06-11-2014, 08:07 AM #1
Can anyone advise me please dbol
Hi all Im thinking of taking my 1st dbol cycle this week
my stats
22years old
5ft 8
work out 4 times a week for 2 hours a day eat clean chicken pasta all meats and veg only drink water and green tea 4-6 cups a day sunday cheat day :>) im slightly concerned about 2 things one i used to be 14 stone in school so does have some fat not a major amount to look at me you would think im not fat and two testicles shrinking or being in pain
I would start taking 3 a day for thr the 1st three weeks then tale 40-50mg a day there after
any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you
06-11-2014, 08:21 AM #2
Please don't do this dumb cycle!
1. Ur to young to be touching drugs
2. U have no AI, which means their is a great chance ur going to get bitxh tit. Plus u probably don't even know what AI stands for.
3. U don't have a PCT set up. Which means ur test levels probably won't recover.
These are just a couple of reasons to not run AAS. Ur going to ruin yourself.
06-11-2014, 08:22 AM #3
The best advise I can give you is to go to the nutrition section and get your diet straightened out.. You have a enough testosterone in ur body at ur age to be able be able to build muscle no problem...
Last edited by tice1212; 06-11-2014 at 08:26 AM.
06-11-2014, 08:26 AM #4
Been told to take milk thistle and some test
06-11-2014, 08:34 AM #5
Ok how about this.answer these questions without researching any of them and see if ur ready for a cycle..
How much test are u going to run?
What does AI stand for and what does it do
What does PCT stand for and what compound are run in it
What's HCG ?
What's "d-bol's" real name?
If u can't answer all of these without researching... Then ur not ready!
06-11-2014, 09:49 AM #6
helping you with a dbol only cycle, especially at your age, is very similar to me helping you pound nails in your head...
06-11-2014, 12:24 PM #7
I would not run an oral only cycle, but if I did it would not be dbol . Gains will be minimal, mostly water. Don't be in such a hurry to damage your endocrine system. Keep in mind also dbol prompts rapid strength gain, which can lead to damage to your muscles and bones.
06-11-2014, 06:24 PM #8
Probably end up losing all your gains and then possible previous gains also. Waste of time.
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