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Thread: Sustanon 350 First cycle with 5 ingredients

  1. #1

    Sustanon 350 First cycle with 5 ingredients

    Hello everyone,
    I'll begin with my stats to get them out of the way.
    Male 27 years old
    165lbs with 10% body fat
    Lifting for 4 years
    No previous cycles

    I have a friend who recently talked to me about trying a cycle out as I'm quite stocky and he feels as if it can take me to a greater level of body composition. I personally am not trying to become the next Jay Cutler or anything but would like to gain a little bit more size.
    He showed me a bottle of what he currently can get it and its:
    Sus-350 Testosterone Mix
    Ingredients listed on bottle are:
    Test Acetate 30mg
    Test Deconate 100mg
    Test Propianate 100mg
    Test Cypionate 85mg
    Test Phenylpropionate 35mg

    Now as I've been researching, I've notice most all of Sustanon only have 4 ingredients. Is this something I should worry about?
    As a newbie, what would you guys recommend as a weekly dosage? 350mg once a week? 500mg split into 2 shots every 3rd day?
    For PCT, I'm planning on getting some Nolva and Clomid, does that sound right for PCT? Dosage?
    Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by whodeysay; 06-26-2014 at 11:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    - too many different esters. most people in this forum recommend running only one compound for your first cycle
    - i don't see you mentioning any AI
    - hcg?
    - nolva and maybe clomid? more like nolva AND clomid. doses?

    i recommend you read the stickies. lots of valuable information there.

  3. #3
    Thanks for your input.

    About to put in a purchase order for some Clomid, Nolva and Letro (AI) as I speak.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Nolva, clomid, and hCG are a must for a successful cycle. I advise you not to use letro as an AI. Letro is the most powerful AI and you will likely crash you E2. Either anastrozole or exemestane would be a better choice for managing aromatase

    If you haven't already you need to read this thread.

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    'I have a friend who's been in the gear game for 15 years', first thing that I saw and which made me cringe. No offense, but don't listen to what your friends say. A lot of people do the same thing for a very long time without realizing that they've been doing it wrong all along. If your friend was smart, first, he would have told you to not use any steroids, and then, he would have told you than any first cycle should be composed of a single type of Test + PCT only.

  6. #6
    Thanks for your input Jay. Just trying to get the dosage down. Either 350mg once a week or should I go to 250mg twice a week?
    Again first cycle and not trying to go all out and turn into the Hulk.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by whodeysay View Post
    Thanks for your input Jay. Just trying to get the dosage down. Either 350mg once a week or should I go to 250mg twice a week?
    Again first cycle and not trying to go all out and turn into the Hulk.
    I'm not a pro but 250mg e3.5days seems fine. I don't know if you couldn't put on more mass naturally but your bodyfat %age sure is low enough. You should check some of the forum's educational threads, like the 'how to execute a first cycle' one. Lots of valuable information there that will help you with things like PCT and what to have on hand if things don't go as expected during your cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    hampton bays ny
    Quote Originally Posted by whodeysay View Post
    Thanks for your input Jay. Just trying to get the dosage down. Either 350mg once a week or should I go to 250mg twice a week?
    Again first cycle and not trying to go all out and turn into the Hulk.
    Been using on and off for 25 yrs 1cc a week of 350 will work good I've used a dozen of the 5 ester 350 sust it works great

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014
    When using a mix like this your serum levels will be more consistent the more often you pin. E3D-ED will keep serum levels highest and any fluctuation in levels will minimized. Also, expect to get PIP when using a concentration that high on your first cycle.

  10. #10
    Thanks for the advice Jay. Will check out the thread and continue to learn.

  11. #11
    Jusinowa, thanks for your input. Would you just do one shot of 350 a week or would you break it down to 175ml twice a week? Just curious about the faster acting esters and if it will keep things more stable.

  12. #12
    Thanks Numbere, was thinking every 3.5days would be more sufficient to keep things more stable.

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