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Thread: I work offshore, how does this look for a cycle?

  1. #1
    MaximoMark is offline New Member
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    I work offshore, how does this look for a cycle?

    I need a little advice.

    I have been training for a little over 5 years, I'm 35, 188cm, 94kg and approx 18 %bf.

    Any way, after months of research I decided to run my 1st cycle, I decided on test 400 at 1 ml per week pinned once on Tuesdays. I started Tuesday passed and all was well till Wednesday when I began to feel like shit, my throat hurt, my nose was blocked and I generally felt yuk! After some googling it seems I have "test flu" and it is quite common. I'm feeling slightly better now a couple of days later. Oh yeah, I lost my appetite too! That's not so much of an issue as I'm not looking to bulk but to lean out.

    My question is, I'm due to pin again tomorrow, should I expect the same flu like feelings or is that likely a one off body adjustment?

    Also, I work offshore on a 2 on 3 off rota. I spend 2 weeks on an oil rig where I can't use injectables so would have to miss a jab. When I have to I was planning shooting 2 ml to see me through till I get back.

    My 12 weeks pinning:
    Week1: 1ml
    Week2: 2ml
    Week3: 0ml
    Week4: 1ml
    Week5: 1ml
    Week6: 1ml
    Week7: 2ml
    Week8: 0ml
    Week9: 1ml
    Week10: 1ml
    Week11: 1ml
    Week 13, 14, 15 nothing then 16, 17, 18, 19 Pct.

    I simply can't smuggle needles through the airport to my rig, the risk is too much so this is the best I can come up with.

    Is this acceptable? It may not be optimal but is it doable and safe?

    Any pointers or info would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What type of test?? E, C, Etc. Can you workout on the rig? Did you get blood work done before you started?

  3. #3
    MaximoMark is offline New Member
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    It's a blend, 70mg of P, 165mg of E and 165mg of C per ml.

    Yes I had bloods done, turns out I'm B12 deficient! As for working out, that's not a problem, there are 2 gyms on board.
    Last edited by MaximoMark; 06-16-2014 at 03:50 PM. Reason: Spelling

  4. #4
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    its going to be rough, is their anyway you can get your hands on so test e or c?

  5. #5
    MaximoMark is offline New Member
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    How do you mean rough? I could get either when I'm next home.

  6. #6
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    test p ( short ester), test e (long ester), test c ( long ester). the blends came out when pharm companies were trying to develop a better releasing test so that when injecting e or c, it will give you a nice even blood serum level right off the bat. But this only works with the first injection. After that, mixing slow/fast burn esthers becomes problematic, as now you must manage to the shortest burning esther to maintain that stable blood serum level. Which means, if prop is one of the esthers, you must inject at least every other day. defeats the purpose of having slow burn esthers in there. Esters vary only in their ability to reduce a steroid 's water solubility. I think you might want to inject more often that once a week, maybe like 3.5 days a week.

    To answer your question "I expect the same flu like feelings or is that likely a one off body adjustment?" Its hard to say due to having three esthers in there. But I bet you will be fine. It would be better if you had only one ester so you could see if it is an ester think or your body is just adjusting to the test.

    Are you taking a AI with your test? Everyone should be on an AI but the higher your BF the greater your chance of it converting to estrogen.
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  7. #7
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    test p ( short ester), test e (long ester), test c ( long ester). the blends came out when pharm companies were trying to develop a better releasing test so that when injecting e or c, it will give you a nice even blood serum level right off the bat. But this only works with the first injection. After that, mixing slow/fast burn esthers becomes problematic, as now you must manage to the shortest burning esther to maintain that stable blood serum level. Which means, if prop is one of the esthers, you must inject at least every other day. defeats the purpose of having slow burn esthers in there. Esters vary only in their ability to reduce a steroid 's water solubility. I think you might want to inject more often that once a week, maybe like 3.5 days a week.

    To answer your question "I expect the same flu like feelings or is that likely a one off body adjustment?" Its hard to say due to having three esthers in there. But I bet you will be fine. It would be better if you had only one ester so you could see if it is an ester think or your body is just adjusting to the test.

    Are you taking a AI with your test? Everyone should be on an AI but the higher your BF the greater your chance of it converting to estrogen.

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