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Thread: Second Cycle Test E and Anavar Requesting Critique

  1. #1
    half natural's Avatar
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    Second Cycle Test E and Anavar Requesting Critique

    Hi Guys,

    I am seeking suggestions for improvement of my plan below for my 2nd Cycle.

    Thanks in advance my iron brothers

    Age: 27
    Current Weight: 87.0kg
    Highest Weight On Cycle: 92.0kg
    Height: 6'2.
    Bodyfat: 8-9%
    Total Time Since Last Day of PCT: 17Weeks

    .................................................. .................................................. ................................................

    Previous Cycle (First)
    Weeks 1 - 13............Test Prop.........525mg.....PW
    Weeks 3 - 13............HCG ................250iu.......E3.5D

    Weeks 2 - 13............Arimidex ..........25mg......EOD
    Weeks 1 -13.............NAC.................1200mg..ED

    Chlomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    Peptides: Ipamorellin, IGF1-LR3, MOD-GRF29.
    Testosterone Boosters: (D Aspartic Acid 3mg a day + Arimistane and other Tribulus Based Test Boosters)

    .................................................. .................................................. ................................................

    Next Cycle Plan

    Weeks 1 - 16............Test E.........500mg......Per Week
    Weeks 9 - 16............Anavar ........100mg.......ED
    Weeks 7 - 16............HCG............250iu.......E3.5D

    Weeks 1 - 18............Arimidex...........0.25mg.....EOD
    Weeks 1 -13.............NAC.................1200mg..ED (1800mg ED during Anavar Use)

    Chlomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

    .................................................. .................................................. ................................................


    1. Run VAR first and last 4 weeks allowing 8 weeks off VAR during the cycle?
      Run VAR first/last 8 weeks?

    .................................................. .................................................. ................................................

    Additional Info:

    Only have 5000iu HCG on hand hence planned last 10weeks at 500iu/week.

    .................................................. .................................................. ................................................

    Kind Regards,

    Half Natty

    POST EDIT 2: UPPED PCT TO NACH3's Suggestion from previous CHLOMID/NOLVA First 2 weeks from 75/50 to 100/50 and 40/20 to 40/40 and placed 8 weeks Anavar in the last 8weeks of the cycle
    Last edited by half natural; 06-26-2014 at 08:31 PM.

  2. #2
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    I wouldn't suggest running the var for 10 weeks, I would pick either the beginning or the end. No more than 8 weeks. I like it in the beginning myself. If it's ugl var I would run at 100ed, 50 every 12 hrs. IMO it works better for me this way.

  3. #3
    half natural's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    I wouldn't suggest running the var for 10 weeks, I would pick either the beginning or the end. No more than 8 weeks. I like it in the beginning myself. If it's ugl var I would run at 100ed, 50 every 12 hrs. IMO it works better for me this way.
    Thank you PPWC for your help. So I gather you suggested 8 weeks for safety on the liver? I was considering 10weeks at 70 first 5 and last 5 weeks. But will go with your suggestion of 100mg for first 8 weeks unless anyone else chimes in with suggestions. I am hoping it will be pharma grade, (not in hand yet).

  4. #4
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by half natural
    Thank you PPWC for your help. So I gather you suggested 8 weeks for safety on the liver? I was considering 10weeks at 70 first 5 and last 5 weeks. But will go with your suggestion of 100mg for first 8 weeks unless anyone else chimes in with suggestions. I am hoping it will be pharma grade, (not in hand yet).
    yes on the liver. Doubt very seriously it will be Pharm., If it is you won't need more than 50mg. Var is the most faked gear, most of the time it is winny or dbol or a combo of both.

  5. #5
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Var is a 19-nor steroid . It is tough on HPTA. Treat it just like other 19-nors and end use 2 weeks before end of cycle if you are not a TrT patient. This expedites turning back on the family jewels.

    As a rule of thumb it takes 45 days for deca to stop suppressing natural testosterone (this was from a single 50 mg injection). This test was done with NPP and the same results were recorded. There is no reason to think Anavar is any different.

    Safely using orals requires blood work. Liver tests will show you how much of an impact the substance is having on your body. I just took bloodwork at the 4 week point on cycle (being cautious) and the liver reports are exactly the same test + anavar as they were with test alone. I will restest at the 8 week point to see how they are impacting my lipids and liver totals.

    Reading around many people do orals for longer than 8-weeks. These are vets and they monitor their blood work constantly. If you are not going to do bloods 8 week is the rule of thumb.
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  6. #6
    rplante7's Avatar
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    Anavar is a17-alpha alkylated steroid

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Var is the most faked gear, most of the time it is winny or dbol or a combo of both.
    If your muscles cramp up like crazy on 100 mg daily, pulling tight and locking up, is that a good indication that it is real anavar ?

  8. #8
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Which is a direct derivative of 19-nor
    Quote Originally Posted by rplante7 View Post
    Anavar is a17-alpha alkylated steroid

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Anavar is not a 19-Nor and does not need to be treated as one. It is not tough on the hpta, likely one of the least impactful, just like Halo. Nothing compared to Deca , not even remotely close.
    NACH3 likes this.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    Var is a 19-nor steroid . It is tough on HPTA. Treat it just like other 19-nors and end use 2 weeks before end of cycle if you are not a TrT patient. This expedites turning back on the family jewels.

