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Thread: First Cycle Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    First Cycle Questions

    Hello. This is my first post, and first cycle. I've learned a lot here and been lurking around for quite some time though. I've read Austinite's thread a couple dozen times, which really helped out. This whole board has been quite a wealth of knowledge.

    I'm 36 with 16% BF, starting a Test E-only cycle. My plan is to do 600 mg a week, with .5 Arimidex every third day. I won't be running hCG as I had trouble trying to get it and from what I understand, while recommended, it's not required. I already have the Clomid and Nolva for PCT.

    Anyway, the main reason for this post is...well...I F'ed up on my very first pin (ever) yesterday afternoon, and didn't realize it until I got to thinking about it again today. Everything went well, no PIP and today I'm feeling fine after a good workout yesterday afterwards. But it wasn't until now that I realized, like a stupid newbie, I drew an entire week's work (600 mg) instead of the single dose of 300 mg. So now I'm wondering what my options are. Should I skip my second pin, or take the regular dose on Thursday morning, or take a reduced dose on Thursday morning? Also, should I increase my first Arimidex amount I'll be taking today?

    Talk about a helluva way to start.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    What is the mg/ml of the Test E? The HCG can be found btw let me know if ya need help. The adex can remain at a .5 since it is your first pin. Your estrogen levels should not be high after a single pin.

    As for the 600mg of Test E haha, I personally would just wait and vets please correct me if I am wrong. But your test levels should be fine if you skip your next pin on Test E since it is a long ester and you have pinned what seems to be 2.5-3CC of gear ON YOUR FIRST PIN And no PIP??? Good job on that part at least! lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    please post cycle length

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    It's a 12 week cycle. Sorry, I'm not quite understanding the 'What is the mg/ml of the Test E?' question. The vial is a 10 ml vial, and it reads 250mg/ml, if that's what you're asking?

    I did the draw with a 25 gauge needle for an easier draw and then switched to a 20 gauge needle for the injection as I read that puncturing the stopper causes tiny damage to the needle which can cause PIP. Then I injected slowly as I saw that was recommended. My right butt cheek is a little tight, but no more so than a half-decent workout on those muscles.
    Last edited by solo96; 06-09-2014 at 11:00 AM. Reason: Clarifying mg/ml on vial

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by solo96 View Post
    It's a 12 week cycle. Sorry, I'm not quite understanding the 'What is the mg/ml of the Test E?' question. The vial is a 10 ml vial, and it reads 250mg/ml, if that's what you're asking?

    I did the draw with a 25 gauge needle for an easier draw and then switched to a 20 gauge needle for the injection as I read that puncturing the stopper causes tiny damage to the needle which can cause PIP. Then I injected slowly as I saw that was recommended. My right butt cheek is a little tight, but no more so than a half-decent workout on those muscles.
    That is what I was asking 1ml=1cc

    So you pinned 2.4cc of Test E on first go to inject 600mg at 250mg/ml. Thats ALOT for a first pin IMO. But its not the end of the world. The TEST E is a long ester and will give you some leeway on skipping the next pin if absolutely needed. And I think you have your gauge size backwards, you should be drawing with a 20 and pinning with a 25. 20ga is larger than a 25ga needle. And yes you are correct do not pin with the same needle you draw with regardless of the size as the needle WILL be damaged after puncturing the top of the vial .
    Last edited by tango02; 06-09-2014 at 11:06 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Yeah - I accidentally switched the gauge sizes around in the post (but I did use the right ones for the draw and injection). And thanks for clarifying the mg/ml to CC thing, tango. It turns out I was freaking out over nothing as I did the right dosage, but when I got to thinking about the two draws/injections I had to do with the 1 CC syringes I have, I thought that was too much. I think after this I'm just going to go with the recommended 250 mg/pin so I don't have to mess with two syringes each time I pin.

    Ugh...well..this wasn't exactly the intro I wanted to make to the forums here, but I do appreciate the help clearing things up and setting me straight.

    I'll take another look for hCG too.
    Last edited by solo96; 06-09-2014 at 11:30 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    1cc 2x/wk at 250mg/ml will be sufficient for a first or even second cycle. Pin on say Monday and Thursday and run the HCG at 250iu twice per week also. I like to use an insulin syringe and pin Sub Q instead of IM for the HCG.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Southeast USA
    Well, you'll be fine. I'm surprised someone hasn't chimed in about front loading, which I would not recommend. I'd definitely find some hCG and pin SQ as recommended above. It will work out. Best of luck!

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