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Thread: anavar for a start

  1. #1

    anavar for a start

    Hi guys
    I am 31 yes old, i have been on regular training 3-5 days/week weight lifting for 2 yrs now, had been on and off in the past since i was 16,
    167 cm height, 72 kg, 13% bodyfat
    I have tried test boosters and I was not satisfied with the results, I am thinking anavar "var-10"
    Any recommendations ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    That's a herbal supplement not real anavar.

    But if you were to try real anavar alone that would be a no-no.

    Find the sticky by Austinite about successfully planning a first cycle.

  3. #3
    IMHO "supplements" don't do anything noticeable (with the exception of tried and true "pro-hormones" which are essentially designer steroids). The supplement industry is not regulated; hence them making all sorts of outlandish headline-grabbing claims. I've seen multiple studies on a number of legal supplements in which the supplement didn't even contain some (or all) of the ingredients listed!

  4. #4
    dont do anavar by itself. i was 3 weeks into one and im having all sorts of problems including breathing difficulty its not worth it

  5. #5
    Thanks guys the sticky but Aust is really helpfull, what about using this substitutes, any experience?

  6. #6
    I've run Anavar only cycles before and had no problems. I made sure I did a good PCT after the cycle.

  7. #7
    but everyone reacts different to AAS
    Last edited by Synergize; 06-14-2014 at 10:54 AM.

  8. #8
    i certainly didn't have any luck with var
    Last edited by Synergize; 06-14-2014 at 10:55 AM.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by waleed gouda View Post
    Hi guys
    I am 31 yes old, i have been on regular training 3-5 days/week weight lifting for 2 yrs now, had been on and off in the past since i was 16,
    167 cm height, 72 kg, 13% bodyfat
    I have tried test boosters and I was not satisfied with the results, I am thinking anavar "var-10"
    Any recommendations ?
    Have you ever had your natural hormone levels tested?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Test should be run with Anavar
    Period .....
    Anavar works if ur diet is perfect
    Most anavars are fake unless pharma grade
    And $7 per 20mg
    U need between 60-100 ed thats about $50 a day
    Run winstrol lot cheaper

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