Hello, this is my first post. I'm here to gain knowledge and guidance on a possible first cycle.
I recently injured my right knee doing Smolov (6 weeks ago). Bruise-like pain right above patella developing overnight and lasting 1 week. I still feel this though less severely.
Tried to come back after a week, but left knee under patella became sore and has been ever since. I'm at 80% now. Also have a weak right ankle due to weight impact which had me on crutches for 2 days, Which may have caused all of this by reducing mobility and altering squat path. (Happened 8 weeks ago, was only out of the gym for 5 days).
Through this I've not been able to train at 100%. Have lost strength and muscle and gained fat. Overall BW loss of 5lbs. Currently 185lbs and 12% BF.
Was squatting 415+ and DL 550 prior.
I've been lurking the forums for about a month and have learned that Deca may help injured joints recover. Originally was planning on recovering quickly and taking a low dose cycle of Test to recoup gains. Now I'm considering pairing Deca and Test to recover injuries and to recoup gains but unsure how to proceed.
I don't intend to be a long term user. I want to resume training again. It's what I love to do.
I'm currently considering 200mg deca/week and 350 mg test /week for 10 weeks. Finish with nolvadex or similar blocker for 4 weeks.
My numbers aren't exact yet and I would definitely appreciate some guidance on my pairing ratios etc. Thank you.