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Thread: Yes another first cycle thread!!

  1. #1
    juicerat69 is offline New Member
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    Yes another first cycle thread!!

    OK so first post, and yes, first cycle advice I'm looking for.

    I have been reading and researching quietly in the background to educate myself somewhat.
    So here is what my first cycle will consist of, hopefully if there are any bad parts or improvements
    some of you vets can correct em.

    Also just to mention I don't intend on carrying out the cycle for maybe a few months but
    I am travelling to Thailand soon and want to stock up on the goodies.

    Alcohol Swabs x 100.
    23-25 gauge, 1-1.5 inch needles x 60.
    Test E 30ml
    Arimidex 15mg
    Clomid 2000mg
    Nolva 1000mg

    WK 1-12 Test E-500MG...... 250mg Every 3.5 Days, Mon and Thurs.
    Wk 1-14 Arimidex ...... .25mg EOD
    Wk 14-18 Clomid ...... 75/75/50/50mg ED
    Wk 14-18 Nolvadex ...... 40/40/20/20mg ED

    I have read about hCG being taken (250iu twice a week) but it sounds like a lot of hassle mixing etc with my lack of experience, is it really necessary?

    Also have read about 600mg NAC daily and wonder if this is necessary.
    A lot of cycles I have researched about have not bothered with these last two options but what are peoples thoughts?

    What doses do arimidex and clomid and nolva tabs come in?
    Should I buy Raloxifene and Letro incase of a gyno side effect,
    I don't expect it but if it does happen I wouldn't know where to look here in Australia.

    Any other pointers would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes use hcg it is easy to use-first time mixing it and using you will see.
    Why not be safe ?
    Cycle looks good you did do your research props to you.
    Clomid usually comes in 50 tabs nolva in 10 tabs
    Liver support can be used all the time but not a necessity unless using a oral but again why not be safe
    jdc91gt likes this.

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Layout looks good. HCG on cycle has a great benefit when it come to the recovery phase. 250iu 2x week.
    You did not include your stats so the cycle looks good but are you ready physically.
    jdc91gt likes this.

  4. #4
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This being your first you want to make sure your body fat is 15% or less. This goes for cutting as well as bulking.

  5. #5
    jdc91gt's Avatar
    jdc91gt is offline Senior Member
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    Add the hCG and you'll be good to go! Best of luck.

  6. #6
    goin4itall is offline New Member
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    Good looking first cycle. Definitely add the hcg . You'll be glad you did.

  7. #7
    VegasBody's Avatar
    VegasBody is offline Associate Member
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    Thailand or Australia?

  8. #8
    Iron-56's Avatar
    Iron-56 is offline Associate Member
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    HCG IMHO Should not be used for first cycles because how will you know if you are/how sensitive to HPTA suppression/shutdown

  9. #9
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron-56
    HCG IMHO Should not be used for first cycles because how will you know if you are/how sensitive to HPTA suppression/shutdown
    That makes no sense. HCG should be part of every cycle. It mimics LH through a similar, albeit slightly different molecular pathway to maintain the functional health of leydig cells during HTPA suppression.
    TrevHoff likes this.

  10. #10
    juicerat69 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the responses. Sounds like the majority recommend hCG so I will also try get my hands on this.
    I see in another post it mixes with bacteriostatic water or something like that.
    Is this freely available in Australia and is it the easiest/only thing to mix with hCG?
    0.9% sodium chloride solution I have read elsewhere whatever that is!!

    Thailand or Australia, I dont understand your question?

    Liver support such as what and for what reason? I didn't think that was needed on a cycle such as this.

  11. #11
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    I overlooked bacteriostatic water thinking I could get it anywhere and then panicked because I couldn't buy it where I got my gear from. Meant I had to delay starting. It should be easy enough to source, but pharmacies don't tend to have this stuff just lying around. Outside of steroid use it isn't used for much else. depending on what country you are from as to whether you need a script for it (or at least a good excuse lol). There are many websites that sell this stuff in the US and probably other countries (but not where I live).

    0.9% sodium chloride solution is bacteriostatic water = sterile water with 0.9% sodium chloride.
    means the water is more bacteria resistant than plain sterile water, it needs to be because you'll be keeping it in your fridge for weeks.

    Other forms of bac water come with benzyl alcohol instead of the sodium chloride, but I don't have any experience with this type.