    As a rule of thumb it takes 45 days for deca to stop suppressing natural testosterone (this was from a single 50 mg injection). This test was done with NPP and the same results were recorded. There is no reason to think Anavar is any different.

    Safely using orals requires blood work. Liver tests will show you how much of an impact the substance is having on your body. I just took bloodwork at the 4 week point on cycle (being cautious) and the liver reports are exactly the same test + anavar as they were with test alone. I will restest at the 8 week point to see how they are impacting my lipids and liver totals.

    Reading around many people do orals for longer than 8-weeks. These are vets and they monitor their blood work constantly. If you are not going to do bloods 8 week is the rule of thumb.
    Half Natural,(nice name bro)lol - makes sense!!

    IMO, i would take the var at the End of your cycle due to the fact that your BF% is 8-9% already, therefore taking it at the end of your cycle you'll have that dry Shredded A-- look... I did the same in the cycle I'm currently on...(Prop-525mg wkly/Primo-700mg wkly/& introduced the Anavar in wk 6(@ 60mg ed; from wks 6-9) then upped dose to 80-100mg ed(from wks 9 thru 12)!!!

    And my reasoning for stating to take it at the end b/c my BF% b4 cycle was 10.9% @ 164lbs(5'10")/and now BF% is between 7.8 to 8-8.2% now at 181 lbs.... And I only ran it for 6 wks!!!

    Your DIET & TRAINING seems spot on, too! I think that's pretty obvious with your BF% and your height to weight(191.5lbs)... I'd also, try and gain a lil more weighting this cycle(so eat over your TDEE about 500 calories if you can in the beginning of the cyc... This way by taking the var for 8 wks at the end will serve it's purpose better IMO... And it will cut you up real nice plus adding a great deal of strength, too!

    PCT - for 16 wks(is a long time to be shut down) might want to look into this but IMO - I would do.... Clomid - 100/50/50/50 & The Nolva - 40/40/20/20.... Just a suggestion...

    Good luck as everything looks pretty damn good, my man!!

  11. #11
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    Var is a 19-nor steroid . It is tough on HPTA. Treat it just like other 19-nors and end use 2 weeks before end of cycle if you are not a TrT patient. This expedites turning back on the family jewels.

    As a rule of thumb it takes 45 days for deca to stop suppressing natural testosterone (this was from a single 50 mg injection). This test was done with NPP and the same results were recorded. There is no reason to think Anavar is any different.

    Safely using orals requires blood work. Liver tests will show you how much of an impact the substance is having on your body. I just took bloodwork at the 4 week point on cycle (being cautious) and the liver reports are exactly the same test + anavar as they were with test alone. I will restest at the 8 week point to see how they are impacting my lipids and liver totals.

    Reading around many people do orals for longer than 8-weeks. These are vets and they monitor their blood work constantly. If you are not going to do bloods 8 week is the rule of thumb.
    Anavar is not a 19-nor steroid nor is it 'tough' on the HPTA. Yes it's suppressive, as all steroids are, but it is nowhere near as suppressive as other compounds.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Half Natural,(nice name bro)lol - makes sense!!
    NACH3, Thanks for your input bro and it sounds like you made really good gains from your cycle well done mate I have upped the PCT and moved the var towards the end of the cycle. It also makes sense anyway as summer is not here yet lol. However it is a long cycle. My last cycle my blood pressure was getting pretty high just from Test p after about week 11, hopefully it stays in check this time long enough to finish this cycle. Thanks for noticing! I am counting my macros on my fitness pal. My TDEE is around 3200 a day. Will be aiming for a 5-800cal surplus up until around week 12, then i plan to drop it around maintenance and I should be leaned up nicely by the end of the cycle.
    Last edited by half natural; 06-26-2014 at 05:58 PM.

  13. #13
    DrewZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by half natural View Post
    Weeks 3 - 16............Arimidex...........25mg.....EOD
    I'm sure this is a typo, as it would be extremely expensive to run this much Arimidex and it would also CRUSH your E2.
    Arimidex you want to start at 0.25mg not 25mg.
    If you mean't Aromasin then you start at 12.5mg to 25mg ED.

    Also you want to start your AI right away not on week 3, and you want to run it until you start PCT.
    Last edited by DrewZ; 06-26-2014 at 07:10 PM.

  14. #14
    half natural's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrewZ View Post
    I'm sure this is a typo, as it would be extremely expensive to run this much Arimidex and it would also CRUSH your E2.
    Arimidex you want to start at 0.25mg not 25mg.
    If you mean't Aromasin then you start at 12.5mg to 25mg ED.

    Also you want to start your AI right away not on week 3, and you want to run it until you start PCT.
    Thanks DrewZ

    Have fixed the typo and set Arimidex to start on week one.

  15. #15
    epixs is offline New Member
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    Hey, just wondering is there a reason you're running test for 4 months instead of the usual 12-8 week cycles?

  16. #16
    half natural's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epixs
    Hey, just wondering is there a reason you're running test for 4 months instead of the usual 12-8 week cycles?

    I am thinking Recovery shouldn't be much harder than a 12 week cycle, and it takes a few weeks for the test E to build up so I want to run it longer. I have been off for far long enough and am looking forward to being on for longer anyway.

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