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Thread: Sleep problems, night sweats, is this normal on this cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken

    Sleep problems, night sweats, is this normal on this cycle?

    Hi everyone,
    I've been having sleep issues(not falling asleep but staying asleep, along w/night sweats) and almost as if my body is humming... Like once my eyes open I'm awake!
    Currently I'm runnin:
    Test prop at .75mgs Ed
    Primo At .9-1.0mgs ed
    Anavar. At 60-80mgs ed(been at 60 mgs for three wks and am thinkin of bumpkin it to 80mgs...
    AI. Aromasin 25 mgs ed
    hCG 500iu twice a wk
    Liq. Cialis about 5 mgs to 10 mgs ed
    Also, this whole cycle my family member broke his neck aswell as my girlfriend lost her Father(May he R.I.P.)... I know this can have an impact aswell but want some much needed advice if possible in this scenerio... Thank you and much appreciated for any and all replies!! Thanks all !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    It sounds a lot like stress to me more than your cycle unless you have run this cycle before and had the same issues.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    the prop and anavar can make you sweat profusely all the time... i assume you are sweating a lot more in the gym too?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Dont ask me why but anavar did give me a bit of anxiety

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina
    It's normal in general, being steroids raise your metabolism activity. I went out with friends with a t-shirt while them were with the jacket. My skin was so warm and they were impressed. This can lead to anxiety state too, especially if Estrogens level raise too much. At beginning i didn't use an AI, and this led me in a terrible anxiety state. Later i discovered this was caused by and excessive Estrogens buildup. Using an AI, in a week, all come back under control.

  6. #6
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    It sounds a lot like stress to me more than your cycle unless you have run this cycle before and had the same issues.
    Yes I have ran the same cyc b4 and didn't have these problems so I too was thinkin more stress related... My AI is good as I'm runnin stane at 25 mgs sides...thanks much BigTahl!!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unrealone View Post
    the prop and anavar can make you sweat profusely all the time... i assume you are sweating a lot more in the gym too?
    Exactly... Extremely Intense workouts feels great.... Just was wondering about the stress part!!! Thanks and much appreciated

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Any fluctuation in hormones can possibly cause the symptoms everyone has described.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black View Post
    Any fluctuation in hormones can possibly cause the symptoms everyone has described.
    Thanks for replying... I knew about all these things especially since I've ran the same cycle b4 and didn't have the symptoms to this degree( and it's not everyday.... That's why I think a lot of it is stress due to the situation regarding my father! Thanks for your reply, much appreciated Black!

  10. #10
    Try natural approaches first,,,ZMA,,MELATONIN etc.. those do work well for some.

  11. #11
    Yup, during my Test prop cycle sleeping was Hell! Taking about 2-3 hours to fall a sleep and waking up time after time during the night.

  12. #12
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    Stress is stress the external stuff will only compound the lack of sleep. The mind plays tricks; even if your dont feel stressed you may beand those circumstances would stress anyone.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    Try natural approaches first,,,ZMA,,MELATONIN etc.. those do work well for some.
    That woulda been my first instinct too... To go natural(products first) thanks I appreciate your reply!!!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody95 View Post
    Yup, during my Test prop cycle sleeping was Hell! Taking about 2-3 hours to fall a sleep and waking up time after time during the night.
    Rite... It's more the staying asleep part which has started to become a lil better... I mean I'm getting great, real intense workouts(6 on one off) and don't feel lethargic at all except when I'm done doing everything that needs to be done! So thanks again all... And I just found out that my Pop is gonna be coming home on Wednesday so that will either drop my stress or re-elevate it as I am gonna be there for him during his transformation back into the real world so to speak!!! Thanks again everyone for your reply's... As they wereuch needed!!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by yettibecsuse View Post
    Stress is stress the external stuff will only compound the lack of sleep. The mind plays tricks; even if your dont feel stressed you may beand those circumstances would stress anyone.
    True that... About ur mind playing it's tricks on ya! Thank you all for your great advice... Being that I've ran this cyc b4 just this one my doses were a lil higher... Didn't experience this sh-- b4 the last time I ran this so thanx again to this whole forum of great advice!!!

