Originally Posted by
31years old
BF% - +/-12%?? roughly
TDEE = +/- 2975 roughly
Experience – 1 cycle
Training Experience – properly Since March-2014 with a Gym Vet. Everything before that doesn’t count in my books. - 2 months is not long enough to begin taking steroids. give it a few years mate so you can toughen up your body
Finish over 200lbs and keep BF% increase to a minimum.
(I am going to go find a bodpod close to me & get more accurate information)
Currently wrapping up my first cycle – (15wks Sust+2wksoff+4wks PCT) Sust250 500mg/wk. Will start 4wks PCT (Nolvadex/Clomid) in a couple weeks then be on “time-off” until November. My plan is to have everything tweaked to perfection (with everyone’s help) well before I get to the cycle itself. My goals in my next cycle are to gain lean mass & increase my strength. I have read, read and read some more. I have tried to put together what I think will work for me but I would really appreciate the one’s here who really know what’s going on to pick it apart, help me see the faults, and understand better if & why my idea isn’t going to work. If this looks too complicated for a 2nd cycle and goes against the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method, feel free to let me know. I'm not in a rush I can wait, just feel I can conduct something like this properly with planning and prep.
Thank you in advance.
**I chose Sust250 over a Single Ester due to the fact I have used it and enjoy how my body reacts with it, I can switch it to a single ester if it will increase my success (open to suggestions)**
1-12: Sust 250 (250mg E3D) - either pin eod or switch to a single esther that will accommodate a lengthier pinning protocol - remember, always pin to the fastest burning esther in these "cocktails"1-6: Dbol 40mg/day
8-12: Winstrol 50mg/day - lose one of the orals
1-12: Adex .25-.5/ EOD– (adjust up from .25 as needed)
1-14: HGC 250iu 2x/wk (Pin day before Sust in wks 1-12) *Stopping 3 days prior to PCT*
1-14: Liver Protection – NAC 2400mg/day (and now that I have learned more about liver protection I will start running 600+mg/day all year off-cycle) **Thanks to Austinite for the great thread on this**
14-18: Nolvadex – 40/40/20/20
14-18: Clomid – 100/50/50/50
Blood work to be done 2weeks before / 6weeks in / 6weeks after PCT
Diet – I Need to do more reading in the Nutrition Section, – (Dieting 101 – Lean Bulking by gbrice75 & HERE IS...gain lean muscle mass kind of diet... MIKE_XXL are opening my eyes to things I never knew)…there is still so much more for me to read there I haven’t built myself a program for this yet. (Will Post when I get that part together) - pm me and I will send you one of my macro calculators
(Hope the above mentioned names don't mind me giving them a shout out, their information was very useful to me & easy for a newbie like me to understand)