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Thread: High Blood Pressure on Cycle: Is Propanolol a good solution to control it ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina

    High Blood Pressure on Cycle: Is Propanolol a good solution to control it ?

    Hello friends.

    For High Blood Pressure, a Beta-Blocker could be a good and quick remedy to control it during cycle. Propranolol is often told for this purpose.

    What do you think about ? Otherwise, what remedies do you advice to control BP on cycle ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    ACE inhibitors are you better first choice than beta blockers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Italy, Messina
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    ACE inhibitors are you better first choice than beta blockers.
    Uhm... i thought to ACE too... but is there a specific one that you advice ? What doses range could be useful for a minimal BP raising ? And above all... there are risks related to kidneys using an ACE inhibitors than using Beta-Blocker ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Lisinopril is good for regular use. Try that one first.
    Ace inhibitors are renal protective (from the effects of hypertension) so long as your kidney function (gfr) is still adequate.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Lisinopril is good for regular use. Try that one first.
    Ace inhibitors are renal protective (from the effects of hypertension) so long as your kidney function (gfr) is still adequate.
    Ok. An indicative dosage for starting due to a moderate high blood pressure ( 140/90 e.g ) ( to adjust on running if necessary ), would it be ?
    Last edited by Slacker78; 06-04-2014 at 10:58 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    While beneficial dependent on patient needs, beta blockers like Propranolol can contribute to ED and can slow your heart-rate significantly. Not the first go-to medicine for active people...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Not the first go-to medicine for active people...
    Do you mean propanolol needs to be carefully observed during its use ? Or are you concering about ACE In. ?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker78 View Post
    Do you mean propanolol needs to be carefully observed during its use ? Or are you concering about ACE In. ?
    No, that it may not be the ideal medicine for a younger person that works out and doesn’t want a slowing of the heart-rate or possible ED issues. The people who typically use this or other beta-blockers are more sedentary and/or those patients that need a slower heart-rate due to their individual circumstances. I used to take Propranolol for control of Migraine Headaches and can tell you it gave me a resting heart-rate of around 60 BPM which is quite low and not conducive to working out. Even with cardio I couldnt get my heart-rate above 85 BPM while on it. Regardless, you should be talking to your primary care Doc on this anyway...
    Last edited by APIs; 06-04-2014 at 03:12 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I actually noticed that cardio, is a great natural way to keep BP under control; doing it everyday, give an incredibile help.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker78 View Post
    Ok. An indicative dosage for starting due to a moderate high blood pressure ( 140/90 e.g ) ( to adjust on running if necessary ), would it be ?
    The dosage requirements vary greatly from person to person. I use 5 mg to control my moderate natural HTN, and 10 mg when on cycle. Some guys are prescribed up to 40 mg. There's roughly a 15% chance that you'll experience bronchoconstriction and a persistent dry cough from it (or any ACE inhibitor). If you're one of the unlucky ones, Losartan will serve the same purpose without risk of that side effect.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    The dosage requirements vary greatly from person to person. I use 5 mg to control my moderate natural HTN, and 10 mg when on cycle. Some guys are prescribed up to 40 mg. There's roughly a 15% chance that you'll experience bronchoconstriction and a persistent dry cough from it (or any ACE inhibitor). If you're one of the unlucky ones, Losartan will serve the same purpose without risk of that side effect.
    Ok good Bonaparte. But why don't use directly Losartran in this case ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I've had high BP for years now. I'm on Norvasc 10 MG ED. It controlled my BP fine except for recently. My BP started getting high again and my Doc put me on an additional BP med which I got bad sides from it so I went off. My doc then prescribed me a different BP med and I was hesitant on taking it because of the sides. Here is what I did which worked well for me. I cut down on salt somewhat and started taking MegaNatura-BP Grapeseed Extract and Fish Oil along with the Norvasc. Now I don't know what all did it, but my BP has been steady at 127/79 for the past few weeks now. I've been on those vitamins for a good month or so before I noticed my BP going down. 127/79 is low for me and I am on week 5 of deca/cyp.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte
    Lisinopril is good for regular use. Try that one first. Ace inhibitors are renal protective (from the effects of hypertension) so long as your kidney function (gfr) is still adequate.
    Lisinopril works great I was on cycle and jumped up to 160's took 5mg put me back at high 120's

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