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Thread: hgh cycle

  1. #1

    hgh cycle

    Hgh with t4 tabs and test e. Ran tren ace for 6 weeks and stop 2 weeks ago. Thinking about stopping the test after 10 weeks and adding tren e. Any thoughts guys?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Quote Originally Posted by sjb1980 View Post
    Hgh with t4 tabs and test e. Ran tren ace for 6 weeks and stop 2 weeks ago. Thinking about stopping the test after 10 weeks and adding tren e. Any thoughts guys?
    What does all that mean you name bunch of stuff?
    U just stop tren a still on test -you are going to stop test soon and just run tren a ??? What's with hgh and t4 you start the paragraph have to do with anything
    I am so lost

  3. #3


    It's not that hard to understand but if I must explain... I am taking testosterone enanthate and trenbelone acetate. The trenbelone is fast acting and I didn't think I needed it after week 6. I have started adding in 2iu of human growth hormone (hgh) with t4 levotiron tablets for some fat loss...and it works really well. I'm not stupid and hope your not thinking I am. I'm 34, 5ft 10" 200 lb and 10% body fat. Due to testosterone suppression, after after weeks 10-12 I would like to come off the testosterone enanthate but still keep up my strength gains and wondered if I should run a slow acting trenbelone but I thought I would ask some experts or people who have used for longer than myself. Sorry if u couldn't understand the short version but here it is in full detail for u. I hope u find yourself.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Pct plans??
    Derekpapa was not asking stupid questions,after your explanation im still lost

  5. #5
    As I said. I'm here to ask advice of more expert users... still not got any yet... I also said " I wondered if" meaning , guys give me some advice, what do you think? Should I run test longer? Should I keep going when should I think about Ai,pct etc. I thought that's what this site was for? Asking for advice. My results have been very good and just had blood work done last week and all levels are good so I must be doing something right, right?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by sjb1980 View Post
    As I said. I'm here to ask advice of more expert users... still not got any yet... I also said " I wondered if" meaning , guys give me some advice, what do you think? Should I run test longer? Should I keep going when should I think about Ai,pct etc. I thought that's what this site was for? Asking for advice. My results have been very good and just had blood work done last week and all levels are good so I must be doing something right, right?
    Start with this ^ next time.

    Minus the attitude

    If you are admitting you are not an expert then forgo the Jargon. People here are making an effort to help you.
    Last edited by Grandeur; 06-13-2014 at 09:16 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by sjb1980 View Post
    It's not that hard to understand but if I must explain... I am taking testosterone enanthate and trenbelone acetate. The trenbelone is fast acting and I didn't think I needed it after week 6. I have started adding in 2iu of human growth hormone (hgh) with t4 levotiron tablets for some fat loss...and it works really well. I'm not stupid and hope your not thinking I am. I'm 34, 5ft 10" 200 lb and 10% body fat. Due to testosterone suppression, after after weeks 10-12 I would like to come off the testosterone enanthate but still keep up my strength gains and wondered if I should run a slow acting trenbelone but I thought I would ask some experts or people who have used for longer than myself. Sorry if u couldn't understand the short version but here it is in full detail for u. I hope u find yourself.
    I would NEVER run TREN without some additional testosterone. You may need to consider coming off for a bit and doing a solid PCT.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Keep running the tes with the tren. Better results and you will be much happier with your own feeling of well being. The hgh at 2iu daily will help with the fat reduction and maintaining your 10% bf and allow you to eat more. You will need to stay with the hgh for a lot longer than your cycle schedule to really see any major results. Lose the tabs don't need them if you are where you say you are. At 10% bf you will be able to reap some benefits of the h alittle quicker but still to see the best you need to cont long after this cycle and into your next, thru pct continuing daily injections. I'd up the h to 4iu daily if you can afford a run that long. 4 for 4 months is my sweet spot. I see the same as 6 a day so 4 gives you a longer run time if you want.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    For fat loss I have experienced great results running 4 ius 5 on 2 of while running 100 mcgs of t4. I was into my 4th month before I really saw some solid results.

  10. #10
    [QUOTE=Grandeur;6883847]Start with this ^ next time.

    Minus the attitude

    If you are admitting you are not an expert then forgo the Jargon. People here are making an effort to help you.[/QUOTE)

    The jargon and quick writing is because I'm on a shitty tablet which takes forever to write on. I've been here before and always had respect for the help I get. I Don't have an attitude dude

  11. #11
    Thanks man. Great advice

  12. #12
    Cheers man. I'll up to 4iu. Thank you

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