Hey Everyone,

I was looking for some advice on my first cycle. I'm 27 years old 190lbs at 17% BF. I have been lifting for 4 years and have tried every supplement you can think of on bodybuilding or GNC. Anyway I'd say 8-9 months ago I was at 10% BF then I had to have a shoulder surgery. I couldn't excerise for a long time and sill currently have pain in my shoulder. But I've been back in the gym for a couple months and have been seeing great strength gains, but obviously looking to start a cutting cycle.

I've done a lot of research and have the gear in my mind I want to take to cut but wanted to get everyones advice. Currently I'm taking Test Stack No 17, S4 & MK-2866 Sarms , and I just added low doses of anavar 50mgs ED, and 80Mgs of Clen this week. The research is mixed but I read you can take small doses of anavar and clem without gyno or any other side effects.

My question is should I add Test E and T3 cycle to aid in the fat loss ? I've read a lot of people take oral Tren or T3 for great fat loss but recommend taking Test to avoid muscle wasting ? I'm worried with such a high BF % that TEST will make me gain even more weight?

I currently have on hand (not taking)

TEST E 250 (2 vials 10ML)
Forma Stanzol
N2 Guard
HCG Generate

Like I said if you guys do recommend adding Test E & T3 for weight loss I will have up my doses of anavar daily. What does everyone recommend to combat Gyno and side effects ?