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Thread: My new cycle

  1. #1
    BigGuns89 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2012

    My new cycle

    Hi all

    I am regularly surfing this forums threads but for a while I have not posted my own so I thought I would share my new cycle.

    Started a week ago I will be using test e, parabolan , along with ai (arimadex). hcg , nolva & clomid for pct. including supps - vit an mins, omega 3, cod liver, bcaa's, glutamine, creatine, pre workout (1mr at tho mo) and obviously protein powders.

    weeks 1-12 test e 500mg e7d
    weeks 1-10 parabolan 76.5mg e3d

    I am 6, 1"
    229.6 lbs
    25 y/o

    been training solid for 3+ years now and looking to maintain size whilst leaning up.

    i generally train 5 days in the 8 - 15 rep range mostly in the 10 - 12's :
    shoulders, tris, traps
    chest, bis, forearms
    hams, calfs

    ive changed my routine around quite a bit over the last 3 years and im sticking with this one now.

    I eat every 3 hours between 7am and 10pm/11pm getting around 3000-3500 cals a day with a good mix of proteins, carbs, fats, veggies etc.

    Also I have a good number of cycles behind me, always getting blood work done after pct to make sure im g2g.

    my hcg normally comes in 1500iu or 2500iu and i was wondering if anyone can help with how to make it into 250iu sub q shots - i used think doing hcg after cycle before nolva/clomid was the way to go but alot of people say to do 250iu every 3 or 4 days throughout the cycle and i can see points in both ways of doing it and I have sent myself mad with the hours of reading up on the theory. kids, being able to recover my hpta and not killing my leydig cells is a big thing for me and i know it is one of the biggest risks using aas and i like to do things as properly as possible.

    Anyway theres a bit of an update from me, thanks for reading


  2. #2
    Grandeur is offline Junior Member
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    May 2014
    Profile sais you are 23?

    Thats a lot of gear man (past and present), I am just forewarning you about the storm that will come.

    If you are only 23 and been training three years you have plenty more natural gains to make. Diet/Training etc. People will tell you this so I am just getting it out of the way.

    Also I would change my workout if I were you. If you are an athlete.
    Last edited by Grandeur; 06-04-2014 at 07:31 AM.

  3. #3
    BigGuns89 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2012
    Body fats around 15-16%
    goal is to keep gaining in size untill i hit around 280lbs under 15% bf - i know this is a huge goal but year by year as long as i get a bit closer im happy.
    not sure why it says 23 i will look into that, turned 25 in Feb 2014.

    first cycle was test e only, then i did sust and deca - sust eod and deca e7d and now just started the cycle above.

    what advice do you have on the workout?

  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Are you injecting 500mg of test e7d, or is that your total for the week?

    Para is a 19nor and can increase prolactin levels. Are you taking a DA?

    I would rather teach a man to fish than give him fish, but this should answer your questin. Reconstituting hCG isn't difficult.

    For 1500ui add 1.5cc bac water
    1500ui/1.5=1000 1000/100=10 250/10=25units

    For 2500ui add 2cc back water
    2500ui/2=1250 1250/100=12.5 250/12.5=20units

    You should refer to this thread for hCG calculations.
    hCG Why You Should Use On Cycle Only and How to Prepare Your hCG Injections

  5. #5
    Grandeur is offline Junior Member
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    May 2014
    If you are training for athletics then I would change my schedule, thats all I was saying about that, if you are a bodybuilder (which is more likely I suppose) then keep it, it is just a very strange way to exercise..two days of back (Traps counts as back) then one of chest and then two of legs?

    You could simplify it a little. Either way good luck.

    real Parabolon is actually extremely rare so I would advise you get a steroid test kit and try testing it, because it could be counterfeit.

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