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Thread: what to expect during pct

  1. #1

    what to expect during pct

    Hi all just about to finish 12 week test prop cycle..150mg eod with AI stane 12.5mg dramas on cycle...good results in general with no sides ...will do liquid nolva and clomid ....what can I expect from pct? Will libido be completely screwed up? I will have some explaining to do if so...any experiences in this phase will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Everyone reacts differently to PCT. What's your dosing plan? Did you run HCG?

  3. #3
    No didnt do hcg..

  4. #4
    Will run pct for 4 weeks...40/20/20/20 for nolvadex and 100/50/50/50 for clomid...have to look at my notes to be sure

  5. #5
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    Ur in for a ride. Hold on. I'm going thru it as well

  6. #6
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    Jun 2009
    The only benefit to being on TRT is no PCT. I had a rough time during PCT during my first cycle. But, like others have said everyone is different

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz
    Ur in for a ride. Hold on. I'm going thru it as well

    Well said, lol

    It just depends - some guys recover very well, or at least they say they do

    Myself - first time & nd PCT's I damn near cried like bitch from the ****ing clomid. It sucked ass

    3rd PCT was just like a 4-6 week nightmare - after that I made the decision to stay on. It was either quit cycling or go in 100%

    Even staying on is not easy - when you're running a heavy cycle & drop back to trt type dose you still feel a drop.

    But, PCT Bro - GL

  8. #8
    Why did clomid make u cry?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by shimbashi
    Why did clomid make u cry?
    It aids depression & emotional swings

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    It aids depression & emotional swings
    He's in for some fun lol

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by shimbashi View Post
    Will run pct for 4 weeks...40/20/20/20 for nolvadex and 100/50/50/50 for clomid...have to look at my notes to be sure
    That's too much PCT for a basic Test cycle, either one of those will suffice.
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  12. #12
    The planned Pct is basically identical to that recommended by austinite for a test only cycle as well, and austinite's protocol used hcg throughout. Why do you say that the planned pct is to much.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by bucs4074 View Post
    Why do you say that the planned pct is to much.
    I am curious as well. I'm pretty much doing the same thing but for 10 weeks. I plan on incorporating hCG though in weeks 5-10. Then PCT after.

  14. #14
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    From what I understand it affects everyone differently. Keeping gains is all I give a sh" t about. Up those calories, proteins, and healthy fats. Drop down to lifting 3x a week, keep it short and intense. Put everything u have in your lifts. Don't worry about a little belly fat. Cut that shit later when bloods are at baseline again. Wish u the best

  15. #15
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    Srsly, no joke - I rather get kicked in the bawls a few times per day than PCT after a heavy cycle. Coming off just test is an equivalent of maybe one nut punch per day. . . . lol

  16. #16
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    I did the same PCT and didn't find it too bad. There was a definite drop in libido, but no problem with ED. Emotionally, I sort of felt a lack of motivation and drive. By a week after I finished PCT, I was back to feeling about the same as pre-cycle, maybe even a little better. Everyone is different; but the nightmare PCT stories don't happen to everyone. Good luck.

  17. #17
    Well I hope I have your experience tase me bro. .just did last test prop shot today will start pct in 3 days...not confident at all.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Well said, lol

    It just depends - some guys recover very well, or at least they say they do

    Myself - first time & nd PCT's I damn near cried like bitch from the ****ing clomid. It sucked ass

    3rd PCT was just like a 4-6 week nightmare - after that I made the decision to stay on. It was either quit cycling or go in 100%

    Even staying on is not easy - when you're running a heavy cycle & drop back to trt type dose you still feel a drop.

    But, PCT Bro - GL
    So I got the drift from your reply that you would basically rather cruise now at all times, I ask this b/c I thought of the same! As long as your runnin your hCG, AI 's, liver support, etc is this done with much better results as well, how hard on the body is this if ya don't mind me askin... Obviously better than the feeling of PCT I'm getting!!!
    Any replies would be much appreciated on this concept here.... Thanks guys!!!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    So I got the drift from your reply that you would basically rather cruise now at all times, I ask this b/c I thought of the same! As long as your runnin your hCG, AI 's, liver support, etc is this done with much better results as well, how hard on the body is this if ya don't mind me askin... Obviously better than the feeling of PCT I'm getting!!!
    Any replies would be much appreciated on this concept here.... Thanks guys!!!

    It's not 100% by any means

    When you come off a heavy cycle, you still feel the drop. That's why I taper down before going into the maint dose.

    This time, my esters seem to have over lapped & my estro spiked so my moobs started to ache.

    There is a lot to it

    When I am done with my current cycle I am will be getting a full blood panel which I have been slacking on.

