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Thread: increlex help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    increlex help

    hey all.
    i wonder is anyone here who used increlex(igf-1) can give some advices on dose,length of cycle, result, sides include blood pressure.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Are you claiming to have access to it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    yes, im not from usa.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    somewhere near London
    I'm interested in this as well. I have a scrip for gh, but I don't fill it because my son has a cello addiction that uses a lot of my extracurricular cash.

    So the last time I saw my endo, he said that since I didn't want to splash out on gh, I should consider IGF1 LR3, and wrote me a scrip for increlex, which I also didn't have filled, as it still isn't cheap, and I wanted to do some reading about it before I bought it.

    And I know that igf-1 is downstream from gh, but of course there are a lot of downstream hormones from gh (in fact, I think we haven't even identified them all, and don't know what all the ones we have identified do, necessarily), but I think IGF1 is involved in neurological repair, and I am wondering what the benefits of taking it are, apart from treating growth problems in children, and I have not found a lot out there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    increlex is not igf-1 lr3. its short acting igf-1.
    its actually for children that didnt respond to gh or with igfd.
    gh anabolic effect is threw raising igf-1 levels.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    somewhere near London
    Sorry, yeah, I just mentioned the two things into one sentence without explaining and now things are getting a little off track.

    The doc gave me a scrip for increlex, and also a sheet of paper telling me of a good euro source for IGF LR3 if I wanted cheaper still. I know the difference between the two, I was just talking generally about downstream hormones of GH, in particular, IGF1 - which I assume is similar to what you want to know, given that your original post asked what the benefits of taking it are.

    But since you explained that the anabolic effect of GH is due to increased IGF, can I ask how you know this to be true? I think people seem to assume this, because GH raises IGF levels, but I am unaware of any actual scientific knowledge that this is a verified causative mechanism as opposed to just a correlation. If you have a paper detailing this, I would very much like to read it and learn, so please do post a link.

    I read a lot of medical literature, but I certainly haven't read exhaustively in this area, and have never seen any claims such as this (in medical literature - I see it on bodybuilding sites all the time, however). In fact, it's a rather counter intuitive claim, because if raised IGF levels are the cause of the anabolism, then raising IGF levels directly (such as in taking IGF1) should be at least as effective, if not MORE effective than taking GH. And no one seems to believe that. In fact, people believe that some of the chinese "GH" is actually a scam and there is IGF1 in the vials, as it raises IGF1 levels, and then the user believes they have real GH when they don't. If IGF1 gave the same benefits (including anabolic effects) as GH, wouldn't people just use IGF1, since it is cheaper?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    gh stimulate igf-1 production in the body.
    one of the signs of growth Deficiency in kids is low igf-1. and in adults....
    all the online igf-1 sold is bunk. its not real igf-1. and that include the chinese gh that its not gh in there or igf-1.
    the real igf-1 from pharma grade supposed to be good for building muscle, but i open the thread to find the people that used it and see details on there cycle before im buying it, to see if it worth the money. cause it really expensive.

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