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Thread: test e/ t3 / clen

  1. #1

    test e/ t3 / clen

    First post but used the sit several times in the past as a great resource. looking to start a new cycle and trying to get some improvements and opinons, thanks in advance.

    15% bf
    lifting 5 years

    Looking to cut some fat and get my strength back up. I ran a tren cycle with great weightloss results and good strength but my diet went to crap after and lost alot of gains. ( could have done better post cycle for sure). but looking to get some fat off and some size/stength.


    test e for 10 weeks 250 mg on mon and thurs for 500 a week

    Clen- 2 weeks on 2 off all the way through my pct
    day 1- 40mcg day
    day 2- 75mcg day
    day 3-14- 100mcg
    day 15-28- off
    day 29-42- 120mcg
    day 43-56- off
    day 57-68- 100mcg
    day 69- 80mcg
    day 70- 40mcg

    Day 1- 25mcg
    Day2- 50mcg
    day3- 75mcg
    days4-20- 100mcg
    days33-38- 25mcg
    days39-42- 12.5mcg

    arimidex- .25mg eod during cycle

    pct- nolva 40/40/20/20 2 weeks after last pin.

    thoughts or suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total) seems to be missing. ALso for PCT I would suggest running both Nolvadex and Clomid (Clomiphene). The combination is important as they work in synergy to help you recover. Running only one of them will hinder your chance of recovery some. Your PCT protocol for this cycle should look like the following: Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20

    What supplements are you running on this cycle? I would say if you are running Clen Taurine is a must. Here is a good read on what is suggested you take.

    When you get enough post or you can make an email address just for this one email, I would ask Times Roman to send you his Macro Calculator. Here is a link to the thread.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Me personally I don't taper down with the T3,

    The Clen I taper up due to sides, but again I don't taper down

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