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Thread: Powerlifter with joint issues. Considering AAS.

  1. #1

    Powerlifter with joint issues. Considering AAS.

    Hello, this is my first post. I'm here to gain knowledge and guidance on a possible first cycle.

    I recently injured my right knee doing Smolov (6 weeks ago). Bruise-like pain right above patella developing overnight and lasting 1 week. I still feel this though less severely.

    Tried to come back after a week, but left knee under patella became sore and has been ever since. I'm at 80% now. Also have a weak right ankle due to weight impact which had me on crutches for 2 days, Which may have caused all of this by reducing mobility and altering squat path. (Happened 8 weeks ago, was only out of the gym for 5 days).

    Through this I've not been able to train at 100%. Have lost strength and muscle and gained fat. Overall BW loss of 5lbs. Currently 185lbs and 12% BF.

    Was squatting 415+ and DL 550 prior.

    I've been lurking the forums for about a month and have learned that Deca may help injured joints recover. Originally was planning on recovering quickly and taking a low dose cycle of Test to recoup gains. Now I'm considering pairing Deca and Test to recover injuries and to recoup gains but unsure how to proceed.

    I don't intend to be a long term user. I want to resume training again. It's what I love to do.

    I'm currently considering 200mg deca/week and 350 mg test /week for 10 weeks. Finish with nolvadex or similar blocker for 4 weeks.

    My numbers aren't exact yet and I would definitely appreciate some guidance on my pairing ratios etc. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    You're too young to be using AAS bro. These are strong hormones/chemicals that can have life impacting side effects especially when you're so young.

    First cycles are test only. This is because all future cycles will be based on test. You need to know how your body will respond. I knoww you said you only want to do one cycle, but once you've had a taste of AAS you'll be back for more.

    Many users do report improvement of joint lubrication from Decca. This effect is short lived and when the affects of the androgen wear off your joint pain will return.

    There was no mention of diet, BW, AI, hCG, or PCT in your opening post. You have a lot more research ahead of you in order to be properly prepared. You should read the threads on the database below.

    Austinite'se educational Article Databasel

    You're only 24 and it seems like you've come to a fork in the road, and you need to choose which path to take. Your body doesn't seem to like heavy weight compound movements. You should think about taking your fitness goals in another direction. You may not like your body but it likes you, and it has gotten you this far. Listen to what you're body telling you about your health.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    If I was you I would let that knee heal completely before doing anything. Did you get it checked? Could be a possible tear or ligament damage, no amount of steroids is going to help right now. If your powerlifting I would strongly recommend you get it checked before trying to go heavy again. Personally from someone who has been injured, I wouldn't do any leg work till it is healed or you could damage it even worse.

  4. #4
    I've done Smolov for squating; I feel your pain bro lol anyways try keeping your diet immaculate. Staying away from processed food and eating more fish, fruit, and veggies has always helped me with joint pain. Try seasoning your meals with herbs and spices as well; there is a number of them that supposedly possess anti-inflammatory qualities. I'm a big fan of tumeric.

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