Hi everyone iv been injured for the past year and a half now iv been diagnosed with chronic supraspinatus tendonitis and early stages of degenerative disc disease of c4/c5 and c5/c6 I was only diagnosed with this recently as the nhs like to take there time in helping anyone and these injurys happens to me in march 2013 after my first cycle of susturnon and deca like 3 or 4 weeks after my last jab. I haven't been able to train since because it just ruins my shoulder every time I try. I have tried everything chiropractor, physio, cortisone injection, anti inflammortrys, massage, deep tissue massage, and nothing seems to have worked and my life revolved around bodybuilding I am obsessed with it and I really don't know what else I can do so I was hoping for some advise from you guys. Also a friend tells me that I could benifit from taking deca and test e in therapeutic doses as it works like a lube on the joints so It could reduce the pain so I can train light and he said that taking that can speed up the healing process so I'm not sure what to do I'm willing to try anything as long as it gets me back in the gym. Any advice would be much appreciated guys. thanks