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Thread: Finished 1st cycle, need advice - w PICS

  1. #1
    FinalWish777 is offline New Member
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    Finished 1st cycle, need advice - w PICS

    (progress pics attached below)

    Hello all. First post. I am now at the end of my first cycle, which lasted 16 weeks.
    once a week: 300mg DECA , 300mg testosterone , HCG
    Clomid the whole time.

    I am getting the injections at my doctor's office, not sure why he gave me a 1:1 ratio of deca/test. He wouldn't do it differently. But I've had good results except some minor sexual problems which is why he gave me the clomid and it stopped. My estrogen levels had gotten high. He has been monitoring my levels the whole time.

    I've worked out for years and have always stayed at around 150 lbs with minimal muscle growth. I had a pretty good build but was just very skinny. Now, I probably went about this all wrong, but at the same time I started my cycle 4 months ago, I started doing things a lot differently. For starters, I started taking protein powder (mass gainer after workout and casein protein before bed). I never used protein powder before (stupid, I know). I also started using creatine for the 1st time and BCAA. I started lifting heavier (staying in 4-6 range rather than 8-12). I used more compound moves like squats, deadlifts, military press, dips, pull ups etc. These weren't really part of my routine before. I also have been using as many free weights as possible and went from 3 days a week to 4 or 5.

    But, I think the biggest change is that during my cycle I have eaten a LOT of calories. Like crazy amounts. I used to eat a moderate amount and went low carb thinking it would make me look more cut. But now I am eating lots and lots of carbs, brown rice or sweet potatoes, etc. I am eating every three hours, eating quite a few meals a day. Lots of lean meat, nuts, milk, etc. I would say I am eating close to twice the amount of what I used to eat.

    You can see below how my body changed during the 16 weeks.
    My doctor is now weening me off the stuff. I am currently doing what he calls a maintenance dose (200mg test and 150mg deca, instead of 300 of both). He wants me to slowly do less and less deca while keeping the test and HCG for a few weeks after and then starting PCT when all is said and done.

    Things I am wondering now is, how much of my weight gain and muscle growth was due to the steroids , and how much was just from me seriously changing my diet and workout routine. I also wonder how much of this muscle I can hold on to and for how long. All of my coworkers and friends comment on how big I look now and I would hate to go back to how I looked 4 months ago. I just really don't know what to expect moving forward...

    Thanks for reading, I know it was long for a first post.
    Pics below.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Finished 1st cycle, need advice - w PICS-progress.jpg  
    Last edited by FinalWish777; 06-01-2014 at 01:25 AM.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    You have a doctor who is doing this for you?? Thats scary that he is not more educated since he is potentially putting his practice at risk.
    Esentialy what he is doing is wrong or at least in the wrong order.

    Here is a good link to read and will answer most of your questions.
    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  3. #3
    FinalWish777 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the quick reply. I will def check that link out.
    Yes, I have a friend that saw the doctor and did a cycle and got amazing results. I went there and asked him about it and he said he could start me right away. I figured at least with a doctor he could monitor me the whole time and make sure my levels stay in check and what not. Doing everything on my own seemed a little scary.

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Stick around and you will find out how little most doctors even those who are supposed to be hormone specialist really know. It's scary. I actually know more than my Endo about aas.

    You are much better off educating yourself before letting your doctor (Frankenstein) experiment on you again.

  5. #5
    FinalWish777 is offline New Member
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    I feel you. And I'm sure u are correct. But based on the amounts and the HCG etc, do u think he did things badly? I've had good results but again I'm new to this and not even sure if I will do another cycle. Thanks again for the help

  6. #6
    FinalWish777 is offline New Member
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    Also, I did do some research beforehand so I wasn't going in blindly. And he told me PCT is very important and he would make sure I did what I needed to have a successful PCT. But again who really knows

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    HCG should have been ran during the cycle.
    No need to taper off the Deca , stop it at least 2 weeks if not 4 before stopping the test. Also no need to taper off the test, just stop and then 2 weeks later run the PCT of Clomid and Nolvadex .
    Read the link I gave you.

  8. #8
    FinalWish777 is offline New Member
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    I'm actually reading it now. And I did run HCG the whole time

  9. #9
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    The clomid is for recovery. Estrogen is managed with an AI like anastrozole.
    Your Dr. is putting you at risk of hpta damage.

