Ok let me start off.
about 14-15 ish bodyfat. Quite fat and unfit atm.
On Trt and blast and cruise.
Current cycle 6/7 weeks in.
1gram deca
750 eq
250 test
Adex 0.25mg tue/fri so 24hrs after each injection. Keeps E2 according to last blood test on 250 test 89 which in american terms i believe is around 30ish?
Anway, my problem is halfway through intercouse,, or when my missus is on top grinding against me i go flat as hell, not sure why. Its deffs not her otherwise i wouldnt be with her lol. I wish i could just get as naturally hard as i can when i pop a viagra. Lucky ive stocked up on these.
Go flat halfway through sex, not to bad when i masturbate.