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Thread: My Next Cycle - Advice/Suggestions welcome.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
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    My Next Cycle - Advice/Suggestions welcome.

    31years old
    BF% - +/-12%?? roughly
    TDEE = +/- 2975 roughly
    Experience – 1 cycle
    Training Experience – properly Since March-2014 with a Gym Vet. Everything before that doesn’t count in my books.
    Finish over 200lbs and keep BF% increase to a minimum.
    (I am going to go find a bodpod close to me & get more accurate information)

    Currently wrapping up my first cycle – (15wks Sust+2wksoff+4wks PCT) Sust250 500mg/wk. Will start 4wks PCT (Nolvadex/Clomid) in a couple weeks then be on “time-off” until November. My plan is to have everything tweaked to perfection (with everyone’s help) well before I get to the cycle itself. My goals in my next cycle are to gain lean mass & increase my strength. I have read, read and read some more. I have tried to put together what I think will work for me but I would really appreciate the one’s here who really know what’s going on to pick it apart, help me see the faults, and understand better if & why my idea isn’t going to work. If this looks too complicated for a 2nd cycle and goes against the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method, feel free to let me know. I'm not in a rush I can wait, just feel I can conduct something like this properly with planning and prep.
    Thank you in advance.

    1-14: Test-E (250mg E3D)
    1-6: Dbol 40mg/day
    1-14: Adex .25-.5/ EOD– (adjust up from .25 as needed)
    1-16: HGC 250iu 2x/wk (Pin day before TestE in wks 1-12) *Stopping 3 days prior to PCT*
    1-16: Liver Protection – NAC 2400mg/day (and now that I have learned more about liver protection I will start running 600+mg/day all year off-cycle) **Thanks to Austinite for the great thread on this**

    PCT –
    16-20: Nolvadex – 40/40/20/20
    16-20: Clomid – 100/50/50/50
    16-20: Liver Protection - NAC 1200mg/day

    Blood work to be done 2weeks before / 8weeks in / 6weeks after PCT

    Diet – I Need to do more reading in the Nutrition Section, – (Dieting 101 – Lean Bulking by gbrice75 & HERE IS...gain lean muscle mass kind of diet... MIKE_XXL are opening my eyes to things I never knew)…there is still so much more for me to read there I haven’t built myself a program for this yet. (Will Post when I get that part together)

    (Hope the above mentioned names don't mind me giving them a shout out, their information was very useful to me & easy for a newbie like me to understand)
    Last edited by RigPig; 06-05-2014 at 12:55 PM. Reason: Changed from 12wk to 14wk. Changed from Sust250 to TestE. Removed Winny from last 4 weeks of cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I rec single ester and try teste or cyp. you havent yet so how do you know what is better. plus I feel the last ester of sust is a bit wasted id Opt for teste, i only use blend when its omnadren because they are cheap and hg. but generally i rec e or cyp.
    and for cycle i rec 14 wks vs.12 IMO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    North America
    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post
    I rec single ester and try teste or cyp. you havent yet so how do you know what is better. plus I feel the last ester of sust is a bit wasted id Opt for teste, i only use blend when its omnadren because they are cheap and hg. but generally i rec e or cyp.
    and for cycle i rec 14 wks vs.12 IMO
    Thanks for the input Juced_porkchop, I didn't mean to give of the impression the blend was better, just that I have already used it so know what to expect from it. I have read allot (like you say) just go with a single ester like TE or TC.
    If I went that route would it change my dosing? (Instead of going 250mg E3D with Sust250, going __mg E__D with CYP or E) also how would that effect my PCT?
    I have no issues going 14wks. I just figured 12 was long enough.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    ..more opinions welcomed

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    31years old
    BF% - +/-12%?? roughly
    TDEE = +/- 2975 roughly
    Experience – 1 cycle
    Training Experience – properly Since March-2014 with a Gym Vet. Everything before that doesn’t count in my books. - 2 months is not long enough to begin taking steroids. give it a few years mate so you can toughen up your body
    Finish over 200lbs and keep BF% increase to a minimum.
    (I am going to go find a bodpod close to me & get more accurate information)

