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Thread: Red, hot, swollen, delt shot.

  1. #1
    bugsfix is offline New Member
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    Red, hot, swollen, delt shot.

    So Monday night (roughly 5 days ago) I shot 1.5cc into my left delt. 1cc being test E and .5cc being EQ (same syringe)

    Some blood and oil did run out of the injection site.

    First day it felt fine, then around day 2 and onward it was extremely sore, red, hot, and has even moved down my arm and somewhat hurts to flex my bicep. I have had similar issues in the past but they almost always cleared up after 2-3 days. What worries me a bit more about this one is that it is now day 5 and not looking a whole lot better, still hurts to raise my arm, still hot, and still feel a hard area in the delt. Thoughts?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Red, hot, swollen, delt shot.-20140613_150348-1.jpg  

  2. #2
    probuild42 is offline Member
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    When in doubt go it checked out. Can you feel any lumps or hard spots? Hot is not a good sign. I have had swole and sore that lasted a week from some high concentration test before but it was not hot to the touch. It could also be a bad reaction to something in the gear, not an infection.

  3. #3
    luciuswillson is offline Junior Member
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    could you have possibly gotten close to a nerve and inflamed it?

  4. #4
    bugsfix is offline New Member
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    There is no real lump just the whole delt feels hard but somewhat squishy. The red part is not really hot but warm. The delt I would day is fairly warm. I have felt reallt tired, headache, somewhat lack of appetite. Missed two days of training. Been taking ibuprofen every 6-8 hours just to be able to sleep and work. Gear was that e 250mg. I know it has EO in it which I have never had before.

  5. #5
    bugsfix is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by luciuswillson View Post
    could you have possibly gotten close to a nerve and inflamed it?
    Who knows but there was no pain during injection

  6. #6
    tango02 is offline Associate Member
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    This looks like Cellulitis, kind of uncommon on the upper body though. If you are symptomatic then go see a doctor. Its most likely either something from the surface of the skin or the top of vial. If the spot becomes cold or hard and stays red go see a doctor ASAP. These are symptoms of strep or possibly even staph.

    This could be an allergic reaction to something in the oil as well. Has this happened before? Is the gear UGL? Or Pharm? I have a reaction to the benzo alcohol in some gear and it looks similar to this.

  7. #7
    bugsfix is offline New Member
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    I cleaned both with rubbing alcohol. It has happened before just not to this severity. This gear was ugl. I have had redness swelling and a little heat from pharma gear as well though. Again my only concern has been the length of time and the pain. I am on the fence about going to the ER. I hate to go and spend the money for nothing(not sure what they would even do) or just wait a few more days and see what happens.

  8. #8
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    If it's warm it's most likely infected. You need antibiotics.

  9. #9
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Go to a walk in clinic. Much cheaper than the ER.

  10. #10
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Have you shot this gear before? Is this the first shot of it?

    I have had similar looking shit when I started shooting EO loaded oil. Then after about a half dozen shots my body seemed to have gotten much more used to it.

    It looked quite similar, maybe even worse. Kinda looked like the oil was trying to surface a bit & gave me a reddish rash type look about 6" down from the injection site.

    This lasted for a week per shot - but it wasn't that painful, just looked rough & was warm to the touch

    To be on the safe side I started pounding antibiotics. It all went away, but I can't say exactly what was what

    I carry all shit on hand now, from antibiotics to damn near every ancillary. Stabbing yourself with a needle is no joke, might as well be prepared.
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 06-13-2014 at 03:20 PM.

  11. #11
    bugsfix is offline New Member
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    Shot it 4 times first 3 were mixed with eq. Worst pip ever. Last one I did solo mild pip as 24 hours later

  12. #12
    bugsfix is offline New Member
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    Overnight I started to develop a fever, chills, threw up once, and and vision was blurry. Ended up going to the urgent care nearby, they told me I needed to go to the ER so I am on my way there now. This should be interesting

  13. #13
    Sicko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bugsfix View Post
    Overnight I started to develop a fever, chills, threw up once, and and vision was blurry. Ended up going to the urgent care nearby, they told me I needed to go to the ER so I am on my way there now. This should be interesting
    Good thing you went. I definitely would have gone as soon as I saw it travel.
    I have had cellulitis in my arm before and nearly lost it.
    Ended up paying almost a grand for 3 shots that had to be delivered via air medevac because the clinic didn't have it on hand.
    Dr. was very concerned it was too late.
    Hope all is well...let us know what the verdict is.

  14. #14
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Contaminated shit

    Post back on how it all goes

    GL bro

  15. #15
    bugsfix is offline New Member
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    Got to hosp.
    Bp 160/110
    Temp 102
    Wbc 22000
    Cpk 415
    Bun 35
    Creatinine 1.6

    Got xrays of the arm which were all good
    Ekg all good
    They performed some blood bacteria test which showed I had bacteria in my blood, bacterema I think they called it.

    Admitted me, currently pumping me full of iv antibiotics. Unfortunately I still feel like total shit. Sore everywhere, headache, stomach cramps and this medicine is leaving a metallic taste in my mouth. Scariest shit is when the nurse told me sepsis can be fatal.

    Worse part if I die is I am not even lean right now lol. Ugh trying to keep a good attitude about this.

  16. #16
    DrewZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bugsfix View Post
    Worse part if I die is I am not even lean right now lol. Ugh trying to keep a good attitude about this.
    Haha, good to see you still have your humor.
    Speedy recovery buddy, keep us posted!

  17. #17
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Hey bro, what UGL is this from?

    This really sucks man - this kind of shit should not go around

  18. #18
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    Fakkk, u hear bout shit like this but hope it doesn't happen. Bacteremia ain't no joke. Glad u hit the hospital at a good time. Get better man and drop that UGL

  19. #19
    B@tshit is offline New Member
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    Hey man I think it's in the public's best interest that you tell us what UGL this was lol
    tango02 likes this.

  20. #20
    poppz's Avatar
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    How can a ugl go through all the advertising etc and have gear so bad?? Are they just cooking it and bottling this stuff without filtering ?

  21. #21
    bugsfix is offline New Member
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    Still alive!!!!
    Day 3 in the hospital. Still getting antibiotics. Wbc dropped to 17k. Kidney and cpk values are back to normal.
    First night here was rough spiked a fever to 104, my whole body was just sore and killing me, zero appetite, threw up a few times. Thankfully I got some medication for all the above. Day 2 came around most of the systemic sides were reduced but I was exhausted. I must have slept 18 hours that day. Day 3 I started to feel a lot better symptom wise, just no energy. I was told I will likely go home tomorrow to finish off my antibiotic treatment there since everything appears to be improving "on paper" honestly I feel I could have left today but the dr is being overly cautious.

    Cant wait to have some energy again, eat, and train.

  22. #22
    DrewZ's Avatar
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    Glad to hear you're on the upswing!

    What dirty UGL was it that put you in the hospital bugsfix?

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