  10. #10
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    And he calls himself a DR.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    And he calls himself a DR.
    That's why I called him Frankenstein.

  12. #12
    FinalWish777 is offline New Member
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    Funny u call him Frankenstein, cause he is a little creepy.

    But, I'm basically finished with the cycle anyway. Just finishing up the test and HCG and dropping deca .
    I've taken clomid the whole time and I can't take that back. However, I know I should keep taking it during recovery.
    Again this is my first time.

    So maybe my doctor isn't the best decision, but now I know that moving forward.
    Also, the injections are right under $500 a month, which I'm sure is highway robbery.
    So if I ever do another cycle (still deciding), I will probably find other means and use the knowledge I am gaining this first go round.

    Either way, I have gained 24 lbs in the past 4 months and I am happy about that.
    I'm just wondering if I can hold on to it. I feel a lot of it is because I started creatine and mass gainer and eating crazy amounts of food and lifting heavier.
    But I know the juice also helped, so I don't know what to expect now that I am finishing.

    Do most guys tend to slim down when they take breaks? Or can u maintain your weight with solid calorie intake and weight training..

  13. #13
    VegasBody's Avatar
    VegasBody is offline Associate Member
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    U will lose some but with proper diet U ahould be able to keep a good portion

  14. #14
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    I honestly believe you could have gotten to the point you are at naturally. I often see people complain about not gaining weight, and it almost always is fault of training and nutrition. A lot of people just aren't doing it properly. The first time I took creatine I put on 30 lbs in a few months, granted it wasn't as lean of gains as you got with this cycle. But I had finally learned how to eat, I was training religiously the entire year previously and only gained 10 lbs. You likely can maintain what you built if you do PCT properly and keep learning your body as far as training and nutrition goes.

    I don't ever need to force feed for growth anymore, but there was a time where that kind of advice is what I needed, and it can work for others.

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FinalWish777 View Post
    Funny u call him Frankenstein, cause he is a little creepy.

    But, I'm basically finished with the cycle anyway. Just finishing up the test and HCG and dropping deca .
    I've taken clomid the whole time and I can't take that back. However, I know I should keep taking it during recovery.
    Again this is my first time.

    So maybe my doctor isn't the best decision, but now I know that moving forward.
    Also, the injections are right under $500 a month, which I'm sure is highway robbery.
    So if I ever do another cycle (still deciding), I will probably find other means and use the knowledge I am gaining this first go round.

    Either way, I have gained 24 lbs in the past 4 months and I am happy about that.
    I'm just wondering if I can hold on to it. I feel a lot of it is because I started creatine and mass gainer and eating crazy amounts of food and lifting heavier.
    But I know the juice also helped, so I don't know what to expect now that I am finishing.

    Do most guys tend to slim down when they take breaks? Or can u maintain your weight with solid calorie intake and weight training..
    You did make the best choice you could with the information you had at the time but now you have resources to a lot more information and there are articles you can print out and take to him and hopefully he is open to learning. Some doctors are. We have had several trt doctors change their protocol after learning what they were doing is old school and there is a lot more updated information out there.

    Best of luck.

  16. #16
    FinalWish777 is offline New Member
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    Thanks everyone. Will make sure I do PCT best I can.

  17. #17
    FinalWish777 is offline New Member
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    Sorry to bump my old thread.
    I am nearing time for PCT.
    I have dropped the deca and am only doing test for 2 or 3 more weeks.
    I have clomid and nolvadex on hand.
    I have ran HCG the whole time.
    I read the articles on this forum, but am still a little unclear about HCG.
    When exactly should I stop the HCG?


  18. #18
    DrewZ's Avatar
    DrewZ is offline Productive Member
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    Refer to the First Cycle thread, you stop when you stop your Test.

    Section #6 in this link lays it out

  19. #19
    FinalWish777 is offline New Member
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    Ok great, thanks! I was reading a different article that wasn't as clear.
    Thanks again!

  20. #20
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    DrewZ likes this.

  21. #21
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Make sure you get good BW about 6 weeks after pct to see how you're doing.

    Welcome to the site.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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