I'm goin on vaca while running prop/primo/anavar? Can I take anavar thru the vaca(3-9
Quick ? Regarding prop/ primo/& anavar and vaca for a week... I'm runnin test prop @ .75mgs ed primo .9 - 100mgs ed and I introduced anavar in wk 6 of my 12 wk cycle(and I'm at wk 8 starting tomorrow the 31st) now I'm leaving to see my girl in Cali(I'm on east coast rite now due to my father breakin neck-not paralyzed luckily & thank God) but if I was to stop the prop and primo and took just the anavar and possibly switching to Sust 350 throughout the remainder of my cycle which have 4 wks left in a 12 wk cycle??? And then reintroduce primo with the Sust when I returned??
Also on 25 mgs of aromasin ed, and hCG 500iu 2 x wk... Also aware of prop being a short ester vs Sust being a long ester injected Once/ twice a wk at most!
Last edited by NACH3; Today at 07:12 PM. Reason: To make more sense of what I know and maybe don't know
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