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Thread: Looking for more insight

  1. #1

    Looking for more insight

    Iam 51 and started trt 5monts ago test c 200mg for two month went up to 400mg for amonth and the last 2month at 600mg test c and did 3month of somatropin been of that for a month now for the last 6 weeks i tried 200mg injectable dbol and 200 test prop with the test c getting decent gains i i know is alot of test but my base line is 189 ps. Iam under dotors care then at the end of the dbol prop cycle iam taking 2 to 3 months off and keep testc at 600mg up till now no side efects iam also doing 1mg of arimdex 2 x a week then my trainer having me do tren deca 200more test i have dotor uroligist and pro body builder trainer and iam looking for more insight iam 5,11 188lb istarted at 166lb

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I don't see a question, but what I do see is abuse of many compounds. Sounds like you are relying solely on steroids to do the job. That is why you are failing.

    These posts always give me a chuckle and then I shake my head. You always see a bunch of compounds listed, but not one mention of a crumb of food.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I think you are using too much test.

    Tren is not necessary. In fact in would be preferable to just drop it.

    Dbol may be usefull but not used like you do.

    My advice would say drop everything but test and keep it at 400mg/week. Which is plenty for you to build massive ammount of muscle.

    You can run it for 6 month if you want as long as your health marker and E2 are in check there should be no issue.

    Get your bloodwork every 2-3 months.

    Drop the tren and dbol.and when you have a better understanding of what you do you may start considering dbol.

    Right now you take every shit someone tells you too without knowing what do what...
    Doesnt it seems smart to you??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    So you went to 600 test cyp for must have a singularity in your balls to need to use that much.

  5. #5
    I did not mention iam eating 6meal aday around 3000 cal aday did make 20 lb gains in 5 month i dont think iam failing at all not bad for 5 mounth i did not start any tren or deca this is my next plan for cycle 3month after dbol cycle ps ,i look the best i ever looked remenber iam 51 with avery low test #at 189 thesame as a 70 year old man so iam only doing test and dbol right now made decent gains

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