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Thread: 20 year old. Thinking of trying Clenbuterol.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    20 year old. Thinking of trying Clenbuterol.

    To give you guys a bit of context, I've been training for 5 years, my weight is 225 lb. I just got out of a 2 month bulking that took me from 18% to 25% bodyfat. I know 18% was already too high, but before bulking I cut for a year straight which took me from 30% to 18% and I was so tired of dietting so I took a break and started caring less for a while and it lead to this massive bulk in which I gained a lot of muscle but also a lot of fat.

    Now, though, I wanna cut again and get to an even lower body fat than before (around 15%) and I've already got my diet plan ready, you can see it in the nutrition section (thread is titled 'First diet plan ever - what do you guys think?).

    I know I'm too yoo Young to juice but clen is different right? I was thinking of doing something like 20mcg the first day and increasing by 20mcg everyday until 120 mcg or until I can't tolerate the sides anymore. Also I'd take 3g of taurine in capsule and 400mg of potassium in tablets for the cramps. What do you guys think? Good or bad idea?

  2. #2
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Yes clen is not aas, it is a bronchodilator. First time I ran it i started at 40mcg a day. It doesn't hurt to start at 20 though. Run 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Expect shakiness, headaches, and high blood pressure. I always keep a close eye on my bp when I run clen or aas. Don't use it as a crutch. Get your diet in check and it will help bring results. Stay hydrated and good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by bigZthedestroyer View Post
    Yes clen is not aas, it is a bronchodilator. First time I ran it i started at 40mcg a day. It doesn't hurt to start at 20 though. Run 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Expect shakiness, headaches, and high blood pressure. I always keep a close eye on my bp when I run clen or aas. Don't use it as a crutch. Get your diet in check and it will help bring results. Stay hydrated and good luck.
    Hey. Thanks for the reply. Yeah I'm aware of the sides of Clen, obviously I've done my research. Here's my diet plan I was talking about:

    Meal 1:

    4 egg whites
    3 cooked ham slices
    1 cup blueberries

    58g prot
    6g fat
    21g carb

    Meal 2:

    1 small stalk broccolis
    10 small whole green olives
    225g shrimps
    1 cooked ham slice
    1 half cup blueberries

    59g prot
    10g fat
    21g carb

    Meal 3:

    200g basa filet
    6 egg whites
    1 cup green peas

    49g prot
    8g fat
    25g carb

    Meal 4:

    Protein shake:
    2 scoops unflavored whey protein powder
    1 small banana
    1 cup 1% fat milk

    44g prot
    6g fat
    34g carb
    (My logic here is, you need more carbs post workout)

    Meal 5:

    150g shrimps
    1 cooked ham slice
    15g Kirkland mixed non-salted nuts
    1 cup blueberries

    44g prot
    12g fat
    26g carb

    It's actually my first diet plan ever, I mean with numbers and all. Before I was just working with rough estimates. Also I can't eat oatmeal because it gives me stomach ache, in case you're wondering why there isn't any in the plan. What do you think?

  4. #4
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    You must like ham lol…It looks decent. I wouldn't use ham as my first choice but thats me. I would head over to the diet section of the board. There are some members over there that know their stuff. They can help dial you in.

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