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Thread: I'm interested in trying steroids for the first time, what's the best cycle/dosage?

  1. #1

    I'm interested in trying steroids for the first time, what's the best cycle/dosage?

    Hi guys. im interested in getting into steroids but i don't know what to take and when to take and where to buy. i'm in vancouver BC canada. i am 22 years old, 5'7, weigh 227 lbs. i am currently overweight from not working out for 5 years but i have experience from powerlifting during high school football years. had a max bench of 315, deadlift of 405 lbs and squat of 425 lbs when i was 16. have not worked out since then, now really motivated to get back into it.

    my fitness goals is to become a really built looking powerlifter. the physique i want to achieve is something like eric lilliebridge, search him on google.
    i want to beable to have high max reps and look very built. i do not care for the aesthetic bodybuilder look. the physique i want to achieve is to look built, muscular and fit.

    i have unlimited resources and time because i make money online. i can spend as much time in the gym as i want and can get any supplement or foods necessary.
    i heard steroids aren't that bad if taken properly and correctly. i do not want to go hardcore for the first time. if you guys could give me ideas of what kind of cycles i should take, that would be awesome. thanks.
    Last edited by cruzerthebruzer; 06-23-2014 at 11:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    If you lots of time on your hands then spend that time in our diet forum and on a treadmill. You are, by the sound of it, light years away from AAS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Don't bother.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    You sure do know steroids will improve your looks...

    do you know how they impact you in a bad way? No you do not.

    Doing a cycle should include bloodwork at the start, middle, end which is 200 a pop where you are and leaves you with 900 bucks (unless you got insurance that will pay for bloods once a month for no particular reason which you will not have). You might have some special arrangement to overcome this cost but in general none do.

    Doing a cycle requires proper nutrition, cooking at home, eating higher than average cost foods. 10 bucks a day minimum to get the necessary protein and greens. For 8 weeks you are looking at 560 bucks which brings you to 340 bucks remaining. Yes you have your normal food allowance you can say you add to this but if you are going to protein shake it and supplement with BCAA and such... 560 is very conservative.

    Anti-E and PCT will run you 200 bucks minimum for 8 week cycle (You will be buying form an UGL) which gives you a whole 140 dollars for gear and syringes. Lucky for you a test only cycle @ 500 a week is the cheapest cycle you can dream of and can be as cheap as 25ish a week for the test and pin. Uhoh you only have enough for 6 weeks plus no emergency funds if something "pops up".

    Please do not think this is being a dick. This is based upon

    600 mg/ week test
    1000 cal over TDEE
    55% protein macro
    tons of water

    Once you study and get up to speed the blood work can be had cheaper knowing just what tests you need.
    Once you understand how important the nutrition and diet part is you will live that.

    Now I will be a dick....

    Dude you are 22. Put down the playstation, drop the soda and chips, get off the sofa, run your chubby ass around the block 4-5 times a week like I do. Steroids will take a skinny kid and make him look impressive with very little work. To be impressive like you want you need to be the skinny your ass around the block....

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    i call troll

  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Drugs are not the answer. If you had even bothered to go to the gym you would have got a different type of response.
    But to think that steroids are going to cure your lazy butt up off the couch is just asinine. Get back in the gym for a few years first.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Listen^^^^ these guys are very knowledgable and being very helpful, regardless of those answers you weren't looking for! I'm sure you didn't think you'd get this type of response but as everyone and I are stating your not even close to doing a cycle!

    1. Your too young!!! Your Epiphyseal Plates aren't done growing till about 24-26(26 us what is the norm... To find this out you need a Bone Scan/or CT-SCAN to show the line in your plates which means your done growing!
    2. Your way over-weight... You will need to drop your BF% to a minimum if 15% in order to consider AAS!
    3. The risks are far more serious when your over 15%BF as you will suffer many unwanted and un-needed side effects(high estrogen levels-leading to Gyno, more water retention, high BP if not already, you can start lactating from your man boobs, and the list goes on!
    4. As chicagotarsier stated start running and research how to properly diet and train as you will make great gains if this is done right!
    5. There not magical peptides my man diet/training = about 90% of your natural gains... But you saying your ready to make a change(1st do it get in shape stop being lazy I didn't hear you say you had any injuries to keep you outta the gym - so stop being lazy and get in there and bust your ass... You think all these guys(myself included) just took roids one day and boom we're in great shape... Nada! Everyone who's serious about this - it's a lifestyle not something we just do for the hell if it, makin sense !!!

    We aren't being a--holes we're just tellin you the truth!!
    Good luck!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by cruzerthebruzer View Post
    Hi guys. im interested in getting into steroids but i don't know what to take and when to take and where to buy. i'm in vancouver BC canada. i am 22 years old, - TOO YOUNG! 5'7, weigh 227 lbs. i am currently overweight - REDUCE YOUR BF% TO BELOW 15% FIRST from not working out for 5 years - YOUR BODY IS NOT READY FOR STEROIDS - SPEND THE NEXT THREE TO FIVE YEARS IN THE GYM TOUGHENING UP YOUR BODY BEFORE THINKING ABOUT STEROIDS but i have experience from powerlifting during high school football years. had a max bench of 315, deadlift of 405 lbs and squat of 425 lbs when i was 16. have not worked out since then, now really motivated to get back into it. - MOTIVATION COMES FROM YOUR BRAIN, NOT A NEEDLE. AS FAR AS YOUR STATS GO, THAT WAS THEN, BUT IT IS NOT NOW. "USTA" BEES DON'T MAKE HONEY ANYMORE AND THEREFORE IRRELEVENT TO CURRENT DISCUSSION ABOUT YOUR PHYSIQUE

    my fitness goals is to become a really built looking powerlifter. the physique i want to achieve is something like eric lilliebridge, search him on google.
    i want to beable to have high max reps and look very built. i do not care for the aesthetic bodybuilder look. the physique i want to achieve is to look built, muscular and fit.

    i have unlimited resources and time because i make money online. i can spend as much time in the gym as i want and can get any supplement or foods necessary.

    i heard steroids aren't that bad if taken properly and correctly. i do not want to go hardcore for the first time. my budget is $1500. if you guys could give me ideas of what kind of cycles i should take, that would be awesome. thanks.

    You have much to learn Grasshopper.
    There are no shortcuts to the physique you desire. Pay your dues, and do it right. This means learn about sports nutrition as it applies to lifting, proper form with your exercise routines, and accept the fact this is going to take years. A needle with drugs in it is no substitute for hard work and proper dedication over the next few years.

    Good luck to you!

  9. #9
    I agree with all these posts. First you should diet and workout naturally before jumping on. It sounds like you don't know much about aas so you should do research on aas. Good luck on your journey.

  10. #10
    thank you everyone for your responses! highly appreciated!

    i will work out hardcore before considering steroids. thanks
    Last edited by cruzerthebruzer; 06-23-2014 at 11:31 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by cruzerthebruzer View Post
    thank you everyone for your responses! highly appreciated!

    i will work out hardcore before considering steroids. thanks
    it's not just working out. because if that is all you do, your results will be poor. You also need to learn to eat! Eating the right way takes knowledge, effort, and cash. Protein is the most expensive form of energy (compared to carbs and fat), yet 40% of your calories should come from protein. if you do not eat substantial amounts of protein, your muscles will not grow to their potential

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    listen to TR he tells the truth.

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