To give you guys a bit of context, I've been training for 5 years, my weight is 225 lb. I just got out of a 2 month bulking that took me from 18% to 25% bodyfat. I know 18% was already too high, but before bulking I cut for a year straight which took me from 30% to 18% and I was so tired of dietting so I took a break and started caring less for a while and it lead to this massive bulk in which I gained a lot of muscle but also a lot of fat.
Now, though, I wanna cut again and get to an even lower body fat than before (around 15%) and I've already got my diet plan ready, you can see it in the nutrition section (thread is titled 'First diet plan ever - what do you guys think?).
I know I'm too yoo Young to juice but clen is different right? I was thinking of doing something like 20mcg the first day and increasing by 20mcg everyday until 120 mcg or until I can't tolerate the sides anymore. Also I'd take 3g of taurine in capsule and 400mg of potassium in tablets for the cramps. What do you guys think? Good or bad idea?