester) you are looking at a whole whopping 10 mg of estrogen from conversion a week? Was the OP high estrogen naturally and gyno prone? If not he just put a bigfoot footprint on his E2 taking an AI when he did not need one.

    Just my opinion.
    Its not like he took 1mg of adex. My point was 12.5mg EOD likely had no effect. Ofcourse its just purely speculation.

  27. #27
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    Spartan, yeah your right, after 3 weeks the long esters shouldnt even be hitting yet

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartans09 View Post
    12.5 mg of aromasin eod could absolutely crush his Estrogen. The test and tren aren't even really working fully at two weeks but the aromasin sure as heck is. Some are very sensitive to AI's. I know from previous experience and bloodwork when my estrogen is going too low. I could never take 25mg of aromasin everyday without serious problems. My estrogen starts to tank even at 12.5 mg every third or fourth day on a moderately high test cycle.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by dk94 View Post
    I take an AI while running a cycle to avoid internal signs of high estrogen, Just a safe route and i dont mind spending the money to be safe. letro and aromasin are to different compounds. But every one is different, without BW your playing trial and error. You know your body better than any one else.
    I understand completely what you mean. Blood work is the holy grail in a sense when it comes to this (provided you get the right test done). I and most others running a cycle, will take the gamble of potential internal high E sides for 12 weeks. My father smoked 3 packs of cigarettes (that's 60 cigs) a day for 25 years and was an alcoholic. His blood pressure now is the same as mine now and has had ultrasounds of his heart showing no ill will, thankfully. Dialing in your AI with blood work is not cheap and you have to re-dial with every new dose or new compound you may use next cycle. Your way is right, but right is $$$ for what its worth in some instances.

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