Hi, I have 50mg injectable winstrol. What is the best way for me (female) to take it? .5cc every other day?
I appreciate any input you guys can give me.
Hi, I have 50mg injectable winstrol. What is the best way for me (female) to take it? .5cc every other day?
I appreciate any input you guys can give me.
thanks tice. I know that part, I guess I'm just wanting suggestions on dosage.
Whats the concentration of it?? Like how many mg/ml? What dose do you want to take? This is something you should be serious about, kind of a big deal, too much and you are going to have very harsh side effects. Women take much much less than men, otherwise you are dealing with the possibility of things like an enlarged clitoris among other side effects.
Drink 5mg daily and increase to 7.5, then 10mg if you tolerate the sides.
If it is 50mg/ml then .5 ml or cc would be 25 mg. And yeah I would take much much less. smaller doses less issues with sides. 5mg would be .1 ml or cc. I would follow Bonaparte's dosing, although he is thinking oral winstrol and you are taking injectable(should be fine). But I would increase dose amounts very slowly, give it time for sides to develop. Or just run it at 5mg for the duration of your cycle as long as there aren't problems.
When I take oral winstrol I take it twice a day, sometimes if I up the dose I just increase to three times a day with smaller dose rather than a really large dose.
Cant injectable win be taken orally also? It is a 17aa compound so it should survive the first pass through the liver.
I bet it would taste like the devils dick tho!! haha!!
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your input!
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