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Thread: Anavar cycle review

  1. #1
    6 week anavar based cycle Milk thistle will also be used for liver support on cycle. I think I have everything set but I appreciate input on anything I should add. Stats 6'2 250 Bench:345 Squat:435 Macros P: 300 C: 335 F: 64 3000-3500calories is my range Week 1-Test E 250mg 2/week 40mg var ED(240mg)(Sunday off)/.25 Adex EOD/ 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily. Week 2- Test E 250mg 2/week 50mg var ED(300mg)(Sunday off)/ /.25 Adex EOD/ 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily. / Week 3- Test E 250mg 2/week 50mg var ED(300mg)(Sunday off)/ /.25 Adex EOD/ 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily. Week 4- Test E 250mg 2/week 75mg var ED(450)(Sunday off) /.25 Adex EOD/ 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily. Week 5- Test E 250mg 2/week 50mg var ED(450)(Sunday off)/ .25 Adex EOD/ 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily. Week 6- Test E 250mg 2/week 50 mg var ED(300)(Sunday off) /.25 Adex EOD/ 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) daily. PCT: 14 days after cycle but ask for start time Clomid and nolva post cycle Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 1575mg total Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20 700mg total Questions: I got clomid and nolva dosages from stickies. Can these #'s fluctuate a bit since my cycle isn't that long? What else should be used for Gyno prevention while on cycle? Raloxifene? Am I missing anything?
    Last edited by Getlean007; 05-28-2014 at 10:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Getlean007 View Post
    Am I missing anything?
    You are missing a firm grasp on how to run a cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    This again?

    No one is going to endorse a 20 year olds cycle, you are too young, period.

    You have obviously posted some random chit in 100 threads to boost you post count in a transparent attempt to get a source. Your forum log betrays you.

    I've read your threads and IMO you have already been given all the advice and you need, but because you don't like the answers so you persist in asking the same questions over and over until someone tell you what YOU want to hear.

    You have already dumped on most of the senior members who have given you advice, so, really, you should look elsewhere for your answers.

    And before you flip me off for not answering your question, check your previous thread, I already answered.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    ^he gets an "E" for effort though

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I feel a banned hammer coming!!! :-O

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    I feel a banned hammer coming!!! :-O
    I don't see any rule violations?

  8. #8
    I'm simply looking for information. Everyone with their opinions, keep them to yourselves. I am set on cycling, it's not like I'm breaking a new law by using it at 20 as opposed to 25. Technically, all of you without a script are breaking the law. So, just because it's illegal does that stop any of you? No! Why? Because it's your personal decision to make. It goes both ways with age, as long as I'm over 18, and an adult, I can make adult decision, just like you did when deciding to intentionally break the law; so let me. By you not giving me adequate information, you're just making the chances of something going wrong in my cycle higher. You think you're protecting me by not advising me any information but you're just contradicting yourself because I'm doing it anyway.

  9. #9
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    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by Getlean007 View Post
    I'm simply looking for information. Everyone with their opinions, keep them to yourselves. I am set on cycling, it's not like I'm breaking a new law by using it at 20 as opposed to 25. Technically, all of you without a script are breaking the law. So, just because it's illegal does that stop any of you? No! Why? Because it's your personal decision to make. It goes both ways with age, as long as I'm over 18, and an adult, I can make adult decision, just like you did when deciding to intentionally break the law; so let me. By you not giving me adequate information, you're just making the chances of something going wrong in my cycle higher. You think you're protecting me by not advising me any information but you're just contradicting yourself because I'm doing it anyway.
    easy there mate

    you have a right to ask, and we have a right to respond.

    when you ask a question on this board, which is a PUBLIC board, btw, be prepared to receive a variety of feedback. Not all of which you will agree or like.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Getlean007 View Post
    I'm simply looking for information. Everyone with their opinions, keep them to yourselves. I am set on cycling, it's not like I'm breaking a new law by using it at 20 as opposed to 25. Technically, all of you without a script are breaking the law. So, just because it's illegal does that stop any of you? No! Why? Because it's your personal decision to make. It goes both ways with age, as long as I'm over 18, and an adult, I can make adult decision, just like you did when deciding to intentionally break the law; so let me. By you not giving me adequate information, you're just making the chances of something going wrong in my cycle higher. You think you're protecting me by not advising me any information but you're just contradicting yourself because I'm doing it anyway.
    Bro everyone has told u this cycle is sh*t, worthless and a waste of time... Ur running test E for only 6 weeks, u won't feel anything until week 4 and by that time ur going to be starting PCT and for the var, why are u tapering on and off on the var. Keep it at one set mg ED thought the "sh*t cycle".... Also this is your first cycle why are u running and oral and test? Stick with just test...

