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Thread: I've been running test e without hcg

  1. #1

    I've been running test e without hcg

    This is my third week of 500 mg test e / week. I've been taking a half tablet of arimidex every other day. I just ordered some hcg today, so I won't be able to start it for a few more weeks. Any problems here? Would it screw up my pct? I was going to take clomid and maybe nolva for pct.

    And yes, I should have had hcg on hand before I started. I know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Dont know bud, i never use hcg with test e only cyc. Body loves the stuff alone!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Run it as soon as u get it-run it till 3 prior to pct and yes both clomid and nolva in pct.
    500iu split twice a week is good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Just start it when you get it. You'll b fine

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jason559
    Dont know bud, i never use hcg with test e only cyc. Body loves the stuff alone!
    If you don't know then please don't answer.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Yes, start running hcg twice a week at 250 ius right up until 3 days prior to the start of pct.

  7. #7
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Derekjpapa View Post
    Run it as soon as u get it-run it till 3 prior to pct and yes both clomid and nolva in pct.
    500iu split twice a week is good.
    X2... It should be ran during full cyc... But same happened to me and these guys on this thread told me the same... I've been runnin hCG since end of wk 6 til end of wk 12 at 500iu twice a week !

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    If you don't know then please don't answer.
    Some people don't need hcg, I've ran tons of anabolics months without hcg and never had an issue. I'll just use it once and a while to bring the boys back. Has nothing to do with what he knows, it's what works for him.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomobrien View Post
    This is my third week of 500 mg test e / week. I've been taking a half tablet of arimidex every other day. I just ordered some hcg today, so I won't be able to start it for a few more weeks. Any problems here? Would it screw up my pct? I was going to take clomid and maybe nolva for pct.

    And yes, I should have had hcg on hand before I started. I know.
    Just start it as soon as you get it, it helps with a better recovery due to it maintaining testicular size and function

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by KBD View Post
    Some people don't need hcg, I've ran tons of anabolics months without hcg and never had an issue. I'll just use it once and a while to bring the boys back. Has nothing to do with what he knows, it's what works for him.
    Look up Dr. Crisler's updated paper on HCG on Google and how serum LH concentrations effects the P450scc. Everybody on gear, TRT, cycling, or BnC should use HCG to stimulate P450scc which is responsible for steroidogenesis of many sex hormones not just testosterone production or testicle size/atrophy.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Look up Dr. Crisler's updated paper on HCG on Google and how serum LH concentrations effects the P450scc. Everybody on gear, TRT, cycling, or BnC should use HCG to stimulate P450scc which is responsible for steroidogenesis of many sex hormones not just testosterone production or testicle size/atrophy.
    People also shouldn't drink and drive. I'm just saying it's not necessary. The op seemed he was nervous is was gonna screw him up if he didn't use it in the beginning.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by KBD View Post
    People also shouldn't drink and drive. I'm just saying it's not necessary. The op seemed he was nervous is was gonna screw him up if he didn't use it in the beginning.
    I also advise ppl not to drink and drive just like I do advise for HCG use lol. I understand what you were trying to say and I agree, it's not going to screw him up if he starts when he gets it, but I think HCG should be a staple for all of us who run gear. Many other hormones can be thrown out of whack such as corticosteroids, glucocorticoids, and mineralsteroids. My $.02

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    I also advise ppl not to drink and drive just like I do advise for HCG use lol. I understand what you were trying to say and I agree, it's not going to screw him up if he starts when he gets it, but I think HCG should be a staple for all of us who run gear. Many other hormones can be thrown out of whack such as corticosteroids, glucocorticoids, and mineralsteroids. My $.02
    Corticosteroids are the devil

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