  16. #16
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    Ive even gotten sweats off just test, especially the 1st couple times. It's just your hormones out of whack.

  17. #17
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    Rite... Rite... Thanks bro! Always appreciate your advice my man!

  18. #18
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    Nov 2011
    Pretty much always have night sweats. Used to being soaked, kind of nice, started tren and don't feel any different in that regard. No insomnia although I'm back to waking up really early again, but that's in part to my diet.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    Pretty much always have night sweats. Used to being soaked, kind of nice, started tren and don't feel any different in that regard. No insomnia although I'm back to waking up really early again, but that's in part to my diet.
    That's a great point(I too wake up early-for dieting purposes) we have to really... So it's just all part of the game of training and dieting.... I also like to hit the gym around 4:30 am so waking around 3:00 am isn't really a bad thing(especially when I'm trying to go to bed around 8:30pm)! Like I said b4 my workouts are great. Really intense as I do a lot of super setting as I'm cutting my BF% - goal us to be in mid to high 6's - at least low 7's... Push - Pull... Mon-Thur - Chest/Back - Tues.-Fri - Arms(bi's & tri's), Wed-Sat - Shoulders/legs! Thanks for reply, much appreciated!!!
    Last edited by NACH3; 06-08-2014 at 04:43 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    That's a great point(I too wake up early-for dieting purposes) we have to really... So it's just all part of the game of training and dieting.... I also like to hit the gym around 4:30 am so waking around 3:00 am isn't really a bad thing(especially when I'm trying to go to bed around 8:30pm)! Like I said b4 my workouts are great. Really intense as I do a lot of super setting as I'm cutting my BF% - goal us to be in mid to high 6's - at least low 7's... Push - Pull... Mon-Thur - Chest/Back - Tues.-Fri - Arms(bi's & tri's), Wed-Sat - Shoulders/legs! Thanks for reply, much appreciated!!!
    I would think you would be alright getting over 6 hours of sleep. More is nicer if you can. But I was running t3 and getting 3-5 hours of sleep. I'd wake up starving, not to mention I was regularly getting up at 4 for cardio on week days. I found myself up getting up even early when I didn't need to. Glad I dropped the t3 cause now I usually get over 5 hours, and for a little while was getting more. 6-7% bf would be nasty, would like to hit that some time myself, but recomping now as 15 months of fat loss in a row no breaks is all I can handle.

    With the night sweats I personally wouldn't keep a fan on you, just drop layers of blankets and sheets off. I know when I have the window open, if i sweat a ton and move, then move back into that wet spot its freezing cold. who knows, maybe keeping it warmer without blankets with a fan on you would keep you dry... i guess you get used to it.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    I would think you would be alright getting over 6 hours of sleep. More is nicer if you can. But I was running t3 and getting 3-5 hours of sleep. I'd wake up starving, not to mention I was regularly getting up at 4 for cardio on week days. I found myself up getting up even early when I didn't need to. Glad I dropped the t3 cause now I usually get over 5 hours, and for a little while was getting more. 6-7% bf would be nasty, would like to hit that some time myself, but recomping now as 15 months of fat loss in a row no breaks is all I can handle.

    With the night sweats I personally wouldn't keep a fan on you, just drop layers of blankets and sheets off. I know when I have the window open, if i sweat a ton and move, then move back into that wet spot its freezing cold. who knows, maybe keeping it warmer without blankets with a fan on you would keep you dry... i guess you get used to it.
    I definitely agree... No fan b/c if I get up to sh-- or get a drink I'm freezing like ya said within like 2 minutes if dripping sweat... But yeah ya get used to it 4 sure! I also get to sleep during the day when I'm not training someone or in between sessions do to speak... Tryin to build my Reputation up on west coast(a Lot harder I'd say then the east coast where I grew up... Gotta get into a better quality gym in the hills(Oakland) or go south...

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