  11. #11
    So where does it say I'm running pct at week four?!?!? Plus you wait two weeks on test e before even starting pct according to the stickies you provided me! So how am I basically starting pct at week four?

    I'm running a var based cycle you phuck! Var is not safe to run more than 6-8 weeks and it's bad to not use test while running var, so I'm incorporating test at a good dosage. How is it a bad cycle?

    I'm not tapering on and off var either, you sound stupid. Lower dosage first week to see how I react to it, as I get comfortable I'll gradually up dosages but for the most part it's 50mg ed besides the first and second to last week. What's wrong with that?

    I will be drug tested in due time, I am limited with the amount of time I have to run. Get off your high horse you peasant and answer some questions or continue being the mediocre weak itch you are in someone else's thread
    Last edited by Getlean007; 05-28-2014 at 12:08 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Getlean007 View Post
    So where does it say I'm running pct at week four?!?!? Plus you wait two weeks on test e before even starting pct according to the stickies you provided me! So how am I basically starting pct at week four?

    I'm running a var based cycle you phuck! Var is not safe to run more than 6-8 weeks and it's bad to not use test while running var, so I'm incorporating test at a good dosage. How is it a bad cycle?

    I'm not tapering on and off var either, you sound stupid. Lower dosage first week to see how I react to it, as I get comfortable I'll gradually up dosages but for the most part it's 50mg ed besides the first and second to last week. What's wrong with that?

    I will be drug tested in due time, I am limited with the amount of time I have to run. Get off your high horse you peasant and answer some questions or continue being the mediocre weak itch you are in someone else's thread
    What kind of gains are u trying to get out of this half ass cycle?.. Don't get mad because u are not getting the answer u want... Running test e for 6 weeks is point less and yes ur right running var for 6-8 weeks is good enough only if u are running high dosage of var like 80-100mg ED but your only running it at 50mg... If ur set on a short cycle then why are u not going to use test prop?? Do u even have an AI or hcg with is cycle?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212
    What kind of gains are u trying to get out of this half ass cycle?.. Don't get mad because u are not getting the answer u want... Running test e for 6 weeks is point less and yes ur right running var for 6-8 weeks is good enough only if u are running high dosage of var like 80-100mg ED but your only running it at 50mg... If ur set on a short cycle then why are u not going to use test prop?? Do u even have an AI or hcg with is cycle?
    I don't understand why you just can't communicate without sounding like such a dick. Nothing about my post seems unusual so idk why you feel like you need to be bashing on me. It's my first cycle, I appreciate criticism and your not really helping me at all.

    The gains I want are very achievable, I'm not expecting anything too dramatic. I'd like to drop a little Bf( var) while adding some strength, ik I will be bloated on test and I'm fine with that during cycle. In depth, I'd like to put 50 lbs on bench and same with squat, I'd be fine falling a little short. The whole point of roids is to accelerate your muscle and strength building abilities past what you can naturally do, and that's all I expect.
    I have a good workout regimen, I'm in the gym 3 times a day. I think it's a decent cycle, especially since I intended to do var only.

    Well test isn't my main compound I'm implementing. I don't care if 6weeks isn't enough, it's just to keep my test levels from being completely suppressed for the first month of summer and nothing more.

    Like I said, I'm not committing myself to taking 100mg a day on my first cycle, with a good source, 50-75 mg should suffice my goals as long as the var is legit. As my cycle goes on I will up dosages as necessary
    Yes I do have hcg at 500ius a week with a split
    As well as AI

    Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from commenting further

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