Is this normal to only have 886 test level on week 5 of 750mg of sustanon is it too soon to have higher levels or is my gear underdosed
Is this normal to only have 886 test level on week 5 of 750mg of sustanon is it too soon to have higher levels or is my gear underdosed
They just tested for total test thats all. Im being told give sust 7 weeks for labs cause of the longer esters they need to build up
No, you should see elevated levels after 3 weeks easily and gains after 4. Who is telling you that, the person you bought it from???
Sust is a blend of tests both fast / medium and long acting esters, I agree with the other guy 7 weeks if FAR too long for sust. 750mg a week you should be easily greater then 1500 ng/dl on you BW. I read some articles where 500mg of test injected equals out to around 2,000-2,500 ng per dl on BW. When I'm on Test-e, I feel it hits around week 3 or so and gains start coming on then; however weeks 8 on are amazing on test-e.
No not the seller telling me that. Well im stuck with this stuff now an if thats my level obviously its underdosed do u think if i doubled the dose it will give me a much higher level obviosly there is some test in there say i shot 6 amps instead of 3 if there all equaly dosed the same that should raise my levels
Heres another random thing can it be leakage i bleed alot after shots can i be loosing a good amount
how often are you injecting?
Mon wens thursday the week of the blood work i injected monday an that was it i took blood work thursday i missed wensday an did thursdays after the testan it was week 5
My gear is a very reputable brand too
Being i only did one shot monday an took the test on thursday can it be my levels did the dip it is sust but its week 5 im well in the cycle now. My tren is working thats for sure so gain wise im ok so far
Your test is definitely way under dosed.
Hard to believe a real registered lab is so under dosed then again i gues in india anything goes .
Do you have pre-cycle bloods?
Possible that is your natty test levels, and what you're pinning just plain sterile oil?
Your test is shit. Reputable brand or not. 886? I could get that on 120mg a week. Should be well over 3000. I've seen some guys test 5000 on just 500 mg before. That was good oil tho.
That's what I was saying. If there is any test it's very little. I think you could do 4x and your levels would not elevate. Go ahead and double it or more for 2 weeks and do your blood test again. That's long enough to have it show up properly in blood work.
If your levels are still around 800 I would be having a little talk with that reputable lab and letting them know exactly what you have done in the way of blood work and if they do not do something immediately to make things right then you will be quickly spreading the word on all the forums who are willing to listen and let them know you will be spending money on another blood test so if it's bunk again you are dedicating the next 3 months to making sure the word gets out on every forum possible along with all your proof.
Dont spend one more penny with them. If they try pulling a scam where they say if you buy this then will will give you this and that for free it means they are shutting down soon and just trying to get in some quick scams. If they are reputable it's possible they got some bunk gear from someone else and they will do whatever it takes to make it up to you.
Good luck
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