    I am not completely retarded when it comes to staying on gear, I have seen anything from guys cruising on close to one gram of test per week to a guy cruising on tren and test for years. I just stay on 200mg of test per week between cycles. After this cycle, I am thinking I am pretty much done with multiple per year cycles. Maybe just bump my test once a year for a bulk & run an additional compound for a summer cut.

    This is my usual line up: test, ai, HCG & daily asperin

    My BP has gone up substantially compared to pre gear and it just stay border line high.
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 06-18-2014 at 10:37 AM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by shimbashi View Post
    Hi all just about to finish 12 week test prop cycle..150mg eod with AI stane 12.5mg dramas on cycle...good results in general with no sides ...will do liquid nolva and clomid ....what can I expect from pct? Will libido be completely screwed up? I will have some explaining to do if so...any experiences in this phase will be appreciated.
    you will be "off" for a couple months maybe.. I would rec getting CIA and having it on hand incase needed IMO

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    It's not 100% by any means

    When you come off a heavy cycle, you still feel the drop. That's why I taper down before going into the maint dose.

    This time, my esters seem to have over lapped & my estro spiked so my moobs started to ache.

    There is a lot to it

    When I am done with my current cycle I am will be getting a full blood panel which I have been slacking on.

    I am not completely retarded when it comes to staying on gear, I have seen anything from guys cruising on close to one gram of test per week to a guy cruising on tren and test for years. I just stay on 200mg of test per week between cycles. After this cycle, I am thinking I am pretty much done with multiple per year cycles. Maybe just bump my test once a year for a bulk & run an additional compound for a summer cut.

    This is my usual line up: test, ai, HCG & daily asperin

    My BP has gone up substantially compared to pre gear and it just stay border line high.
    Thanks for breaking down the cruising part as I knew I would have to tapper down to a maintenance level... And yes it's complicated... A lot of different variables to consider!
    Current cyc includes:
    Prop - 525mg a wk/Primo 700mg a wk/& introduced anavar in wk 6 thru 12 - 60mg ed....
    hCG - 1000iu a wk/ but thinkin of bumping in up to 1275iu 3x a wk(for LH to produce more sperm for fertility) and thank goodness my wife is an Endo!
    AI - exemestane - 25 mg ed
    Milk Thystle - for liver support(if not NAC)...
    Next cycle:
    Cut Stack - prop 50 mg/Tren Ace 50 mg/& Mast 50mg - each bottle has the 50/50/50 rAtio... Thinkin if 400mg - 600mg a wk... Any suggestions on the dosage of 400 or 600mg a wk??
    Thanks again for replying!!

  22. #22
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    That's a bit of Stane? Do you know what your e levels r while on 25mg a day?

    As far as HCG, that's a grip. I do 250iu every 4th day

    That's what I'm on right now. 50/50/50 - running it right over 400mg per week. Might bump it a bit

    Just grow into the gear a bit. What have u ran before?

    I guess this is a bit off topic for pct

    But, add Cialis to my daily that I forgot to mention earlier.

  23. #23
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    [QUOTE=< <Samson> >;6886360]That's a bit of Stane? Do you know what your e levels r while on 25mg a day?

    As far as HCG, that's a grip. I do 250iu every 4th day

    That's what I'm on right now. 50/50/50 - running it right over 400mg per week. Might bump it a bit

    Just grow into the gear a bit. What have u ran before?

    I guess this is a bit off topic for pct

    But, add Cialis to my daily that I forgot to list. Quote :
    Good point on the aromasin as I've started feelin lethargic, dry mouth etc ... But father just returned from hospital after neck break... So my stress is elevated and doing much more due to his walking:non walking status too...
    I'm gonna lower yo 12.5 a day..,
    Currently running:
    525 mg of prop a wk/Primo 700mgs a wk/6th wk anavar 60-80mg ed til wk 12!
    hCG at least 1000/500iu twice a wk
    Aromasin has been 25mg ed but don't have any sides except for what I stated above (maybe my E levels are too low from runnin 25mg for 10 wks daily... Still really intense workouts though!
    Tadadafil 5mg ed
    Benadryl 2 tabs 10 mg I think for the antihistamine
    Used decca test only cycles, (prop and Sust) primo a lot for summer cutting but gonna start the same cycle as you the "Cut Stack!"
    Never ran the "cut stack" until a. Week from now and I was also gonna start w/400mg a wk also!!!
    If you have any advice about the Stane and this cycle as you have more experience., I would greatly appreciate it bro! Thanks...

    P.S - didn't mean to bug you about the Balkan Pharm ? I sent ya bro... Never would I even think about anything like that! Just had a ? Regarding them ... Thanks bro
    Last edited by NACH3; 06-19-2014 at 06:35 AM. Reason: To add my cycle usages b4 and what I'm currently taking!

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