I'll try to make this concise, and relevant (not a waste of a thread/time). I see how much time is spent on the boards smacking down newbies. I promise this is not the typical "I dont work out yet but want to be superman next week" thread.
I'm 27.5 years old, 6'1", 200lbs even, ~14% bf, and have been training (right) for years. I actually trained pretty good since fr year high school doing compounds, strict form, etc. Only a few total months break since then, maybe like 6-9 months off over 13, 14 years. Diet is 70% good right now, but since I'm not training for any particular purpose other than to be in shape, I don't kill myself over macros or anything. I have the capability of dialing it in if I have to. I have a decently physical job, go to school full time, train consistently every week/month and do a good bit of cardio in the form of various rec and club sports, as well as getting around exclusively by bicycle. I feel like I have pretty to very good genetics. Thats part of my dilemma, as I don't want to ruin anything. I don't want to be massive, or freaky looking. I just want to get over the hump and truly stand out. I'm not a broscience guy. Real straightforward married guy headed towards a career in medicine (have been an EMT/ER guy for almost 10 years now). Have gone on and off creatine over the years, maybe 5-6 times, and wonder if there is something "more" out there.
Goal physique would probably be in the fitness model spectrum. I don't value people who wildly swing back and forth fitness and physique wise, and I would prefer any gains to be more long lasting than not. I realize you lose some post cycle, but you know what I am saying. I'm not trying to make any team or be seen on south beach for a month this summer. Also, I don't think I would have very much tolerance for side effects. Apparently I have nice hair to women, and I don't want to eff that up (being honest, flame away). Ditto acne (moderate predisposition for acne on body), gyno, libido issues, etc. I would obviously accept some risk but not much. I like to drink alcohol a couple of days a week. No other bad habits. Type of guy you would see at a farmers market as much as up in the club, you know?
Are steroids for me? Any other questions for me or clarifications?
Seriously, thanks in advance to all posters.