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Thread: best cycle for college baseball player?

  1. #1

    best cycle for college baseball player?

    I'm 5'8
    Approx. 15% bf
    22 years old
    So im a juco college baseball player season just ended and looking to gain some power and speed to get get recruited next yr. I have done my first cycle of test and DECA and didn't get much results. For this cycle I'm looking for something stronger. Any suggestions? I've read not to take Winny because it's hard on the joints but I'm an outfielder maybe that makes it different. Any suggestions? I do eat right (clean) and train hard every day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    you don't need steroids
    Barry bonds just took a multivitamin one a day

  3. #3
    Then realized he needed steroids. Cannot keep up with other players that are on steroids with just a multivitamin.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Too young bro. Not many will advise you to cycle at your age.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan


    When I'm right, I'm right!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by baseball217
    I'm 5'8
    Approx. 15% bf
    22 years old
    So im a juco college baseball player season just ended and looking to gain some power and speed to get get recruited next yr. I have done my first cycle of test and DECA and didn't get much results. For this cycle I'm looking for something stronger. Any suggestions? I've read not to take Winny because it's hard on the joints but I'm an outfielder maybe that makes it different. Any suggestions? I do eat right (clean) and train hard every day.
    Been in your position being a high level baseball player myself. But you've got a lot to think about here. Beyond being a bit too young, do you understand that you'll be drug tested? If you head off to a big school you will be tested, and if you fail said test you're screwed in more ways than one. Even if you go to a small school, a D3, where testing occurs much less often, there's still a good chance you will get tested. If you show up noticeably bigger or put up numbers that are well beyond what you have put up previously, somebody will notice and you'll be pissing in a cup.

    Best advice I can give you is to do what I and many guys I played with did, which is to talk to your schools strength coach and do some research on your own and set up a routine specifically suited to what you want to do. Or get yourself a private coach to help you out. Eat good and train hard, do things naturally for now. If things don't work out, if you're not drafted/signed out of college (assuming that's what you're after), try your hand at independent ball and get some synthetic help at that point. Though you will likely still be tested.

    Good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by pitchindude View Post
    Been in your position being a high level baseball player myself. But you've got a lot to think about here. Beyond being a bit too young, do you understand that you'll be drug tested? If you head off to a big school you will be tested, and if you fail said test you're screwed in more ways than one. Even if you go to a small school, a D3, where testing occurs much less often, there's still a good chance you will get tested. If you show up noticeably bigger or put up numbers that are well beyond what you have put up previously, somebody will notice and you'll be pissing in a cup.

    Best advice I can give you is to do what I and many guys I played with did, which is to talk to your schools strength coach and do some research on your own and set up a routine specifically suited to what you want to do. Or get yourself a private coach to help you out. Eat good and train hard, do things naturally for now. If things don't work out, if you're not drafted/signed out of college (assuming that's what you're after), try your hand at independent ball and get some synthetic help at that point. Though you will likely still be tested.

    Good luck
    Deca will show in tests for years... Probably he's already screwed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB

    Deca will show in tests for years... Probably he's already screwed
    That's true, didn't think about that one. Yep, he's screwed

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    If you did a cycle of test and deca, and didn't see results, it doesn't matter how strong of a steroid you use, you will not see any gains.

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