I am looking to start a Bulking cycle later on this year, probably in September, and wanted some suggestions for a second compound to go along with test e (something other than dBol).
Age 24
Weight 218
Bf 11.9% (as of 5/9/14)
Cycle experience:
ocycle one
--test e 1-12 @ 500mg/w
--hCG 1-12 @ 500iu/w
--arimidex 1-14 @ .25mg/ed
--clomid 14-18 @ 75/50/50/50
--nolvadex 14-18 @ 40/20/20/20
ocycle two
--test e 1-12 @ 500mg/w
--dBol 1-6 @60mg/ed (under dosed)
--hCG 1-12 @ 500iu/w
--arimidex 1-14 @ .25mg/ed
--clomid 14-18 @ 75/50/50/50
--nolvadex 14-18 @ 40/20/20/20