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Thread: Include Dr. "in the loop"?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Include Dr. "in the loop"?

    So I'm looking at doing a test e cycle in about a year from now-at around the 23-24 age mark. I am about due for a checkup visit at my Dr. in the next few weeks and was wondering what the consensus is-especially with the new healthcare stuff-as to what exactly you can and should say to a doc.

    I'm not looking for a hookup on hrt or anything like that-just wondering if I should have someone who knows what I am up to so he can make sure I'm healthy.

    I am planning on running bloods 3x for the cycle as well-separate from the dr.'s office.

    And I'm running a-dex and hcg during and clomid and nolva after to keep me workin.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    anything you tell your doc will become a part of your permanent medical record.

    I commented one time that I was drinking to help cope with a very difficult work environment. 12 years later, they still look at me like I'm an alcoholic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    is it possible to ask them to omit it from the written history? And if so-is it worth the effort?

    I guess I just like the idea of having someone making sure I'm not going to die-haha but I guess law breakers can't be choosers eh?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by Placebro View Post
    is it possible to ask them to omit it from the written history? And if so-is it worth the effort?

    I guess I just like the idea of having someone making sure I'm not going to die-haha but I guess law breakers can't be choosers eh?
    not really. if you are taking something that can have an impact your health, your doctor is almost obligated to record it in your records. If he didn't and something happened, then the issue of negligence can be brought up.

    I think it would be a lapse in judgment if your doc didn't record it.

    my .02

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    I wouldn't say anything

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    out there
    Quote Originally Posted by Placebro View Post
    So I'm looking at doing a test e cycle in about a year from now-at around the 23-24 age mark. I am about due for a checkup visit at my Dr. in the next few weeks and was wondering what the consensus is-especially with the new healthcare stuff-as to what exactly you can and should say to a doc.

    I'm not looking for a hookup on hrt or anything like that-just wondering if I should have someone who knows what I am up to so he can make sure I'm healthy.

    I am planning on running bloods 3x for the cycle as well-separate from the dr.'s office.

    And I'm running a-dex and hcg during and clomid and nolva after to keep me workin.
    I just went through all these thoughts getting on trt. I wanted my dr to be on same page I was. Thats a perfect world. If you told your dr what you planned to do he would be 100% against it and not help you in any way. Most likely if you had medical issues down the road they would say it was from the gear you ran 10 years ago. I was told also at that point if insurance wanted to stick it to you could deny u payment.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    It might be worth using the 'hypothetically speaking..' method of working out his views/knowledge on steroids and the endocrine system before hitting him with the truth. Your doctor can't record anything unless you openly admit to doing something.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    It may also effect future health insurance and employment. Dont fool yourself thinking it cant. Us over 40 have seen many changes in what information you insurance and employers can access including credit score.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Looks like I'll be keeping it a secret then-but I have a there anything specific that he could check for? Or is it all pretty much stuff I could check for in bloods?

    Also-I've never cycled before so I'm not sure exactly what goes wrong when something does go wrong on a cycle-I'm guessing mainly abscesses/infection ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    It may also effect future health insurance and employment. Dont fool yourself thinking it cant. Us over 40 have seen many changes in what information you insurance and employers can access including credit score.
    This is the truth

    Eat meticulous, train ridiculous for best results.

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