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  1. #1
    Windaku is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014

    First cycle need advice

    hey guys! im a new member here and new about steroids . after 5 years experience lifting off and maniacally accurate dieting im getting ready to jump into my first cycle.

    about me:
    about 12-13% BF

    my goal is to gain few more kg of lean mass and cut off my fat under 10%. i dont know if i can achieve this with my first cycle anyways im more keen to looking leaner than what i am now but with few gains on.
    ive read everywhere that testosterone should be the base of any cycle so thats how i roughly planned mine:

    Testosterone prop 500mg per week for 10 weeks
    Anavar 40mg a day for 10 weeks
    Arimidex 20mg every other day

    as for PCT:

    Clomid 10-14 days after last injection of testo

    I'm really afraid of getting gyno or having my test levels messed with so since i dont want to blow up with the size id rather do a safer cycle..

    Anavar is to take just enough to balance the testosterone retention (diet comes first obviously).

    how much calories should i eat?

    what i've planned is just an idea as im still doing research and learning so everyone's feedback and direction is much appreciated.


  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Read that and post your new plan.

    As for diet, start a thread in our diet section.

  3. #3
    Windaku is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014
    thanks for your reply

    I've already been through that guide...the plan i posted looks pretty much what it recommends for beginners apart from Anavar which ive read that its a mild steroid useful to build solid and lean mass.

    how would you modify my plan?

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    It can't be "pretty much the same" if you add/remove compounds. It's not even close.

    I put pretty much the usual type of gas in my car, except I added 3 bottles of octane...

    Anyway, read up on Arimidex . That is a dangerous dose.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  5. #5
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windaku View Post
    hey guys! im a new member here and new about steroids . after 5 years experience lifting off and maniacally accurate dieting im getting ready to jump into my first cycle.

    about me:
    about 12-13% BF

    my goal is to gain few more kg of lean mass and cut off my fat under 10%. i dont know if i can achieve this with my first cycle anyways im more keen to looking leaner than what i am now but with few gains on.
    ive read everywhere that testosterone should be the base of any cycle so thats how i roughly planned mine:

    Testosterone prop 500mg per week for 10 weeks
    Anavar 40mg a day for 10 weeks
    Arimidex 20mg every other day

    as for PCT:

    Clomid 10-14 days after last injection of testo

    I'm really afraid of getting gyno or having my test levels messed with so since i dont want to blow up with the size id rather do a safer cycle..

    Anavar is to take just enough to balance the testosterone retention (diet comes first obviously).

    how much calories should i eat?

    what i've planned is just an idea as im still doing research and learning so everyone's feedback and direction is much appreciated.

    Austinite threads are the bible!!

    And arimidex is usually in 1mg with 0.25mg being a starting point 20mg is 80 times the starting dose

  6. #6
    Windaku is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsjayman02 View Post
    Austinite threads are the bible!!

    And arimidex is usually in 1mg with 0.25mg being a starting point 20mg is 80 times the starting dose
    ooops yeah i mean 0.2mg

  7. #7
    Windaku is offline New Member
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    what do you guys reckon about Anavar ? i've just read the profile it seems to be matching with my goals...thoughts?

  8. #8
    smegzz is offline New Member
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    If its your first cycle then i would go with a longer ester like Test E or Test C. You only pin twice a week, and the starting dosage usually is 500mg/wk split in two doses. I use .5 of arimidex every other day, but try and be careful because you don't want too low of estrogen, you need some estrogen in you to help build muscle. Anavar i think is perfect for cutting up, 10 weeks might be a little too long in some peoples eyes but I've done it before and have been fine but then again everyone is different. For PCT i would throw nolvadex in their as well as clomid. If you decide on using a long ester test so you don't have to inject frequently you would start PCT 2 weeks after last injection. Use nova and clomid for a month. 100mg a day of clomid for 2 weeks then 50mg a day for the last two weeks. Nolva use 40mg every day for 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for the last two weeks. You can also throw HCG in their during your cycle to prevent testicular atrophy but i have done cycles without it and I've been fine.

  9. #9
    Windaku is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by smegzz View Post
    If its your first cycle then i would go with a longer ester like Test E or Test C. You only pin twice a week, and the starting dosage usually is 500mg/wk split in two doses. I use .5 of arimidex every other day, but try and be careful because you don't want too low of estrogen, you need some estrogen in you to help build muscle. Anavar i think is perfect for cutting up, 10 weeks might be a little too long in some peoples eyes but I've done it before and have been fine but then again everyone is different. For PCT i would throw nolvadex in their as well as clomid. If you decide on using a long ester test so you don't have to inject frequently you would start PCT 2 weeks after last injection. Use nova and clomid for a month. 100mg a day of clomid for 2 weeks then 50mg a day for the last two weeks. Nolva use 40mg every day for 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for the last two weeks. You can also throw HCG in their during your cycle to prevent testicular atrophy but i have done cycles without it and I've been fine.

    thanks man ill keep reading stuff and get some more info about it but this looks to me the stack that fits the best my goals

  10. #10
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Follow the plan in that link I gave you. Here's some help

    Test only
    10 weeks on prop is too long at least first time round
    Add HCG
    Recalculate your pct start time and you should be running 2 compounds for that pct not one.

  11. #11
    Windaku is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Follow the plan in that link I gave you. Here's some help

    Test only
    10 weeks on prop is too long at least first time round
    Add HCG
    Recalculate your pct start time and you should be running 2 compounds for that pct not one.

    appreciate your help!
    all my friends that have tried testo and a lot of people here in the forum as well say that it generally gives you a lot of water...i know a proper diet should be followed along but im still a bit worried as my first goal is not putting much more mass on

    anyway following your advice:

    500mg test for 8 week
    HCG 250iu twice a week from day 1

    clomid and nolvadex 2 weeks after last injection

    would this be the best cycle for a beginner considering my goals ?


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