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  1. #1
    jcschack's Avatar
    jcschack is offline New Member
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    Question about Switching from T400 to Sustanon with PCT bridge??????


    I am:


    I'm on my 3rd cycle in three years. Quick couple of questions... I've been running T400 & Anadrol (30 days) for about 7 weeks now (Started April 9th). I plan on doing a PCT after week 8 (Nolva/Clomid) for 3 weeks. I want to run Anavar alongside my PCT. When would be the ideal time to run it? Start of PCT? A week before it? After?

    Also... When I jump back on cycle ... I was thinking of switching to Sust. Would I see anything different than the T400? Would it be more beneficial?

    Thanks in advance for your responses. I love this forum

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    You want to run anavar DURING PCT? Why?

  3. #3
    jcschack's Avatar
    jcschack is offline New Member
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    May 2013
    I don't want to completely stop using everything during my "deload period" (...anabolic -steroids -questions-answers/402776-youll-want-read.html)

    Can I use this to bridge this cycle with the next (Sustanon )?

    I'm currently taking 400mg every 3 Days (T400) and I've recently started taking Nolva 20mg/Day due to some Gyno problems... Is the Nolva dose correct? How long should I take it for?

    When I jump back on cycle next month, what should the dose be with the Sustanon (considering what I'm currently using)?


  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dont know exactly the percentages of different esters on your T400, but would imagine a big %% will be long esters (Enant or cyp, etc), so running for 8 weeks is a tad short, best used for 10-12 weeks.

    Anavar during PCT, is like a WTF question. Anavar will ruin your PCT. Basically a waste of PCT products and of the anavar, and you end up still shut down after the PCT....

  5. #5
    jcschack's Avatar
    jcschack is offline New Member
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    May 2013
    Hello Mr. BB,

    So you're saying to continue to run the T400 for another couple of weeks and run the Anavar alongside it? ... Then PCT?

    Or instead of PCT run the Anavar alone as the bridge?

    Thanks for your response...

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