    Good luck and nice cycle

  12. #12
    juicerat69 is offline New Member
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    Regarding stats. I'm probably not "ready" but I'm 31 yrs old almost and have always been fit with lowish body fat percentage but not what you would call strong. I am looking to bulk up a bit but also stay quite lean. I'm 5'8" 74kg(163ibs) and I don't know my body fat but I will get it checked before cycle and will start my cycle going on this.

  13. #13
    juicerat69 is offline New Member
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    Yes another first cycle thread!!-image.jpg

    Ok so I'm in Bangkok. Here is a pic of the test, Arimidex , nolvadex and clomid.

    There are not as many pharmacy as I thought that would sell the stuff.
    But it still was relatively easy to get after a bit of online searching in the Sukhumvit area.
    Supposedly Pattaya is a hotspot for anything you want but I won't be travelling there..

    I asked for hCG but she said company that used to make it expired is what I gather from her broken English.
    I will try other pharmacies for this maybe I will get lucky and also for bacteriostatic water, How much of this should i need?

    Here is a breakdown of the prices I paid for anyone interested and anyone planning to do some shopping in Thailand.
    I don't know if I got overcharged I probably did but its good to have something to compare to if you go to no price talk. Dont post again until you read our rules

    My planned .25mg Arimidex EOD is not really an option now with these tablets size and potency, what are my options in this case?
    Last edited by BG; 06-17-2014 at 07:56 AM.

  14. #14
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicerat69 View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Ok so I'm in Bangkok and have gotten the test, Arimidex , nolvadex and clomid,
    As shown in the pic if I managed to attach it correctly.

    There are not as many pharmacy as I thought that would sell gear
    But it still was relatively easy to get after a bit of online searching in the Sukhumvit area. Supposedly Pattaya is a hotspot for anything you want.

    I asked for hCG but she said company that used to make it expired is what I gather from her broken English.
    That it is
    Yes another first cycle thread!!-l_a4319dc7952535dc4e0033669e0a168e.jpg

  15. #15
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicerat69 View Post
    My planned .25mg Arimidex EOD is not really an option now with these tablets size and potency, what are my options in this case?
    I have the same. Open the cap, empty onto a flat surface, divide into 4 with a card or razor blade, wet the tip of your finger and dab the powder onto your finger and swallow it. Kinda like you would with other white powders *cough*
    I have a shallow plastic box with a lid that I split it up in and then I can seal it so it doesn't get contaminated over time.

  16. #16
    juicerat69 is offline New Member
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    Yes another first cycle thread!!-image.jpg

    So I got so hCG . no price talk. Please read our rulesfor 15000 iu in 5000iu containers.
    Comes with 3 1ml amps for mixing. I planned on having 250iu twice a week
    Can this be achieved by this mixing ratio. Works out at .05ml per 250iu by
    My calculations, is this correct or can such a small figure be administered?
    Should I up the dosage to 500iu twice a week or even weekly instead?
    Last edited by BG; 06-17-2014 at 07:52 AM.

  17. #17
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    In my experience the water that comes with it is just sterile water, you need bac water for it to last long enough without risk of infection.

  18. #18
    juicerat69 is offline New Member
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    Ok sorry I won't mention prices again.
    This Is not just sterile water. It's says
    Sodium chloride .9%
    Benzyl alcohol .9% also.

    Bacteriostatic sodium chloride injection usp

  19. #19
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    Glad it is bac water you have, but I would recommend you try to find more.

    I mixed my 5000iu with 2ml = 0.1ml injections, which if I'm honest is do-able but measuring it out is a little tricky and I can't help thinking that the amount left in the syringe is wasteful. IMO 0.05ml is too small.

    From what I understand you need to keep the dose at 250iu 2 times per week, if you raise it to 500iu 2 times a week the leydig cells are over desensitized and behave in much the same way as under stimulated.

    If you haven't read it, this is a good article written by Austinite

  20. #20
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    I also found that asking for bacteriostatic water resulted in the shop assistant giving me a blank look and then shaking their head and saying no. When I spoke to a doctor (in Malaysia) he referred to bac water as simply "injection water". I think the word bacteriostatic gets lost in translation out here. The next pharmacy I went in to and asked for injection water presented me with some, I just checked that the solution contained 0.9% sodium chloride.

    Hope this helps in your search.

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