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Thread: Need Advice

  1. #1
    Big Al J is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Need Advice

    Hey Guys I'm relatively new to this scene and I'm nearing the end of my second cycle. I've been alternating shoulders and I was supppsed to go in my right last Thursday but noticed a red ring on that side so I switched to the other. With that, when I pinned in the shoulder I found it hard to push so I pulled back a little and it went in really easy. Although I noticed when I pulled out that I had some blood in the pin and my shoulder was bleeding a lot. I cleaned it up with some cotton and kept an eye on it.. The next couple days it swelled up and had some good pain around the site. Today theres swelling past my elbow. It's not red or doesnt hurt but the excess swelling worries me. Any thoughts? And next time I'll be sure to aspirate .

    Im using a 50/50 sust 250/ enanthate stack

    Big Al

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    You could have knicked a vein on your way in. You might have gotten some of your gear into the vein but it's not likely. Sus250 always hurts when I inject it. Shoulder is a small muscle, it will hurt. As for the swelling, as long as it isn't red and hot it should be ok. Keep your eye on it. If it feels hot or gets red you need to go see a doc and check for infection. Otherwise, be more careful injecting and aspirate .

  3. #3
    Big Al J is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Thanks. Yeah I'll be keeping an eye on it and will post updates. Any idea of how long I should wait for the swelling to go down?

  4. #4
    Big Al J is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014
    Yeah couple days went by and the swelling went down. No biggie, thanks ScotchGuard for the info.

  5. #5
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This can be common and it could be caused from a bunch if different things when using lab grade gear(assuming that is what you have), could be a reaction from the oil, alcohol amount, tes crashing once injected, overdosed. Those things usually subside within a few days.

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