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  1. #1
    asher32 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014

    TEST Prop & TREN Ace Pre-Contest Cycle Questions.

    Hey guys, long time reader but first time posting so I will try and come correct. Haha.

    STATS:25, 5'10", 186Lbs. (On stage), 6%BF. 4 Cycles under my belt but all have been done for bulking so this is new territory for me.

    DIET: 2200 Cals. 220g Protein/75g Carbs/120g Fat, 2 Gallons of water avg.

    STORY: I came in to my last comp at 6% bf but found that wasn't quite low enough or maybe I just don't wear 6% very well, regardless my coach and I have discussed a 6-8 week Tren Ace/Test Prop cycle.


    Test-P 350 mg/wk ED injections
    Tren-A 350 mg/wk ED injections
    Cabergoline .25mg E4D (Stop before PCT)
    Arimidex .25mg EOD (Stop before PCT)

    (3 Days after last jab)
    Clomid: 150/150/100/50
    Silva 40/40/20/10

    How do the dosages look? Also being as I'm going to be going into contest still on cycle is there anything I should be prepared for?

  2. #2
    asher32 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014
    Also thinking about adding in masteron ... anybody?

  3. #3
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Masteron would gives a good fat loss boost while giving you a grainy/more vascular and solid look.

    Tren /test/mast is often used for comp.

    Imo it would be a good addition.
    And your cycle looks good.

  4. #4
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    Exactly what I am running now, just at a much higher dose.

    6%Bf < mad respect

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