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Thread: Lab Test

  1. #1

    Post Lab Test

    Hey guys - Ive got some labtest back after getting some bloodwork done, but im kinda lost of all the numbers to be honest..

    I was in the situation, that i started my cycle with 250mg sust 200mgeq - i know very small amount.. 1-6 week
    Anyway i bump it up after not getting anything after it, to 500mgsust 400mgeq - Nothing really happend, so i was kinda sure my gear was bunk..
    The bw was done about a week after last injection of 500mgsust and 400mg eq

    Is there any1 out there who can tell, if the numbers is low/high/normal?

    17-Hydroxyprogesteron 06-06-14 < 1.00 nmol/L
    Total testosteron 06-06-14 > 25.0 nmol/L

    Testosteron (KPLL);P 06-06-14 nmol/L

    Testosteron / SHBG;P 06-06-14

    Androstendion 06-06-14 7.19 nmol/L
    Dehydroepiandrosteronsulfat 06-06-14 2740 nmol/L
    Alan.-aminotrf. 06-06-14 82 U/L
    Bas. phosphatase 06-06-14 116 U/L
    C-reakt. protein 06-06-14 < 4 mg/L
    ESTRADIOL 06-06-14 < 0.07 nmol/L

  2. #2

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