    Currently wrapping up my first cycle – (15wks Sust+2wksoff+4wks PCT) Sust250 500mg/wk. Will start 4wks PCT (Nolvadex/Clomid) in a couple weeks then be on “time-off” until November. My plan is to have everything tweaked to perfection (with everyone’s help) well before I get to the cycle itself. My goals in my next cycle are to gain lean mass & increase my strength. I have read, read and read some more. I have tried to put together what I think will work for me but I would really appreciate the one’s here who really know what’s going on to pick it apart, help me see the faults, and understand better if & why my idea isn’t going to work. If this looks too complicated for a 2nd cycle and goes against the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method, feel free to let me know. I'm not in a rush I can wait, just feel I can conduct something like this properly with planning and prep.
    Thank you in advance.

    **I chose Sust250 over a Single Ester due to the fact I have used it and enjoy how my body reacts with it, I can switch it to a single ester if it will increase my success (open to suggestions)**

    1-12: Sust 250 (250mg E3D) - either pin eod or switch to a single esther that will accommodate a lengthier pinning protocol - remember, always pin to the fastest burning esther in these "cocktails"1-6: Dbol 40mg/day
    8-12: Winstrol 50mg/day - lose one of the orals
    1-12: Adex .25-.5/ EOD– (adjust up from .25 as needed)
    1-14: HGC 250iu 2x/wk (Pin day before Sust in wks 1-12) *Stopping 3 days prior to PCT*
    1-14: Liver Protection – NAC 2400mg/day (and now that I have learned more about liver protection I will start running 600+mg/day all year off-cycle) **Thanks to Austinite for the great thread on this**

    PCT –
    14-18: Nolvadex – 40/40/20/20
    14-18: Clomid – 100/50/50/50

    Blood work to be done 2weeks before / 6weeks in / 6weeks after PCT

    Diet – I Need to do more reading in the Nutrition Section, – (Dieting 101 – Lean Bulking by gbrice75 & HERE IS...gain lean muscle mass kind of diet... MIKE_XXL are opening my eyes to things I never knew)…there is still so much more for me to read there I haven’t built myself a program for this yet. (Will Post when I get that part together) - pm me and I will send you one of my macro calculators

    (Hope the above mentioned names don't mind me giving them a shout out, their information was very useful to me & easy for a newbie like me to understand)
    comments in RED

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    comments in RED
    Thanks for taking the time to look it over, , I will def go EOD or Make the Switch to a single ester as both you and Jucd_Porkchop have recommended (most likely switch to Test E).
    What's the reason for the orals comment if you don't mind me asking? Is it just too much on the liver this early in my game? If so it'd probably be the Winny that I cut out

  8. #8
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    Thanks for taking the time to look it over, , I will def go EOD or Make the Switch to a single ester as both you and Jucd_Porkchop have recommended (most likely switch to Test E).
    What's the reason for the orals comment if you don't mind me asking? Is it just too much on the liver this early in my game? If so it'd probably be the Winny that I cut out
    orals are taken 4 to 6 weeks depending on which oral. you are running 12 weeks straight. doesn't give your liver much of a chance.....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    orals are taken 4 to 6 weeks depending on which oral. you are running 12 weeks straight. doesn't give your liver much of a chance.....
    Gotcha, if I were to add another 2 weeks to the cycle (bringing it up to 14 before PCT) would that be more beneficial giving my liver more of a break between the 2? Or just scrap the whole 2 orals in 1 cycle for now?

  10. #10
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    Back from Afghanistan
    one oral only per cycle

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    one oral only per cycle
    Done, Winny is out. Thank you for your input! Glad to have you guys looking over my idea, if I can't do it properly I'd not do it at all believe me!

  12. #12
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    Still curious about the Test E, proper dosage EOD

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Dose Test-E every 3.5 days.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DontTaseMeBro View Post
    Dose Test-E every 3.5 days.
    Thank you.

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